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High blood pressure


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Hi all, I’ve been feeling a little dizzy and wobbly on my feet for the last few days. Put it down to the heat, I walk and swim.so I went into Boots Pattaya and had my pressure monitored  there, and it was  15/9 , surprise, mine is usually 12. I do take Losartan 50 mg a day, but have had this only once before, which is why the dr put me on  Losartan. meds. I’m a 65 lady  rarely drink, don’t smoke, eat healthy. I waited an hour, then went to the boots upstairs ( central festival) and tried again, just in case, as I end to get anxious. And there it was 16/9. Oops. I go for yearly check ups in France. Now I’m wondering if this is very dangerous, and what to do ? I think I’ll call my dr in France , and maybe I ought to go to a hospital in Pattaya and get it checked out ? Any suggestions on where to go ,I’ve been once to the Memorial, which I didn’t find very good, and then to Pattaya international, where at least it was very clean and I spoke to a specialist for a small kidney stone problem I’d had a few years back. I try not to panic as it makes it worse I think, but I’d like some sensible advice please. Ps, going back to France in 2 weeks. Thanks.pps, should I get a monitor too ? I have one at home but forgot it. 

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I would be suspicious of the accuracy of the results at Boots. 


#1) Go to local hospital and get checked.


I would also buy a monitor as sometimes hard to get real accurate reading when under stress at office.


What about high sodium foods ? In Thailand this is a given. Perhaps try adding a low dose diuretic to your Losartan if pressure remains elevated but doctors will recommend something..but if sodium intake is the cause short term they might recommend increasing Losartan which might not be the best option.

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YEs, left  out the  Zero. I did phone my cardiologist and he told me to take’ an extra Losartan 50. I’ll buy a monitor today and check’twice Daily. I’ll be very careful’ with the salt. Would’anyone Recommend going to a local hospital, to see whom, and which hospital please ? I’m going home in two  weeks. Or just wait a week and see how it goes ?

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5 minutes ago, geisha said:

Or just wait a week and see how it goes ?

If your home monitoring shows everything OK then waiting is not an issue.. But if still elevated after doubling Losartan then check other things. Ankles not swelling?  Urinating normally?  If your dizzy symptoms continue I would not wait however.  If you have a cardiologist then assume you have existing heart issues so be careful 

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Rather than go to boots surely local hospital would be better .

Myself I used to go to bumrungrad for a annual health check at nearly 20K.

Then changed to a local clinic, however this and many other local clinics have closed down.

So now I am looking round the ladproaw area for a simple health check...

Glucose and blood pressure .

If anyone knows any please post

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22 minutes ago, geisha said:

I’ll be very careful’ with the salt.


That would be misguided.  Salt has been unfairly demonised.  In a recent trial of 2,632 adults, those who consumed less than 2500 mg sodium/day had higher blood pressure than those who consumed more.




The situation is undoubtedly complex, and genetic factors almost certainly come into play. 


Just consume a normal and make sure you keep up your potassium (which, putting it non-scientifically, balances the effects of sodium).  Perhaps take a couple of bananas daily by mouth.

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39 minutes ago, Apiwan2 said:

So now I am looking round the ladproaw area for a simple health check...

Glucose and blood pressure .


Pathlab is reliable, cheap and has a branch on Lat Phrao.


They don't list HBA1c on their website, but they do offer it.  Don't think they do blood pressure, though.





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Pathlab is reliable, cheap and has a branch on Lat Phrao.
They don't list HBA1c on their website, but they do offer it.  Don't think they do blood pressure, though.

Thanks mate , just down the road from me

Much Appreciated

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13 hours ago, tonray said:

I would be suspicious of the accuracy of the results at Boots. 

A fair and valid comment that is correct regardless of where the test is done, whenever I visit a hospital mine is elevated


Personally best way machine at home, if high lie down for half an hour and retest, you will generally be happily surprised


Do not become obsessed with testing if you feel ok maybe do not do


Most machine have memory so history can also be viewed and trend the important thing

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OP - if these readings are accurate, they are higher than one would desire but not an imminent danger.  But there is no telling how accurate the machine used was plus anxiety can raise the BP further...as can pain or other physical problems.


