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Trump widens demands in wall standoff, threatens Mexico border closure


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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

How about the environmental impact of 400 miles of a wall?


Evidently, the negative impact on the environment would be disastrous. Lucky for Trump's supporters their President doesn't give a toss about the environment.





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19 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

No, the story hasn't ended there, as the Pres is now blaming Democrats for the death of two migrant kids on the border. You really can't make this sh!t up! 



No surprises there. Narcissists believe they are perfect and everything bad is anyone else’s fault.

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32 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Only seems odd if you’ve swallowed the Trump lie that the Democrats do not support border security.


The bill Trump refused to sign provided significant funding for border security and had bi-partisan support.


The government shutdown is Trump’s choice.


The refusal to accept funding for border security was Trump’s choice.

That's incorrect.

It passed in the house, because the Republicans still have a majority, but, it wouldn't have got through the Senate because it needed 60 votes. Some Democrats needed to endorse it. None did.

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9 hours ago, sirineou said:

excellent answer:clap2:too bad trampers will not get it.


9 hours ago, sirineou said:

What would a concrete wall  along the southern border symbolise? 

It would be a permanent monument to trump... more recognizable than trump towers.... visible from space, even.


trump has a narrcistic bent, franchising his name, plastering on what ever he can. Trump tower, trump university, trump steak, trump this, trump that.


i say this in consideration of the fact that one of the most famous walls, is Hadrians wall... which bears the emporer Hadrians name.


other examples of man made barriers from the motherland include the Antonine wall and Offas dike, although..... if trump gets his way, the “Wailing Wall” might be appropriate. ????

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1 hour ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

That's incorrect.

It passed in the house, because the Republicans still have a majority, but, it wouldn't have got through the Senate because it needed 60 votes. Some Democrats needed to endorse it. None did.

That’s interesting..... but perhaps not that correct... unless this piece is completely wrong in saying that the senate unanimously passed the continuation bill






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9 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

Come on. You're not serious are you? Carry a 30ft ladder through rugged terrain or carry in the parts and assemble next to the wall? That's a significant physical operation with high chance of being detected. And then, of course, is the issue of getting down the other side ...


Look, ain't nobody saying a wall is foolproof. But it is a major deterrent and, more importantly, a force multiplier for the security system, manned and automated, already in place.

Rope ladder anyone?


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4 hours ago, farcanell said:

other examples of man made barriers from the motherland include the Antonine wall and Offas dike, although..... if trump gets his way, the “Wailing Wall” might be appropriate.

He would probably try to make Offa Dike an offer, to stay quiet during his re-election campaign...

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On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 7:18 AM, Zombies said:


Visa overstayers are not the same as illegal aliens that cross the southern border unvetted, and the other side of the argument is the drugs, crime, human trafficking, child abuse, that comes almost exclusively through our porous southern border. 

So how is he going to close the border without his wall then?

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Trump claims there’s a 10-foot wall around the Obamas’ D.C. home. He is wrong.

"Trump’s assertion came as a surprise to two of the Obamas' neighbors Monday, who told The Washington Post that there is no such wall. The 8,200-square-foot structure, despite several security features, is completely visible from the street."



Those neighbors just don't get it. It's an invisible wall. How about if Congress and Trump agree to create a similar invisible structure for the southern border. It could be called "The Emperor's New Wall" 

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Whatever and however the form of a physical barrier might be that will satisfy Trump in a budget bill that he would approve, there's a certainty that Democrats will not agree : no budget without Trump concessions to the Democrat agenda.

Thus far, all of Trump's so-called negotiations focus on physical border security. Trump's negotiations have been all about what the Democrats must concede to get a budget bill signed by Trump. He refuses to include in the negotiations any concessions. It's a one-way transactional negotiation, a winner take all. There must be a winner (Trump) and loser (Democrats).

Trump rejects the idea that while he must protect his political base, the Democrats do not - yet not yet grasping reality that the Democrat base has now given them majority in the House and that base wants concessions from Trump such as immigration reform. 



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Trump's wall is not about border security: it's about division and polarization. These things he does well and depends on for political survival. After his election, people thought he would play the traditional role that most President's do, which is bring factions together. He doubled down on his caustic division and pandering to the 35% to keep this base intact that got him elected. 


Not a political endorsement, but Beta O'Rourke put together a concise 1 minute video on twitter yesterday that sums it up:



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Yes, why the stubborn obsession with the metaphor wall?

It isn't pretty.




The walls around Trump are crumbling. Evangelicals may be his last resort.

Why does President Trump continue to keep the government shut down over his demand for a border wall, when large majorities oppose it? The most obvious answer is that he senses his long-term political survival depends on keeping his wall-adoring base behind him as his legal travails mount.

What is more interesting, though, is that the core of that base support may grow increasingly dependent on the white evangelical Christians who continue fervently supporting Trump no matter what he says and does.




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