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For better or worse? Expats think Thailand is going down the pan, poll


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1 minute ago, bowerboy said:

but if you got into a relationship with someone that already has children in the Thai education system then in my opinion that is a different story.

So do tell me what that story is.

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24 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Then you would need to define 'the best chance in life'.

And my son will never have his 'best chance' in the tyrannical gynocracy that is the west. 

I want him to be happy, have his own house, an attractive wife that will love him and not divorce rape him, and children.

As such his best chance is in Thailand as a bilingual English/Thai speaker.

There's nobody speaking Thai in my household, so he needs to go to a 100% Thai speaking school.

I've always found the 'big city' Thai government schools to be fairly reasonable, the rural schools are a disaster.


As my current daughter is 20 and at university now, I've just agreed to take in a new Thai daughter, 8 years old, she'll be a nice companion for my 7 year old son.

Sorry Mate.


"As such his best chance is in Thailand as a bilingual English/Thai speaker"


That couldn't be any further from the truth.


Speaking English gets you no where if you cannot read and write fluently; and even then you are certainly not going to make enough to buy a house, car, etc. with only that skill.





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10 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:

Manners & Respect.

Your mommy obviously never taught you either.

Mr Culturally Dead here has to get his comments in on the "daft & ridiculous local customs such as wai-ing" on a thread discussing is the country going down the pan.

No it is not, but the quality of expats certainly is.

Jesus wept.

Bye bye... Hurry back now y'hear?





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8 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Thailand is not a "third world country". It is a medium income newly industrialized country with all the issues that accompany recent industrialization.

Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Does Thailand have a Space Program

Manufacture their own brand of cars sold round the world

Manufacture their own motorbikes sold round the world

Build their own commercial aircraft

Build their own big screen tv's, phones, or IPADS

What exact industrialization are you talking about?


Do you mean being the working class factory slaves for Japan, China and South Korea?


Why is it that every large scale project in Thailand is managed and funded by China and Japan? Is that industrialization?

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6 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

If you think a Thai education is anywhere near as valuable as a UK education, you have been living in Thailand way to long.


You just don't get it.


We had our son enrolled at https://ptis.ac.th/  for over 10 years (Be sure to check out the tuition cost)


When we moved to the USA, he was 1 year behind his age group.


Consequently, he will graduate from High School in May of this year with a 3.9 GPA, a bucket full of scholarships and a choice to go to numerous Universities and Colleges. 3 fluent languages including English, Thai and Spanish.


He will graduate from college, perhaps keep going for a Masters Degree and he won't be earning 15,000 thb a month when he is finished.


He will be able to live a good life and not worry about stupid things like spending 1000 baht.


People tend to lose track of reality and make up stories when the real answer is they cannot afford it or have no avenues?


Why are all the rich and corrupt Hi-So's sending their kids abroad to school if Thai schools provide a valuable education?


Because they know what you don't want to admit?


A Thai education is completely worthless outside of Thailand and the average salary of Thai graduates across the board will never be enough



Many of us here with kids are near or at retirement age. Educating my daughter in the states is doable but would be required to sell property which brings in rent money. Beyond that it's my opinion that life in Thailand will be much more fulfilling than living in the rat race in the US. Education at an English Program school here in Thailand gives her the essential tools to prosper later. International School is not out of the question once I stop working and can be home full time, hopefully end of this year.

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21 hours ago, Booboo101 said:

Thailand has always had problems and always will, but aren't people forgetting the reason they came here in the first place, most of Europe is on the verge of bankruptcy, over run with migrants and crime, as for the U.K., my old Country, were just a laughing stock, you have to work yourself to death just to pay your mortgage off and spend most of the year in damp cold wet weather.

As for prices, I have a nice pool villa, no mortgage, my electric is 1,500 a month, water 80 baht,  1,000 a month on diesel and my lunch every day is 60 baht, I don’t know anywhere in the world I could live like this !

Research Thailand Financial Crisis 1997.

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On 1/25/2019 at 9:44 AM, HuskerDo said:

Seems like many want Thailand to have everything they had "back home" just 50% cheaper. People who chose to move there also have the choice to return home or move elsewhere. If people are unhappy then fix it or quit complaining. Thailand is it's own country and they do things their way. You have to accept that fact. You don't have to agree with how they do things but you have to accept it. Who cares about Netflix when there is so much to experience outside of your home. The wealth gap is huge everywhere. Thailand doesn't have any worse issues than other countries.

You are correct.

Each one of us owes it to ourselves and our families to provide the best quality of life, no matter where in the world that happens to be.


Not everyone will have the same opportunities, however, whatever opportunity you have, make the best of it.

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On 1/25/2019 at 9:17 AM, Rod the Sod said:

Oh come on...broaden that small mind a tad why don't you? Here are ten off the top of my head reasons:


1. Asia is growing and alive whilst Europe is dying on its feet and the US, well, work it out yourself. By the time they have no state workers and are all walled in (having made enemies with every country in the world including their allies) the US is less attractive - sorry US TVers ????