You should either buy a a home BP monitor and check it at home for several days or go to a hospital and have it checked there, but be wary of :"white coat syndrome" (BP elevated by eh anxiety associated with being in a hospital) and also insist they actually take your pressure with an old fashioned cuff as, sorry to say, the machines at hospitals here are often not correctly calibrated.


For the BP numbers only, as long as they do nto go up higher (i.e. bottom number 100 or above) it can likely wait till you get home. HOWEVER these levels are unlikely to account for your dizziness. If that persists I suggest you see a cardiologist. But before doing that, make sure you are properly hydrated as simple dehydration and electrolyte imbalance could account for this and you mention having been sweating a lot. Coconut juice or electrolyte drinks are good - you can get sachets of orange flavored electrolyte powders at any 7-11. You can tell if you are adequately hydrated by your urine - if you are well hydrated it will be light in color and frequent, if you are urinating infrequently and urine darker than usual you need more fluids.


If well hydrated but still feeling light-headed/wobbly better see a cardiologist. This one trained in USA and has been recommended by other TV members:







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23 minutes ago, Moo71 said:

Do not become obsessed with testing if you feel ok maybe do not do


That is frankly terrible advice.  High blood pressure is referred to as "the silent killer" simply because it is asymptomatic, well, asymptomatic that is until you have a stroke.


Strokes are the #3 cause of death in Thailand, after cancer and heart disease.

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1 hour ago, geisha said:

YEs, left  out the  Zero. I did phone my cardiologist and he told me to take’ an extra Losartan 50. I’ll buy a monitor today and check’twice Daily. I’ll be very careful’ with the salt. Would’anyone Recommend going to a local hospital, to see whom, and which hospital please ? I’m going home in two  weeks. Or just wait a week and see how it goes ?

My visits to Bangkok International Hospital in Pattaya found the nurses using  auto BP machines that were constantly giving erratic results. My advice is to spend and buy a very good quality machine and then check your own over time. Try early morning before you get out of bed, then during the day, and again at night before bed.  Sit down, calm down and then take it. Take it at least 3 times in one sitting and average the results. Try to avoid coffee an hour before your check. Don't get too bunched if you find high reading's every now and again,  but take an average over say 3 days as the most accurate indicator.  Wait and see.  Its not that desperately high, so my advice is not to worry. 

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3 minutes ago, Oxx said:


That is frankly terrible advice.  High blood pressure is referred to as "the silent killer" simply because it is asymptomatic, well, asymptomatic that is until you have a stroke.


Strokes are the #3 cause of death in Thailand, after cancer and heart disease.

Correct. In addition, OP is not feeling OK - she is experiencing light-headedness  and generally feels unwell which is why she checked her BP to begin with.


Ihat said, the BP reading she quotes - if accurate - is not in itself cause for immediate alarm but would require further monitoring and, if persisting, medication adjustment. Certainly should nto be ignored.


The most immediate concern for her is the reason for her symptoms - could be as simple as excess fluid/electrolyte loss but could also signal something more.



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You need to go & have a FULL blood scope & a ECG

Then your Doc should give you a BP monitor to wear for 24 hrs (this gives them an idea of your fluctuations )

Ok your on Losatan

In my case I had roughly the same BP as you & Auss doc gave me Caduet 10/20 (Simvastatin /Amlodipine)

After time it still didn't really improve & anther Full blood scope ended up with me being given Fenofibrate

Further along the track work picked up that I had a BP of 140/90 (no good for them ) so back of to Doc to do all the above again

That resulted in being prescribed Clandastatin Cillexil (Todesaar ) a Blood vessel relaxant 


Now BP is 130/85

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20 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

You need to go & have a FULL blood scope & a ECG

Then your Doc should give you a BP monitor to wear for 24 hrs (this gives them an idea of your fluctuations )

Ok your on Losatan

In my case I had roughly the same BP as you & Auss doc gave me Caduet 10/20 (Simvastatin /Amlodipine)

After time it still didn't really improve & anther Full blood scope ended up with me being given Fenofibrate

Further along the track work picked up that I had a BP of 140/90 (no good for them ) so back of to Doc to do all the above again

That resulted in being prescribed Clandastatin Cillexil (Todesaar ) a Blood vessel relaxant 


