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New retirement extension rules forces expat, 90, to leave Thailand


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3 minutes ago, peterb17 said:

Personally I have a suspicion the whole income letter fiasco was do with Americans- all they had to is stand there ( lie through their teeth) and declare an income. No checks whatsoever. 

At the British embassy they required copies of your bank statements and income letter clearly stated that the information was supported by bank statements 


Of course I may be wrong , but I doubt it. I think you are correct- it’s always the few rotten apples that make things more difficult for the rest of us. 

The U.S. wasn't/isn't the only embassy not requiring documents to back up.

In my opinion at the very least the U.S. should have continued providing embassy letters based on showing income statements of GOVERNMENT pensions. Some people were making abstract claims such as calling IRA withdrawals income when they're really not. But if the U.S. embassy still issued letters based on pensions, even with most of them being under 65K monthly, then Americans could still do combo applications. As it stands now combo applications without embassy letters appear that they are being rejected. 

Edited by Jingthing
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2 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


That's pretty harsh.


Don't believe everything that's written in that tone. It's the ones who are on their way out due to the latest changes who have the bitterest taste in their mouths.


However, the old mantra should always apply; never invest more into Thailand than you're prepared to walk away from. I certainly wouldn't buy a condo here. The goalposts move over time too, so try not to become overly dependent on this country in case they become unattainable or unacceptable to you.

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9 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Does anyone get a STATE PENSION that is near 65K now thee Bhts overvalued.?.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

I didn't get it before the Baht became over valued ????

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6 hours ago, Briggsy said:

Absolute maudlin rubbish.

It may be maudlin, but what special information do you have to suggest that it's rubbish? If none, you're simply being nasty - presumably for the pleasure of it.


I'm sure that there will be many more like this unfortunate fellow. I wish him good luck with whatever comes next.

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All countries particular Western ones where most retired come from have rough conditions and requirements to give visas to foreigners.   I wonder why some think it should not be the case for Thais to do same.    Anyone honest should not be bothered by stopping the cheating to obtain visas through these agents by falsifying bank documents etc...


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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I'm not disagreeing with you on that at all. It's obvious. I am saying Thailand's system has developed from not so good to bloody onerous and even hazardous. People really should look elsewhere at this point for their own self protection. 

Well I can agree with you on that. I'm not being forced to leave or going the emotional route of moaning about being unloved and unwanted.


The changes have been a major pain the a$$ to me at a point in my life when my love of surprises has become almost nonexistent and flexibility is not one of my charming characteristics. 


Not sure whether I lay the blame on the embassies or if they were under increased pressure from immigrations. Obviously immigrations and the embassies were aware of the claims that many people were not playing by the rules. How extensive that really was and whether these changes were reasonable responses is debatable. 


I did did make one change that I had been putting off. I had expected/hoped to eventually die in my bed in my condo, but health issues have meant that rosy scenario isn't likely. I do think this turmoil will put some downward pressure on condo prices. So I sold my condo and moved in with me "my Thai family" in a house east of Sukhumvit. Not a direct consequence of immigrations changes, but that may have been the push I needed. Still intend to stay in Thailand though.







Edited by Suradit69
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Just now, high plane drifter said:

In a very near future Thailand will be begging us to come back to Thailand  ,That is within 4 years from now.


Please tell the TVF members who you mean by saying "US"?


I think you may be dreaming of a future event that never occurs.

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11 minutes ago, Sonhia said:

Poor fella. How much did he spend/loose/ was cheated out of, during his duration within Thailand? My guess a hell of a lot more than a Thai of his age group.


Most, not all, Thais are very good at sweet talking, honey potting, giving the impression all is good, easy and well when it comes to dealing with falang, but the truth is most falang are simply cheated and in general not welcome or liked at all.


For a nation to accept the many handouts over decades to then bite the many hands that have fed them is dispicable. They should step back and take a close look at themselves...It takes just a glance to see the way in which they live. Disgusting.


What about falang fathers with dependants or falang husbands?


Giving foreigners false impressions by means of extortion is an obvious slap in the face and in my opinion a disgrace.


Thailand transliterated simply means land of the free, but for many falang who have resided within the Kingdom, they know far too well the real truths: Visa's, lost properties and soooo on, with no or very little support from the authorities, not unless money is offered up in some or most cases.


I have dependants but sadly I will have to leave them simply because I'm a foreigner with limited rights in what I can achieve in an open prison in order to provide for my dependants.


I wish my government would impose the same restrictions as do the Thai.


Not wanting to sound vindictive, but the real truth is falang are only welcome for a short period, to spend as much as they can, especially within the sex industry, which is illegal, to be cheated and gently forced to get lost. The smiles turn into serious stone faced looks.


Land of fickleness, extortion and lies with prices, in real terms, the same or more than European pricing! Crazy!!


The writing is on the wall. Get out while you can!


The Mediterranean is a great place for most Europeans, with far better service, prices, cleanliness, less roaming packs of filthy dogs that spread bacteria, especially in such a humid climate as found in Thailand, and so on.


