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Brexit bedlam - May's EU divorce deal crushed by 230 votes in parliament


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Whatever your personal views are on Brexit, can we not agree that by abandoning the democratic system to reward the team that had the biggest foot-stamping meltdown is not a good step? This is all way bigger than just Brexit, the future of democracy lies at stake here.
Haha thailand will become democratic soon and the UK is about to lose theirs [emoji108][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
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27 minutes ago, nauseus said:


He has a point, mind you. The Brexit Ultras are desperately scrabbling around for a new message while supporting TM while trying to discredit her while keeping the party together while wanting to keep any Hard Brexit fallout away from themselves. That is a pretty tall order...

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16 hours ago, keemapoot said:

Sometimes democracy is not all it's cracked up to be. Especially when the result is a crash and burn brexit that hobbles generations of Britons, and results in serious diminution of the country, its economy and status.

A BREXIT will leave Brittany in a state like Greece. With the difference that Greece is still in the EU. My apologize if that sounded harsh.

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12 minutes ago, Enki said:

80% of the people who voted pro BREXIT did it "just for fun", "despite", "to kick the establishment into the balls" etc. If you don't know that ... why are you pro BREXIT?

There was nothing "democratic" in the BREXIT. It was a non binding referendum, how can you behave as if you are a british and not know that?

If you want to have binding referendums then the first thing should be to change the laws behind it. That would be democratic. But except for Swiss, no one had the guts to do that,s o far.


Then again: if a million flies eat shit, the shit must be tasty, right? Ok, you are pro BREXIT ... but after two and half year: why did you not change your mind? Sitting in Thailand, cut up from the news? If that is the case: why do you care? BREXIT *already* is a disaster for UK. If you have not realized that, I wonder how you are able to click the right buttons in the browser and type coherent text. Are you a Russian payed BREXIT troll?


Honestly, if an educated british guy in public claims he is pro BREXIT, I only see two options: 

a) he is payed by foreign forces

b) he should be put into an institution for mental illness



No, I cannot agree. Well OK, to kick the Establishment in the balls? Well deserved and who can blame them?

But their rightful anger has been cleverly diverted away from the real cause of their woes - the UK Government - and towards a rather more convenient target, the EU.

Vent your anger against the Press Barons and Hedge Funds who have done a good job of persuading good people to be angry and hate, so that they can profit.

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1 hour ago, baboon said:

He has a point, mind you. The Brexit Ultras are desperately scrabbling around for a new message while supporting TM while trying to discredit her while keeping the party together while wanting to keep any Hard Brexit fallout away from themselves. That is a pretty tall order...

Has a point? Like a prick?

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1 hour ago, madmen said:

Haha thailand will become democratic soon and the UK is about to lose theirs emoji108.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png

lets hope the govt can get the economy to perform as well what the junta did for thailand's economy,i seem to remember tunisia,libya,iraq and egypt gaining democracy,didnt do them much good tho????

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2 hours ago, Enki said:

A BREXIT will leave Brittany in a state like Greece. With the difference that Greece is still in the EU. My apologize if that sounded harsh.

Not necessary, you're correct. The French must be very careful now. ????

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13 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

The brexit nonsense has cost me personally estimated 100,000 pounds of lost Value on assets. The UK can push their brexit in their own back, where it is dark.

Perhaps as a typical Selfish remoaner, you can share with us how that can be.

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13 hours ago, rixalex said:

Because staying in the EU guarantees no unemployment?

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Perhaps you can convince the Greeks,Italians and the Spanish,because they don’t think so, especially the young unemployed, who can see their unemployment rate reach 50%.




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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

That’s exactly what has occurred over the last 40yrs, when we were lied to and conned,into voting for what we thought was a trading group called the EEC.

If people today are worried in which direction our masters in Brussels, have taken us. The future, these tin pot Bureaucrats have planned for us in this so called Union, will terrify them.





in what way has being in the EU made you a slave,please explain,ive asked you 2 or 3 times before and you have not replied,come on tell the BMs in what way they upset you,ive never been affected by them in way in 50 years of life in the UK,

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7 hours ago, nauseus said:

Her sense of duty to whom I would have to ask?


And duty is not necessarily the same as honour.


Apart from that she can't dance worth a sh1t.

It's about not running away in the middle of an issue ... she will not leave like Cameron. 

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57 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Perhaps as a typical Selfish remoaner, you can share with us how that can be.

You call the other poster selfish,he states brexit has cost him £100k,i think the cost even before its happened has cost the UK £billions,the estimate was £1500 per adult and growing,so are 40 odd million adults being a little selfish

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53 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

If you do not realise that EU desperately needs Britain then you do not understand why Britain has always lead in true democracy in Europe.

Not just the billions that Britain has pumped into this flop of a true democracy

All the EU commentary on forums is to try to make the UK to stay.

That means UK is now in a position to create change. Britain always has been independent. Britain always leads in democracy.

Britain is now in a position to create democratic change. Britain now holds a trump (no capitals please) card.

The unelected EU monsters that run the EU need to have the cash flow dummy removed from their mouths.

Why should any country have unelected unconstitutional laws imposed on them. Time to stop kowtowing

to extremists on law, migration, humour, economics, and freedom to be a democratic country in your own right.

 Hold out GB. EU has too much to lose if you leave.

Great if you like listening to religious nuts.

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

So bribing the DUP keeps the CONs in power! Let's see reunification soon!



not quite,


DUP not supporting May would offer, 306 - 315 (DUP has 10 votes?)


those 315 being? Tory + ???



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1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

If you do not realise that EU desperately needs Britain then you do not understand why Britain has always lead in true democracy in Europe.

Not just the billions that Britain has pumped into this flop of a true democracy

All the EU commentary on forums is to try to make the UK to stay.

That means UK is now in a position to create change. Britain always has been independent. Britain always leads in democracy.

Britain is now in a position to create democratic change. Britain now holds a trump (no capitals please) card.

The unelected EU monsters that run the EU need to have the cash flow dummy removed from their mouths.

Why should any country have unelected unconstitutional laws imposed on them. Time to stop kowtowing

to extremists on law, migration, humour, economics, and freedom to be a democratic country in your own right.

 Hold out GB. EU has too much to lose if you leave.

more comments about how the EU needs the UK,its one thing to offer us the chance to stay but i can guarantee you it will not be effected once we leave,i would say the USA has needed us more than the EU ever did,we were stupid enough to back and follow them into expensive illegal wars,the wiser EU nations rarely bothered.one has to think if germany was not in the EU would the vote of been different,i think so

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47 minutes ago, tebee said:

So after this resounding victory for May - 


Are we all going to get behind her and accept her plan?

things may change


Barnier signals that he might be willing to alter the deal


Signals from Germany and France indicates they might accept pushing forward exit date by 1 year



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8 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Please keep up. It is just another deal now without a majority. Dream on if you think it will sit there at the end as the default.

I said if they do nothing the default will be to exit without a deal and this is correct. Doing a deal prior to the exit is optional.


Right now they're doing nothing, if they keep this up the clock will run out on this and we will exit on 'exit day'.


I'm sure they will all join together to prevent this default exit and there will be no agreed deal by this time, they will then amend the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 which states that we will leave the EU on 'exit day' which is defined as 29th March, 2019 at 11pm.


Sit back and watch them amend the above act to delay the exit day well beyond the upcoming European Parliament elections which are at the end of May and start it all over again.


I believe the political landscape in the European Parliament will drastically change this year.


It's worth noting that the higher 'presidential' positions are also up for grabs later this year.

Edited by ukrules
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