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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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3 minutes ago, fangless said:

Announcements at the Nudists' Ball:


Mr and Mrs Gleebits and their son, Dan

Mr and Mrs Snockers and beautiful daughter, Norma

Mr and Mrs Talia and their daughter, Jenny

Mr and Mrs Jarse and their son, Hugh


.The above were read out by’
Mr and Mrs Clocknews, and their daughter, Nina


   What were they announcing ?

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A homeless man walks up to a swanky restaurant
He says to the Maitre D' 'I'm sorry to bother you but I'm homeless and haven't eaten all day. The smell of food from your kitchen is amazing, would I be able to have dinner here tonight for free?'


Moved though he is, the Maitre D' replies that he is sorry and he can't give out free food. 'But', replies the man, 'what if I show you something truly incredible - something you've never seen before'. Curious at the originality of the offer the Maitre D' agrees, at which point the homeless man pulls out a tiny hamster and a miniature piano and places them on his hand. At a nod the hamster sits at the instrument and starts to play. Amazed, and being a man of his word, the Maitre D' ushers the homeless man inside and takes his order.


Half way through the meal the homeless man beckons the Maitre D' over and says 'this food is delicious, but what would go really well with it would be a bottle of wine - would you indulge me if I were to show you another truly incredible spectacle?'. Assured of the man's ability to produce the remarkable the Maitre D' agrees and the homeless man pulls out the hamster and piano from one pocket and from the other a small frog. The hamster sits at the piano and starts up a tune, at which point the frog bursts into song.


The performance lasts a few minutes and by the end the Maitre D' is rushing off to grab the most expensive bottle he can find for the homeless man. While he is away from the table a rich businessman leans over and says to the homeless man 'That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! I'll give you £100,000 for the pair of them'. The homeless man furrows his brow in thought and though he looks tempted he eventually says to the businessman 'I'm sorry, that's a lot of money but these amazing creatures are my livelihood - I simply can't part with them'. Not to be deterred the businessman replies 'Okay I understand - but what about £200,000 for just the frog?' Considering the offer the homeless man agrees, they make the exchange and the businessman leaves.


Upon returning to the table and hearing of the deal the Maitre D' is incredulous. 'Why did you make this deal sir? A talking frog is totally unheard of - you could have made millions from it! What on earth compelled you to part with it. Finishing his meal the homeless man stands up and says to the Maitre D' -


 'Oh don't worry, the hamster's a ventriloquist'

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A very rich businessman asked his small son what he would like for Christmas. 
“A baby brother please,” he replied. 
“I’m sorry, son, there’s not enough time, it’s only 3 weeks to Christmas.” 

“Well, can’t you put more men on the job?” the son suggested. 

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One day while on night traffic surveillance out in the country lanes, a policeman flags down a car for speeding.

As he walks up to the car he sees it is being driven by a beautiful brunette. 
“Excuse me, Miss, did you not see the signs, this is a 30 mph zone and you were going at least 40 mph. May I see your licence and insurance please?” 

“Oh dear,” replies the dizzy girl. Do you mean these, officer?” and she hands him some documents from her bag. 
“That’s right, Miss, won’t be a moment”, and with that he walks over to his car to radio in the details. 
“I think I know this woman,” comes the reply, “is she a dizzy brunette?” 
“Yes, why?” 
“Just go back over and take your trousers down.” 
“What are you talking about?” says the policeman in amazement. 
“Don’t worry, just do as I say, it’ll be fine.” 

So the policeman returns to the woman’s car, hands back her documents and drops his trousers. 


“Oh wow,” she replies, “not another breathalyser test.” 

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Just to prove it is not all about Blond/Brunette putdowns;


A naïve young man found himself in the wrong part of town late at night, and got attacked by a gang of muggers. He put up a terrific fight but was eventually overcome and lay bleeding on the ground. When the muggers went through his pockets, all they found was a handful of loose change. 
“You went through all that just to protect a few coins?” they asked amazed. 

“Oh I see,” said the man. “For a while I thought you were after the £500 hidden in my shoe.” 

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A man is out on his first date with a woman who is sex mad. 
On the way home, she lures him into the park and urges him to make love to her time and time again. Eventually, he’s so knackered, he tells her he’s just going to walk around and have a quiet smoke. As he does so, he bumps into a man coming home from the pub and he gets a great idea. 

“Listen, mate,” he says. “My girlfriend over there is so hot, she’s worn me out. If I give you my gold watch, will you take over from me for a while?” 
The man agrees and disappears into the dark undergrowth. 

Five minutes go by, when suddenly the park ranger appears and shines his torch on the passionate couple. 
“Now what have we here?” he says. 
“Just making love to my wife” comes the reply. 
“Well, can’t you do that at home?” 

“But I didn’t know it was my wife until you shone the torch on us.” 

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