The grass is greener. 




I only want to say your post is easily read.     Thank you.


I don't understand why so any members choose to run  so many paragraphs together to the point they're unreadable.


You did very well.

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Im sorry but you forgot one VERY IMPORTANT part in the sentence... THE IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS!!!

"Many have said that the new rules are designed to stop the practices of unscrupulous visa agents and the expats who pay them for their services." 

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6 minutes ago, crickets said:

Up until recently anyone over 50 and 20k could walk into an agent and get the visa. This has ruined it for everyone now as people who cant afford the 800k are often unsavory.

Nobody has ruined it for anybody, everything is still operational and full speed ahead.

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6 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

Without more details, this article is just worthless :sad:

Everyone on Retirement Extension today was supposed to already have 65k/monthly or 800k in bank,

so why exactly can't he stay anymore after these rather small changes in rules ? 

I assume because he is old and has limited money - 

the issue with this for many is that if the FULL amount of cash needs to be in a bank 2 months before and also 3 months after (5 months) and then after that must keep minimum of 400k for the remainder.... (and then full circle need the full 800k in again 2 months before the renewal).............. that means 800k cannot be touched for 5 months of the year, and then you only have 400k accessible to live on for the year???   

So people that bring in a small amount per month are better off and less financially restricted then the GOOD citizens that bring in a lump of money to the Thai banks??  


Let me clarify:

e.g.) Visa renewal in March, so need 800 in bank January (2 months before)

Get new visa in March, but cannot take any of the 800 out for another 3 months?

So the money sits there and you cannot spend ANY of it until June.....

when then you can only take out a maximum of 400k, 400k has to STAY in the account!? 

So you can ONLY spend 400k of your 800k between June and Dec?

At the end of December you need to top up the ‘locked in’ 400k that you have to keep there with at least another 400k, so that in January you have the full 800k needed 2 months BEFORE you reapply for your next year visa renewal?


So really, unless you transfer in MORE than 800k, you only have the freely available 400k to spend from that account over 12 months, in practice? (33,333 baht per month averaged out)....

And the bank keeps and uses the 400k deposit money that you can’t touch???


But 65k transferred in every month comes to 780,000 a year, you can spend all of it, and none of it is ‘locked in’

So it is better NOT to keep money in Thailand but only move in what you need to spend?


This hardly makes people feel safe and in fact people with cash in the bank are penalised MORE than those bringing in little at a time, where is the logic in that.

if you are a 90 year old retired man, money might be a bit scarce and anything that locks up 400k for your money for a whole year and 800k of your money for 5 months IS A BIG PROBLEM

THAT is an issue here i think.

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36 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Does anyone get a STATE PENSION that is near 65K now thee Bhts overvalued.?.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

UK  about 35,000.   more than a top Thai teacher, who has his own house, car, family.   BUT us foreigners have not sufficient to live on  ha ha ha, and if we are non drinkers and non smokers and live outside of Pattaya or BKK.........cook your own food,    can also have true on line and True vision.   ...we are classed as a liability.

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As quite often in LOS those that must be obeyed have it back to front instead of punishing the people abusing the system they're penalising those doing it legally thus creating problems for many of them. 


I have an acquaintance who had the money but refused to lodge it in a Thai bank so was assisted with this to a tune of some 25,000bt each year - these are the people who should be penalised but of course it's easier the other way round.


All the very best DON!!

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6 hours ago, Henryford said:

Would be interesting to follow some of these (sad) stories. What does a 90 (or 70 or 80) year old do returning to say the UK.  With limited funds can you rent a home? would any Council provide you with a home? Do you get off the plane homeless (in -9C weather).

He doesn't need to go to the west. There is still room for him in neighbouring countries where the rules are less strickt and you can live better with less funds. But of course at the age of 90 it is very hard.

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The biggest joke has been an unmitigated disaster for Thailand. Everything he touches, turns to crap. He is the polar opposite of a crime fighter or a guy who fights corruption. And he has turned the immigration department into a far more xenophobic entity than it was before. They were already arrogant and surly. Now?
Get him out. Remove him now. And Prayuth, get out now too. Neither of you fabulously incompetent men are wanted, needed, liked or helping anyone but the elites, the super rich and those in power. 
A note to those in power. You are mistaken. We are not the enemy. Alot of us bring an awful lot to the table here. 
For every 99 good guys there is 1 bad guy abusing the system.

They make rules to stop the bad guy, not caring if it hurts the 99 good guys.

They are also in no obligation to make life easier for foreigners. They care more about stopping the bad guyS.

Also, Thailand Elite. They probably figure if you can't afford that, you are too insignificant for them to care.

All things said, easier to retire here than Singapore. Or I'd be there [emoji14]
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Just now, happysanook said:

First they came for them and I said nothing... 

Exactly. A reason I've never been infected with expat Stockholm syndrome for any class of foreigner trying to legally stay here with a range of options -- border running, ED visa, priapism visas, what have you. Obviously serious criminals like drug dealers, etc. that's totally different. 

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