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Pattaya is dead now


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This weekend the massage places, bars, restaurants, beach (Dongtal) were very empty.
Walked from soi 13 to soi 2 last night through second road; dire sight, quite dirty, lots of garbage and a lot of road construction.
Central Festival busy but inside e.g. Starbucks at 7 pm only 2 customers.
Many old single farang whiling away in the foodcourt.
I think a shift in markets; the older whites not being replaced, that business slowly drying up.
Chinese waiting to be shipped to Koh Larn still quite a few, Bali Hai Pier busy.
Some Indian groups, also.

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7 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:


hmm never really thought about #1 before but maybe could add:


what is the population of china.. who are:

under 65

over 18

wealthy enough to come here

have enough wealthy friends/family to travel with

are allowed to travel


still a lot i imagine but judging by the rest of asia only a small minority are even wealthy enough to actually travel. at 20M visitors per year that pot is not bottomless so TH better pray they come back for more visits




Under 65 - 1.2bn

Over 18 - 988m (Over 25 - 18 year olds are still in school)

Wealthy enough to come to Thailand - 685m (the current 'middle class' figure)

Have enough wealthy friends/family to travel with - 685m

Are allowed to travel - 130m currently have passports.


It's really not a matter of being wealthy enough, 685m are wealthy enough, it's a matter of desire. An awful lot of Chinese tourist money is spent in China. Thailand is quick and cheap for Chinese tourists so the numbers will continue to grow but not at the pace they have been growing. The yuan is 4.56 today, a year ago it was 5.15bht. It makes no difference to the Chinese.


The numbers are from Index Mundi by the way.

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1 hour ago, Traubert said:


Wealthy enough to come to Thailand - 685m (the current 'middle class' figure)

Have enough wealthy friends/family to travel with - 685m

You better check from what income level the Chinese government considers the citizen to be a middle class 

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Alive   kicking, mad great...but not for sad sack tourists.  Pattaya still rocks...to the max! Just neeed to shake off white mediocre ozzies and parochial yanks and ill experienced travellers.who have never been nowhere. For a while Thailand made it too easy for [email protected] to see them go ..it's still great here. 

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3 hours ago, orchis said:

This weekend the massage places, bars, restaurants, beach (Dongtal) were very empty.
Walked from soi 13 to soi 2 last night through second road; dire sight, quite dirty, lots of garbage and a lot of road construction.
Central Festival busy but inside e.g. Starbucks at 7 pm only 2 customers.
Many old single farang whiling away in the foodcourt.
I think a shift in markets; the older whites not being replaced, that busineLasy ss slowly drying up.
Chinese waiting to be shipped to Koh Larn still quite a few, Bali Hai Pier busy.
Some Indian groups, also.

last 3 weekends pattaya really busy 

great festival. Great festivals..great to see starfuck and McDonshite empty....Brilliant Pattaya...and WS and LKM and SB GREAT fun.

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5 hours ago, mike787 said:

Pattaya = Dantes inferno.



That's their real curse greed ,saw now just ,....7 pages girls on TFriendly …..., say it all , low low season, but some places booming as all visitors look for , & like to be on a fun  place  , if they found one ...

Edited by david555
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23 minutes ago, WillyPlatt said:

For us Brits soi bukhawo is a wonderful enclave. Mainly europeans with a few yanks and canadians thrown in for good measure.

Have meet a lot of real characters over the last few years. Mainly conforming to the stereotype of people running away from a past.

Real people having lived real lives. Nice villians.

Will be coming over to Thailand soon and spending a fair bit of time in Pattaya.

Long lazy days with a day trip to koh larn or naklua thrown in as well.

Also a side trip to Hoi An in Vietnam, highly recommended for a few days.

Don't forget UK citizens get a 14 day holiday visa on arrival.

Also a few days in Hua Hin and Koh Tao as well.

The beauty of Pattaya is you can cut your cloth according to your budget.









Thats a fairly accurate assessment IMO.

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On 6/1/2019 at 10:06 PM, Delight said:

Soi buakhau has mostly been popular with  Brits.

Back in the day £1 bought 70 Baht

Now less than 40

From the British perspective Thailand is just too expensive.

So Soi buakhau will in particular suffer.

A no deal Brexit (  £1  = 35 Baht) will kill off British tourists almost completely

The 35 will coincide with the start of high season

Things may improve  starting in 2022-then again maybe not.

Probably not. True, the exchange rate has been critical, a fact ignored by our Pattaya bashers.


But the other most important factor, given the image of Pattaya promulgated in British tabloids, is simply the wussification of the modern Brit. It makes Pattaya seem uncomfortable and superfluous, so various excuses need to be made for not visiting or indeed living in this male paradise.


