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Should we worry about bombs in Pattaya ?


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You can bet Walking and the Beach are littered with plainclothes coppers by now….they do have a very good network among the moto guys as well.


However hard to detect of the informers are the very ones laying the bombs….who knows…..this is definitely insider work…not folks arriving from the south.


The good part is: a bomb going off at 8am on beach road will not get any farangs….as they are all passed out at that hour. :whistling::gigglem:


Its really hard to watch for a homemade explosive concealed in a food sellers cart or a parked scooter.



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1 hour ago, Lantern said:

Frightening when you think just how easy it would be to plant something under those buildings that are built over the water on the West side of Walking Street.

Is it not frightening when you think you might get run over by the, drunk, drugged, stupid, un-trained or don't care driver/rider in/on their vehicle?

Because there is more chance of that happening to you

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Nowhere is safe anymore. So we all have two choices. One, we stay at home and never go out. Two, we just get on with our lives, try to remain vigilant and hope we are not one of the unlucky ones who is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

If not, that's absurd.

While there is an obvious Thai political implication to attacks in Hua Hin, these were more general attacks in beach tourism areas and Hua Hin is NOT in South Thailand.

So anyone that doesn't see that Pattaya is a strong potential target of the same forces is being a silly ostrich. 

I'm not suggesting that people change their behavior. That's a personal decision. Certainly panicking doesn't help anybody. But to deny the threat is irrational. 

All that I can think of that people can do is to report any suspicious activity that looks like people planting bombs ... left packages, etc. 


Not so much sarcasm as lampooning the Chicken Littles, I would guess.


" But to deny the threat is irrational.  "


Denying or accepting the threat is really irrelevant if you've already decided not to change your behavior and not to panic  ... although some of the posts on TV suggest panicking is a favored strategy for many.


Making an undocumented and broad generalization, Americans seem to be the first to elevate the threat level  to the hysterical plateau in any situation and irrationally run around in circles worrying about their personal safety  (and yes, I am an American).  One of the less attractive characteristics of many of my fellow Americans. 


If you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, having denied or accepted the threat potential won't matter. And you won't win any points later by saying "I told you so." 




Should we worry 

If it makes you happy, sure. Otherwise, what's the point?

Edited by Suradit69
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6 minutes ago, Caps said:

Is it not frightening when you think you might get run over by the, drunk, drugged, stupid, un-trained or don't care driver/rider in/on their vehicle?

Because there is more chance of that happening to you


Are you not in charge of your faculties that you can avoid them ?


You cannot avoid a hidden device that is going to catch you unawares

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Nobody here has suggested anyone panic.

I certainly haven't. 

Anyone that reads my posts that way hasn't read my posts.

Of course if you alter your life much out of concern of terrorists, the terrorists have won.

But face reality, in some ways they've already won, which you'll notice when taking an airplane.

Be aware. Be reasonable. Realize that, of course, your chances of being killed crossing local streets is much higher than being a victim of a terrorist attack.

But don't be a fool either that the threat isn't there.

At least being aware, some people may be more prone to report suspicious activity, etc.

I'll ignore the American bashing. Predictable and boring. 

Edited by Jingthing
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They have beefed up security at the big shopping center closest to walking street (forgot the name). I came on my scooter and had to open the seat and top box, which under the circumstances is fine with me. Car drivers had to open the trunk and they checked under them with a mirror.

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1 hour ago, onemorechang said:


Oh well

My post was not directed at you,   its just the way it is,  when multiple people post

at the same time.

But ok.

This is why,  you have nothing to fear.

Pattaya,     No one will care if it goes down here.

People from Thailand and the rest of the world look down there noses at pattaya.

it just don't make good news,   does it.

Other places give better news results. 


BTW  Nice to see the same posters as last time

on a thread like this ,     telling  you all to hide under the covers.

What happened last time,    big nothing in Pattaya.

so you were all wrong






In speaking to someone who knows about this issue, and target selection in particular, they said that yes, Pattaya is always a potential target.