2. Weather is better for aching limbs and arthritis sufferers and anyone who likes warmth on their backs.

3. Bangkok - great variety of shopping, food, venues etc.

4. Generally good BTS and MRT systems.

5. Many many things cheaper and there is always the internet for others.

6. Good hub for global travel.

7. Good food and so much choice.

8. As a retirement Visa holder with no income coming into Thailand, zero tax world-wide (UK citizen). I bought my "appreciating" condo on the back of that alone. Good luck those that chose rental...

9. Generally speaking, nice people (lots of agendas we know, but tell me a country without....?).

10. No need for B & P thanks, lovely Indonesian wife, but appreciate the constant never ending and delightful eye candy. Don't recall that in Braintree!!



3. Great pollution in Bangkok. Must be a joy to have to wear a mask just to get out of the house!

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On 1/25/2019 at 6:32 AM, moe666 said:

Since the day I signed up on Thai visa there has always been a number of folks who have lamented the passing of Thailand as the place to be. The saying at that time was another nail in the coffin, well it is still here and kicking. Yes, not as inexpensive now as it was a few years ago but still ok. I just came back from a trip in the states just about any meal for me and the wife was 20.00 dollars and up depending what we were having here we can get by on 10.00 for two of us. Prices in the states double what they are here. Sorry boys if the fire in the kitchen is getting too hot get out and the lines at immigration should go down

You have to wonder about people that make constant comparisons to prices in the USA and Thailand?


The cost of Thai street food is going to be super cheap compared to eating at a steakhouse in the USA


Overall, for the price and quality of what you are eating, there is NO comparison.


Who wants to live life "GETTING BY" on 10.00 for two of us?


Prices in the States double who cares if you can afford it.


Compare a comparable meal from Sizzler in Thailand to the USA, then tell me exactly how much cheaper it is?


I am not going to spend my life barely getting by on 10 baht.


No, no and no Thanks!

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On 1/25/2019 at 9:12 PM, Fairynuff said:

Which branch of McD in London allows you to pay in USD? As far as I know the local currency in London is the £.

Too true. I live in London and am not aware of anything being sold in USDs in that city.


But many Americans arrogantly assume that readers of this forums are either Americans themselves or are automatically aware of the value of the USD against the TB, the GBP, the Euro or the A$ exchange rate when most of us don't have a clue nor do we really care what it is. They might just as well be quoting in Japanese Yen.


It often does not occur to them that by putting prices in baht the rest of us will instantly know what the value or price of the item in question actually is thereby making things easier for everyone.

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37 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Build their own big screen tv's, phones, or IPADS

Nor does the USA.

China & Korea does it for them.

39 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

Do you mean being the working class factory slaves for Japan, China and South Korea?

Do you mean being a factory slave for USA Big Corp?


There is a helluva lot more to life than having a piece of paper saying i passed 4 years of Uni-life.

I know 3 self made millionaires in the UK.

All 3 left school at 15 or 16.

One could not read & write and the other was dyslexic.

I'm not saying don't get the best education you can afford, but there is life beyond having a good grade and a happy healthy lifestyle with good people and family around you is as important as money in the bank.
You just have to look at a lot of super wealthy people who cannot buy happiness.

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On 1/25/2019 at 9:31 PM, Rod the Sod said:

You missed the many many millions of emerging affluent classes in every Asian country.....not sure there are so many in the Old World.

Skilled Tradesmen, members of the legal profession and junior doctors can no longer expect to be able to afford to buy even a small, modest house in London.


I bought my house back in 1979 when I was on roughly the average wage in the UK. You'd need to be earning around 7 times the average wage in the UK to buy the same house today. Impossible.


I dunno about every Asian country but there is very little affluence  among the working people of the UK in this day and age.


It's probably similar in most other Western countries if the truth was known.


We've seen footage of former home owners reduced to living in tents in the USA, said to be the richest country in the world!

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4 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

I read page one and 44&45 of this topic and had enough.


Yesterday we went to Sizzler's (3 persons), the bill was just over 1000 baht. My wife have a Sizzler membership card so we saved over 200baht.


Last year I was back in Denmark for the first time in 14 years, and were one day out for dinner with 2 dear old friends and the bill was app 1500kr (app 7200 Baht), okay we shared a bottle of red wine but still. In DK you better like doing your own cooking or you will be ruined very quickly. In Thailand my wife often go out and buy food for eating home for the 3 of us and it's around 500 baht (5 different items + rice for 4 persons (my son eats 2X rice).

Edit: Forgot to add: Twice a month we buy imported steaks at BiC+ for app 800-1000 baht for the 3 of us; delicious imported ones from New Zealand or Australia and for New years evening I spend 1200 baht (total) for US steaks which off-course also was also delicious.


The 1st or 2 days in DK the weather was fine but then it turned into crap and I felt cold (in August month).


I was a happy dude when I was on the plane back HOME to Thailand.

Guzzi - How is the quality of the steak you buy in Thailand (via NZ and/or Australia)?

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