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British/Thai actress who killed cop "drink driving and incoherent" after fleeing accident at Bangkok pub


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Just now, transam said:



Just now, transam said:


OH, thank you transam, if that is the case I had suck fish head way back in 1991 when I crossed the border from Malaysia to Golok on way to Hatyai, I forgot to stamp my passport , I was sleeping in the bus when everyone was getting off the bus to stamp their passports. It was my unlucky day, the immigration police refused my bribe (I was flabbergasted) he refused my money (can't believe it).

So they put me in the Narathiwat police lockup because I was arrested near there during the immigration road block near that area. 2 nights in the lock up because I was arrested on Saturday no court case on Sunday until Monday I was taken to see the Magistrate. That Fish head dinner was expensive, 2,000 baht.

Police lockup have no bed no mattress, just sleep on the cement floor and use my luggage as a pillow. It wasn't a prison, it was a district police jail.

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3 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Will she have to attend another Nun training program?


does thailand even have a systematic progressive disciplinary program for drunk driving?


and why do people incorrectly keep saying drink driving?

because only north amercan english calls it drunk driving.

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6 hours ago, YetAnother said:

i fail to understand this practice here; crimes are violations of the overall criminal code; they are violations of a society's rules; they are violations against all of us; dropping that case because the parties agreed on money ?!

Basically she goes to criminal court, the family of the victim make a statement saying they forgive her and believe she deserves a second chance, she vows to do religious stuff, the court says she is obviously lady of good character and hands her the minimum sentence which for death through negligence is nothing and she walks free to do it again. 

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6 hours ago, Prbkk said:

Of course it's not nice to see someone with serious alcohol issues. She needs help ( in her own interests as well as the wider community). She's not going to get that help in a system in which all is forgiven and forgotten in exchange for cash and in which the FB/Soaps addicts will continue to grovel at the feet of these so-called hiso types, tugging the forelock as they kneel. Awful.

There we go again "she needs help" (Surprised you didn't say "not punishment" as well!)

She needs to be made aware that breaking the law has consequences that can not be brushed under the carpet by a suitable donation of money and a short spell as a "monk"!

Edited by sambum
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Was she born in Thailand?

if so it should have read: Thai/British

The wording implies that she is British born and to me, points the finger at the Brit's being the bad guys.

She's actually born In Cyprus.

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4 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:



Those thinking that this will ever change really need to get off their bar-stools and learn about Thai history and culture.


Bashing our keyboards about it is simply no use, however better it makes us feel having a vent.


Money number one. 

 And if you and everyone else think and act like that, then yes, things will never change.


But things should and can change, and only when Thais themselves lead the way by saying "enough is enough," then there's a possibility.


BTW, the difference between the current system of payoffs vs getting sent to jail is one of deterrence. When some hi-so or celebrity runs over and kills someone, they pay their way out and are free to do again.  But if the same person gets sent to jail and has their driver's license revoked, they won't be so quick to go out for another drunk driving binge.


That's one of the reasons that actual legal/court punishment serves a purpose in society, not to mention likewise serving as a deterrence to all the other drunken boobs out there who see the example being set one way or the other --  drunken killers walking free, or drunken killers getting sent to prison.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Why is she not in jail after killing a cop ? That was in 2015 , in any other civilized country she would not be allowed driving again for many years.




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cant condone her actions, but seems to me the misogyny here is strong.

are you lot angry she was let off the first time or just dislike her because she has money or a vagina?


be interesting to find out when many of the upstanding citizens of thai visa last drove home shitfaced. 

im guessing plenty of hypocrisy  would be revealed.  

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cant condone her actions, but seems to me the misogyny here is strong.

are you lot angry she was let off the first time or just dislike her because she has money or a vagina?
be interesting to find out when many of the upstanding citizens of thai visa last drove home shitfaced. 

im guessing plenty of hypocrisy  would be revealed.  

You're right, it's unbelievable how many 'haters' you can find here, people that probably never tasted a beer in their life and never drove a car after a beer...