Now BP is 130/85

You are right, in so much as it works for you.  I am no doctor, but I do know my own body. Before I relocated to LOS, I was on all kinds of shitty meds. I didn't feel any better, worse if anything.  Determined not to spend my life shovelling pills,  I lost weight, got fit and started to watch what I eat and drink.  I am now off all meds and my average BP is the same as yours.  I also feel fit and healthy. Haven't had a cold or any medical issues for over 2 years now and at 65 years old, that not a  bad thing at all.   It's horses for courses and Doctors  don't know everything.  They try to treat everyone as the same human machine , instead of understanding the individual.  They dont have time for that, nor the inclination.  What they don't know  would fill far more books than ones on what they do know.  I would not say to anyone to ignore the doctor, or the published advice, its up to them to find their own way.   

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2 hours ago, geisha said:

YEs, left  out the  Zero. I did phone my cardiologist and he told me to take’ an extra Losartan 50. I’ll buy a monitor today and check’twice Daily. I’ll be very careful’ with the salt. Would’anyone Recommend going to a local hospital, to see whom, and which hospital please ? I’m going home in two  weeks. Or just wait a week and see how it goes ?

I was wondering about that. On instructions I measured my blood pressure at home once a day for two months. After taking medicaments (Zanidip) for a month my results came down to a slightly high but acceptable (I'm 70) range, average 129/78, recently even lower.

I found out that sitting down in a relaxed place for 20 minutes, both feet on the floor, back on the chair, would reduce my initial reading from about 150 to 130. I didn't cheat, I would then take two more measurements about 10 minutes apart to make sure I had done correctly. 

So 'going upstairs to Boots' isn't necessarily the best way to measure. I bought a BP kit on Lazada, ฿550.-, does the job.

Knowing what I do now, I wouldn't recommend a hospital unless my BP was unusually high. 

Dizziness is another matter though and could have all sorts of causes.

You might want to go for a blood test sometime, but read up on any medicine they recommend you before you start, I decided that my cholesterol levels were normal for my age but I do go once a year.


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Not sure how long the lady posting the question has been in Thailand.

Salt levels cannot be considered 'a normal level' here in Thailand plus there is the added generous toppings of MSG.

Overall diet is always useful to consider along with stress etc. 

I have had multiple TIA's and strokes since 2012, the initial trigger ( apart from genetic causes which I don't know as I was adopted ) for the first attack was burnout at work.

I have high BP on waking but still don't know why.    It does drop after my very early morning walk.

Hope the lady finds an answer and enjoys her time back in France.


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Thank you all and especially Sheryl for once again excellant advice. I bought a HOF BP at Fascino , very good pharmacy in Pattaya and good English spoken. ( 1990B  FYI ) They set it up’and took my BP , it was down to 135/ 70, probably due to the extra 50 mg Losartan I took, and because I felt comfortable with the staff there. So now I’ll take my BP as said above and see. I am just wondering if a double dose is not a bit much, and i should try 25mg tonight ( half a tablet that I can cut ,as I took’ the 50 mg this   morning) . I don’t suppose it would be a big problem changing the dosage of 50mg to 100mg ( only done once in 24 hrs)then down to 75 mg . ?? I know you can’t play around with this but just worrying that 100 mg will be too much ? I’m going home in 2 weeks. Thanks all. 

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50 - 100 is the normal dosage range so 100mg is not too much unless your BP drops too much or other adverse effect. Otherwise, if your BP is in good range and you feel well, don't worry. Plenty of people take 100mg daily on a permanent basis.


Has the light-headedness improved?


It is true that Thai food is seriously loaded with sodium, plus there are stresses involved in being in a foreign country, so it might happen that once back home things settle down and you can again go back to the prior dose, but of course be guided by what your doctor says.

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48 minutes ago, geisha said:

Thank you all and especially Sheryl for once again excellant advice. I bought a HOF BP at Fascino , very good pharmacy in Pattaya and good English spoken. ( 1990B  FYI ) They set it up’and took my BP , it was down to 135/ 70, probably due to the extra 50 mg Losartan I took, and because I felt comfortable with the staff there. So now I’ll take my BP as said above and see. I am just wondering if a double dose is not a bit much, and i should try 25mg tonight ( half a tablet that I can cut ,as I took’ the 50 mg this   morning) . I don’t suppose it would be a big problem changing the dosage of 50mg to 100mg ( only done once in 24 hrs)then down to 75 mg . ?? I know you can’t play around with this but just worrying that 100 mg will be too much ? I’m going home in 2 weeks. Thanks all. 