As others have indicated, Walking Street would be the first location they would look at. It has a high concentration of tourists, convoluted movement of people, many nooks and crannies to hide explosives, difficult to police and limited effectiveness of CCTV sight lines with all the disorganized and close proximity foot traffic, numerous escape routes and ease of access to major roads very close by.


Beach Road has fewer of the above listed traits so it is less likely a target but still a potential one anyway.


It is not true that an attack in Pattaya would not make news. It has nothing to do with the any potential stigma (looking down their nose, as you wrote). That's irrelevant. It has to do with damage, body count, and nationalities of the people who were attacked.


I would avoid Walking Street for a bit. Soi Bokhao is a potential target as well, although much less likely than Walking Street.


It's not paranoid to be cautious. There are other options besides hiding indoors. Like maybe avoid WS for a bit. You can find whores anywhere in Pattaya so you won't have to sacrifice your beloved whoring activities by being cautious and skipping WS. Besides, you're rolling the dice with your life on WS with the girls anyway. But that's a different post.

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1 hour ago, Lantern said:

Frightening when you think just how easy it would be to plant something under those buildings that are built over the water on the West side of Walking Street.


There are a number of restaurants in buildings over the water in Hua Hin, if the bombers wanted to make that type of statement it could have been done in Hua Hin. Hua hin was part of the statement.

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Just now, craigt3365 said:

The Thai news is reporting for people to be on the lookout for suspicious activities here in Pattaya.  Just hit the news.

As well they should.

Anyone with common sense would already realize that just based on recent news in multiple locations in Thailand.


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23 minutes ago, guzzi850m2 said:

Car drivers had to open the trunk and they checked under them with a mirror.


This always happens after a terror threat or bomb in Thailand ,  they use the mirror under my car every time I visit Central . After 2 weeks back to normal . So anyone who wants to carry a bomb inside central , just wait 2 weeks..... 

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Today 4 people died in bomb explosions in Thailand. Tragic. I fell sorry for their relatives as well as their  friends.  Also the 20 or so injured.


Many posters have referred to risks on the road. Depending on the source, if today is an average day, between 65 and 80 people will die on the roads of Thailand (I haven't bothered to go into numbers of injured on the roads).  Yet the roads of Thailand are packed whereas the streets of Hua Hin are deserted.


Of course location is a factor, but we do not need to bring panic to the streets of Pattaya (yet).  A sense of perspective needs to be maintained.


Be alert, but get on with life.



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31 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Nobody here has suggested anyone panic.

I certainly haven't. 

Anyone that reads my posts that way hasn't read my posts.

Of course if you alter your life much out of concern of terrorists, the terrorists have won.

But face reality, in some ways they've already won, which you'll notice when taking an airplane.

Be aware. Be reasonable. Realize that, of course, your chances of being killed crossing local streets is much higher than being a victim of a terrorist attack.

But don't be a fool either that the threat isn't there.

At least being aware, some people may be more prone to report suspicious activity, etc.

I'll ignore the American bashing. Predictable and boring. 

@Jingthing  I quite agree with what you say in red has been pretty much the case for years not just in Thailand but all over. I lived in London in the eighties when we had bombings, I  was working in London on 7/7, and like almost everyone on this forum, I fly and have lost count of the number of ways that various "crazies" have impinged on our lives. Obviously there are risks in many places but one can either buckle under and stop living or take a sensible awareness of the issues and just be cautious. Forums like this and the media help us to decide "is the risk vs reward too great for me today?"

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What concerns me is posters who depict images in their posts of political candidates and discuss terror.


Most Elites copywrite their brands and images for good reason.


If you haven't gotten their permission in time someone will turn you in and don't be surprised if you receive a cease-and-desist letter from their attorney or worse depending on content posted.


The more you discuss terror, the more copy cats surface.


The real concern should be a currency re-set, and devaluations in some countries with big bank failures. Stock, bond markets, pension funds, and real estate bubbles crashing, hyperinflation and financial collapse in parts of the world. This will affect everyone to some degree.


Not forgetting WW3, military exercises worldwide and war drums accelerating.


If you say it will never happen, think again. Some of it is happening now and it all will accelerate. 


Enjoy your savings and life now as stress is approaching everyone in the near future.


