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Do you have a 'Go Bag': How quickly are you prepared to leave?

Jonathan Fairfield

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21 hours ago, Crossy said:


Indeed, I doubt the situation is going to develop in a negative direction so fast that a "Go" anything is going to be needed.


Besides, I have family here, I sure as eggs are eggs I'm not going to leave them.


Similarly, I'm not a doomsday prepper, we have generator fuel for a week or so if I ration it and a freezer full of food, but that's pretty much it.

Mrs J and myself ... will be happy to keep you company and help share what you have ...........

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I did it once in 2010, just decided enough is enough. Left 800k on the table went to the airport and bought a Thai Airways one way to Heathrow. Checked in and was having a drink of wine when the Mrs called and persuaded me to go back. Getting back out from airside at the airport once checked in was no easy matter for some reason, but at least my visa was not cancelled.

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22 hours ago, Laddy123 said:

My Go Bag scenario has happened twice in 3 years.


Family emergencies


3pm Friday afternoon about 7 months ago.


1. Straight to big C. Stocked up the family with enough food for 6 weeks.

2. Sentosa- stacked up family with 6 weeks of nappies and 144 cartons of milk.

3. Mom and pop shop - 15 x 6 litre bottles of water.

4. Ensure lady123 has all knowledge of all accessible funds.

5. Booked flights to bkk and bkk to Heathrow. 24 hours to depart.

6. Packed my 2 pairs of jeans, laptop. 5 pairs of socks 7 pairs of pants, 1 jumper 1 jacket and 3 T-shirts, my UK sim card a passport.


Arrived in Heathrow Sunday morning 6am.


3 weeks later, returned.


Happened twice. 







Your wife is incapable of buying water, nappies and food?


Hardly seems like an emergency. I would suggest if your wife has no access to funds, or how to access them, a more pressing need would be for you to ensure she and your children do have in the event the emergency happened to you.

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I thought about this some more and........  my wife is the "go bag"  she's got all but the kitchen sink in her handbag !! ????


I actually do have a kind of "go bag" its a shoulder bag I use when I go (travel) anywhere, it has my passport, licenses, wallet, small 1st aid items, mini torch, pocket knife, powerbank, pocket for phone,  and few other things useful in many situations.

Grab that and I'm good to go just about anywhere foreign or domestic.????

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Never heard of a 'go bag' and it makes no sense for me. If you pack a bag to run it won't take longer than 5 - 10 minutes. 


I thought once it would be a great idea to have a winter and a summer bag ready when I get a call from a customer and have to travel quick to a country up North or South for a job.

As i came on the ship the clothes on the bottom of the Bag were molded and smelling bad due to the humidity in Thailand.

Even after handing the clothes to the Steward for cleaning the dark mold stains still couldn't get washed out. 


I now pack my stuff about 2 hrs prior to travelling not to come in such an awkward situation again.

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If you need to leave so fast you don't have time to pack - you're probably not going to get out of the city.  8 million people exiting?  <laugh>  

If you're that worried, move to rural Thailand.  You're in the wrong place laddie.

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On 4/18/2019 at 12:25 PM, Dmaxdan said:

No, because I don't live in such a paranoid state as to believe the world is going to end in the next millisecond. 

If the world was to end why would you need a passport and belongings??

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4 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

I did it once in 2010, just decided enough is enough. Left 800k on the table went to the airport and bought a Thai Airways one way to Heathrow. Checked in and was having a drink of wine when the Mrs called and persuaded me to go back. Getting back out from airside at the airport once checked in was no easy matter for some reason, but at least my visa was not cancelled.

Did you feel guilty for leaving like that, and let her keep the 800k?  ????

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Maybe the bigger point is disaster preparedness.  I did not give this much thought until two years ago when I got a lengthy letter and brochure from the Canadian government (live in Canada half the year).  In this they were very clear that if things go sideways (natural disaster, etc) help is not coming any time soon.  That you must be prepared to live with no support (food, water, electric, security) for up to two months.  They then went the next step to suggest what you need to have inventoried (what foods, how much water, high level first aid, extended supply of essential medications you may be taking etc). Coming from the government that certainly got my attention as I had taken for granted that the cavalry would always come to the rescue in short order.  Having a go-bag is a good thing but as other posters mention, go where?  If things really went sideways for an extended time, how would you survive?  There is no point to prepare for the worst case as you are f#&$ed anyway.  The possible scenario(s) is worth preparing for especially if you have a family depending on you.

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Yes, I have my passports, credit cards, house cash, cell phones, medication, handy to grab and place in my backpack. Grab some clothes, (shirts, and shorts). I can be out the door in 30 seconds in the case of a fire with everything important, two minutes if it wasn't so urgent as I would also want my laptop and a few other items. 

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5 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

I have several go bags,

One that I packed during the last coup, another that I packed when they enforced TM30s, one that I packed when they announced the 10 year visa's. Of course another couple packed after the latest immigration rule changes.

I usually pack one when someone on Thaivisa tells me the Thai economy is about to collapse, 67 million people dont want me here etc.

I do wonder sometimes if I am overreacting.

Maybe thats what they want me to think, I better pack another bag.


Oh, and whatever you do "dont buy a condo, invest more than you can afford to loose" etc etc etc.



What do you plan to pack if your GF tells you she's pregnant?

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I think this would only apply to criminal types,spies and terrorists,
whom may need to exit stage left,in a hurry.
regards Worgeordie
And yet, if i choose to denounce you, there may be nowt ya could do about it? Even if false..

Sent from my SM-J610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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On 4/17/2019 at 9:25 PM, Dmaxdan said:

No, because I don't live in such a paranoid state as to believe the world is going to end in the next millisecond. 


You're thinking of a bug-out bag, which is a lot more comprehensive than a go-bag.


I keep a go-bag, simply because I have found too many occasions where I forgot some kind of charging cable, USB drive, toothpaste, deodorant or something else I need to buy at an exorbitant price or great inconvenience when I check into a hotel.


I don't have a bug-out bag, for the same reason they tell you not to take your belongings if you have to evacuate an airplane.  But I did always keep a fair amount of hard currency.  Not so much to bug out, but because I've been in situations where there were no functioning ATMs and cold hard cash saved the day.


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