Whatever may or may not be the problem, you seem to be getting yourself into a right old pickle over it all, and that can't be helping. You sound stressed out and when you start messing with your prescribed med dose, that will only lead to more confusion in your mind . 

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Thank you Sheryl, yes, I’m feeling a bit better now. I also think it’s stress that’s not helping. At 6 pm I had 14/7 and at 9pm 13/7. I hadn’t yet taken the second 50mg but feel much reassured and will do now. I’ll continue monitoring my BP  . Yes mommysboy , I do tend to get myself in  a pickle over my health when I’m not at home. I’ve had three bad incidents here over 3/4 years, à very first diverticulitis  flame up, a small kidney stone passing, and an attack by two guys on a motorbike that knocked me over and bruised my face , ribs and knees. I think that has all contributed to making me a bit panicked when something’s not  right, I’ll get over it and it won’t stop me coming here or elsewhere.

thanks again’.

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I thought dizziness was a sign of blood pressure being too low, rather than too high.


My father had trouble with MSG  - he had several incidents where he got quite light headed after eating Chinese food, and once he passed out. So I know that can be a cause of light-headedness.


And dehydration is another thing that causes dizziness/lightheadedness.


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2 hours ago, jerry921 said:

My father had trouble with MSG  - he had several incidents where he got quite light headed after eating Chinese food, and once he passed out. So I know that can be a cause of light-headedness.


Stop demonising MSG.  There is no hard scientific evidence that MSG causes any side effects.  It's a natural compound found in many foods such as Parmesan and Roquefort cheeses, seaweeds, Marmite, mushrooms, miso paste, anchovies, ham, sardines, grape juice, kimchee, tomatoes, clams, peas, oysters, squid and sweetcorn, to mention just a few.


Your father may have had an adverse response to some other ingredient of Chinese food, but it most certainly wasn't to MSG.


People shouldn't deprive themselves of something that makes food taste great simply because some scientifically ignorant nutters have decided (in the absence of all evidence) that it's not good for you.

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Purely my own experience but worth mentioning.

I had coronary bypass surgery last year.  For the following past year my BP hovered between 130-145/70-85.  I'm 74 y.o.

I'm taking Valsartin, Clopidogrel, HCT, & a daily 81mg aspirin.  I try to walk at least one km./day but remain 15kg overweight.

I was a serious sugar junkie; 3 tsp. in a cup of coffee serious;  sweets, soda, ice cream, ect.


Three months ago, I basically eliminated added sugar:  that is, no added sugar in coffee, no sweets or ice cream but not so far as reading every label and eliminating all foods containing sugar...the moderate approach.


Since eliminating added sugar, my daily BP has dropped 15-20 points, now 110-125/60-70.

Nothing else in my diet/lifestyle has changed, same meds, same dosages, same living environment.

I can't help but surmise that eliminating added sugar has played an important role in this BP reduction but I can't prove it and I have no intention of evangelizing over "Demon Sugar".

It's just worth thinking about if your BP is higher than you wish it to be. 

Edited by dddave
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Totally agree with you dddave. I never over indulge in sweet foods and am generally careful with everything I eat since having diverticulitis and a very small ( but very painful) kidney stone. So I reviewed my whole diet , eating less dairy yogurts etc, ( I ate tooo much!) no added salt, no fat foods. I spoil myself with an ice cream once a month’and enjoy the occasional glass of good red wine. Just to add,  I’ve added a 25mg daily dose of Losartan and my BP is normal and maybe feeling better. Which means I’m taking 75 mg total a day, which isn’t a lot. My doctor in France did tell me over the phone to take a whole extra 50mg, but I was afraid it would be too much for me to double my normal dose. Anyhow, I’m home in two weeks so I’ll have a good general check up. Glad you are getting on well too. 

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31 minutes ago, dddave said:

I can't help but surmise that eliminating added sugar has played an important role in this BP reduction but I can't prove it and I have no intention of evangelizing over "Demon Sugar"



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