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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Interesting theory.

It seems you're saying because Pattaya is associated with sex tourism, that terrorists seeking to spook international tourists from visiting Thailand for what I assume is internal political motivations, will give it a pass.

You forget that Pattaya is the largest beach resort in Asia and that most of the tourism business here has nothing to do with sex tourism.

Oh well!


I'm not predicting anything, either way.

Just saying the OBVIOUS.

That Pattaya is an obvious potential target for different flavors of terrorists.

Just because it hasn't been hit yet, doesn't mean it won't be.

Hopefully, not, but hope has little to do with this.

Amazing, but I agree with what you said :)

I don't think we should be making actual suggestions of where to bomb Pattaya. The people that did the other ones may not be familiar with the good areas to destroy.

However, I would be avoiding areas where lots of people gather on the streets.

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I think a lot of the nochalent posters may not be of the age where they can remember bombing atrocities in Belfast, Omagh, Londonderry, Newry, London, Brighton and Manchester to name a few, so the actual realization of the consequences cannot sink in. I bet the residents of Paris have a different attitude these days and nonchalence is certainly not a word  in their vocabulary any more.

could Pattaya be a potential target ? I think that's a given, will an incident occur there ? Who knows, but let's take a closer look at facts.

today is a special day in the Thai calendar, all of these explosions took place in a 12 hour time frame, the explosions were relatively small, but had the desired effect to maim and create fear.

up until now, no more explosions have taken place, and let's hope it stays that way, however if they should start up again, then I would be extremely aware if I was in Pattaya


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2 hours ago, dcnx said:


Bali is a pretty large beach destination. They have detonated a few bombs there in tourist hot spots. High body count.


Anything is possible. Just takes the right whack job to make it happen. But if tourists are what they are after, Pattaya should be high on their list, especially night time. A well placed bomb on Walking Streetz or inside a disco, could do serious damage with a very high body count.

I hope none of the terrorists are reading this, it will sure give them ideas.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

You can bet Walking and the Beach are littered with plainclothes coppers by now….they do have a very good network among the moto guys as well.


However hard to detect of the informers are the very ones laying the bombs….who knows…..this is definitely insider work…not folks arriving from the south.


The good part is: a bomb going off at 8am on beach road will not get any farangs….as they are all passed out at that hour. :whistling::gigglem:


Its really hard to watch for a homemade explosive concealed in a food sellers cart or a parked scooter.




The good part is: a bomb going off at 8am on beach road will not get any farangs….as they are all passed out at that hour.


I'm not.

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It's been pointed out that all the targets voted heavily yes in the recent referendum.

How did Chonburi province vote?

Of course there are many Isaan people here but I think most are registered to vote in their home provinces.

On the other hand, perhaps, just perhaps, the Isaan flavor of Pattaya might be a reducing factor in a Pattaya bombing risk, assuming as many have already, this is about internal Thai politics, not international Jihad, and not South Thailand separatist either. 

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1 hour ago, Global Guy said:


In speaking to someone who knows about this issue, and target selection in particular, they said that yes, Pattaya is always a potential target.


As others have indicated, Walking Street would be the first location they would look at. It has a high concentration of tourists, convoluted movement of people, many nooks and crannies to hide explosives, difficult to police and limited effectiveness of CCTV sight lines with all the disorganized and close proximity foot traffic, numerous escape routes and ease of access to major roads very close by.


Beach Road has fewer of the above listed traits so it is less likely a target but still a potential one anyway.


It is not true that an attack in Pattaya would not make news. It has nothing to do with the any potential stigma (looking down their nose, as you wrote). That's irrelevant. It has to do with damage, body count, and nationalities of the people who were attacked.


I would avoid Walking Street for a bit. Soi Bokhao is a potential target as well, although much less likely than Walking Street.


It's not paranoid to be cautious. There are other options besides hiding indoors. Like maybe avoid WS for a bit. You can find whores anywhere in Pattaya so you won't have to sacrifice your beloved whoring activities by being cautious and skipping WS. Besides, you're rolling the dice with your life on WS with the girls anyway. But that's a different post.

The girls?? Don't you mean the doormen?

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