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8 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

cant condone her actions, but seems to me the misogyny here is strong.

are you lot angry she was let off the first time or just dislike her because she has money or a vagina?


be interesting to find out when many of the upstanding citizens of thai visa last drove home shitfaced. 

im guessing plenty of hypocrisy  would be revealed.  

The difference being that if "the upstanding citizens of thai visa" killed a cop while driving home shitfaced, they wouldn't be in a position to be able to drive home shitfaced a couple of years later! (Unless of course, you are Thai and connected to a certain energy drink manufacturing company)

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2 minutes ago, MekkOne said:


You're right, it's unbelievable how many 'haters' you can find here, people that probably never tasted a beer in their life and never drove a car after a beer...

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Oh dear....Think you should keep up with this ladies adventures before you think about posting....:stoner:

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6 minutes ago, MekkOne said:


If you call 'the mirror' press...

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you're right, it's on par with the Daily Express but i still read both for a laugh but i even things out with the Telegraph,BBC, Independant and der Spiegel

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Alcohol does play trick with the brain of some.  MOST? There are no studies on this? It might be used as an excuse, but to deny that it does, is denying reality. I don;'t speak Thai, but she acts like someone whose brain is not functioning on all cylinders or malfunctioning, in other words.

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32 minutes ago, MekkOne said:


36 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

cant condone her actions, but seems to me the misogyny here is strong.

are you lot angry she was let off the first time or just dislike her because she has money or a vagina?


be interesting to find out when many of the upstanding citizens of thai visa last drove home shitfaced. 

im guessing plenty of hypocrisy  would be revealed.  

You're right, it's unbelievable how many 'haters' you can find here, people that probably never tasted a beer in their life and never drove a car after a beer...

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Perhaps there are a number of 'hypocrites' on thaivisa.com who drive under the influence - but they too would face similar comments from many of us. Particularly after killing someone, then a follow up second infraction showing a fragrant disregard from the law and safety of anyone else around them.


As others have pointed out, this lady has issues, but it isn't an alcohol issue, first and foremost its a 'couldn't give a <deleted> about anyone else' issue... it is this with which most posters object, money or being a female doesn't really come in to it until she uses these to escape legal recourse. 





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3 minutes ago, sambum said:

The difference being that if "the upstanding citizens of thai visa" killed a cop while driving home shitfaced, they wouldn't be in a position to be able to drive home shitfaced a couple of years later!

Trying to answer your question here about whether I'm angry is she has money or a vagina? I think the answer is she had a vagina first and then she had money therefore I'm really not angry at all as this is the normal course and most accept her behavior under these rules. 

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Perhaps there are a number of 'hypocrites' on there who driver under the influence - but they too would face similar comments from many of us. Particularly after killing someone, then a follow up second infraction showing a fragrant disregard from the law and safety of anyone else around them.
As others have pointed out, this lady has issues, but it isn't an alcohol issue, first and foremost its a 'couldn't give a $%UK about anyone else issue'... it is this with which most posters have issue, nothing to do with money or being a female, the money only permitted her to get away with her actions. 

I don't know in your country, but in my country a parking lot (where she was stopped) is a private property and it's not as a open public road so no crime was committed as the article says, nobody yet report of an accident except the pub staff (apparently she must have hit an abandoned car). In another video there is a guy of the staff that says that she arrived at 10PM or 11PM... An actress is in your pub and you don't even notice at what time she has arrived? I doubt she was actually drunk or under the effect of some drugs, she was just probably pissed because of all the people that were taking pictures and video of her...

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20 minutes ago, balo said:

Why is she not in jail after killing a cop ? That was in 2015 , in any other civilized country she would not be allowed driving again for many years.




You nearly answered your own question Balo; "in any other civilized country"

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2 minutes ago, MekkOne said:


I don't know in your country, but in my country a parking lot (where she was stopped) is a private property and it's not as a open public road so no crime was committed as the article says, nobody yet report of an accident except the pub staff (apparently she must have hit an abandoned car). In another video there is a guy of the staff that says that she arrived at 10PM or 11PM... An actress is in your pub and you don't even notice at what time she has arrived? I doubt she was actually drunk or under the effect of some drugs, she was just probably pissed because of all the people that were taking pictures and video of her...

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She was tested by the police and found to be over the limit.

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