Europe’s Tragedy: Most Of Its Men Are ‘Feminized Wimps’


Low testosterone:




Drop in sperm counts:




Gender-bending chemicals:




Increase in UK men getting breast reduction surgery:

There’s been a rise in men getting breast reduction surgery to get rid of their moobs


Young Brits having less sex:




Growing dementia (evidenced in numerous forum posts):




And then there's the rise of dating apps and the hookup culture in the UK.


So I think we can predict less crime, whinging, driving instruction, hot air and white socks in Pattaya for the foreseeable future.


Edited by JSixpack
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For us Brits soi bukhawo is a wonderful enclave. Mainly europeans with a few yanks and canadians thrown in for good measure.
Have meet a lot of real characters over the last few years. Mainly conforming to the stereotype of people running away from a past.
Real people having lived real lives. Nice villians.
Will be coming over to Thailand soon and spending a fair bit of time in Pattaya.
Long lazy days with a day trip to koh larn or naklua thrown in as well.
Also a side trip to Hoi An in Vietnam, highly recommended for a few days.
Don't forget UK citizens get a 14 day holiday visa on arrival.
Also a few days in Hua Hin and Koh Tao as well.
The beauty of Pattaya is you can cut your cloth according to your budget.
Quite a few Aussies too
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On 6/1/2019 at 4:30 AM, user305 said:

Pattaya has become so polluted over the years that my body has developed a strong allergy response to the air and water.  Until they clean it up I see no reason to return.

Sounds like you have a real problem. Best go home and seek medical advice. 

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17 hours ago, Traubert said:

Under 65 - 1.2bn

Over 18 - 988m (Over 25 - 18 year olds are still in school)

Wealthy enough to come to Thailand - 685m (the current 'middle class' figure)

Have enough wealthy friends/family to travel with - 685m

Are allowed to travel - 130m currently have passports.


It's really not a matter of being wealthy enough, 685m are wealthy enough, it's a matter of desire. An awful lot of Chinese tourist money is spent in China. Thailand is quick and cheap for Chinese tourists so the numbers will continue to grow but not at the pace they have been growing. The yuan is 4.56 today, a year ago it was 5.15bht. It makes no difference to the Chinese.


The numbers are from Index Mundi by the way.

some of my friends and family (running a travel/tour business) will strongly disagree with your last paragraph (exchange 4.56 vs 5.15 makes not difference to them) due to such low exchange rates 20-25% of their tour reservations were cancelled, Chinese purchasing power dropped, the (majority) ones traveling book (average 2-3 days stay) cheap all included tours

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Chinese purchasing power dropped, the (majority) ones traveling book (average 2-3 days stay) cheap all included tours

Funny you say that. Authorities seem to bend over for the Chinese tourists who stay 2-3 days, but do nothing to encourage expats who are here for most of the year
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10 hours ago, JSixpack said:

Probably not. True, the exchange rate has been critical, a fact ignored by our Pattaya bashers.


But the other most important factor, given the image of Pattaya promulgated in British tabloids, is simply the wussification of the modern Brit. It makes Pattaya seem uncomfortable and superfluous, so various excuses need to be made for not visiting or indeed living in this male paradise.


Europe’s Tragedy: Most Of Its Men Are ‘Feminized Wimps’


Low testosterone:




Drop in sperm counts:




Gender-bending chemicals:




Increase in UK men getting breast reduction surgery:

There’s been a rise in men getting breast reduction surgery to get rid of their moobs


Young Brits having less sex:




Growing dementia (evidenced in numerous forum posts):




And then there's the rise of dating apps and the hookup culture in the UK.


So I think we can predict less crime, whinging, driving instruction, hot air and white socks in Pattaya for the foreseeable future.



The pussification of males.

Weak western male syndrome spreading like wildfire.

Most males are not even aware of it.  Being controlled and manipulated and their manhood being taken away.

Very sad...


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36 minutes ago, Captain 776 said:

You say no one there.....like its a bad thing.

After living in Jomtien for 9 yrs, Pattaya can freeze over before I will ever set foot in it again.


Jomtein would bore an <deleted> in a wooden donkey.

No atmosphere at night on the main strip and full of Russians.

Pleasant enough for a day trip and a lot cleaner but i wouldn't want to live there.

The Chinese are loathed by the Thai's because all they want to do is go to the next buffet.

Don't support the local bars or clubs.

The indian males hang about Pattaya looking for their next gang bang.

Split a meal for one between three.

Stereotypes for sure, and there are exceptions, but that is what the majority seem to do on their holidays.

I find Naklua a pleasant spot for a day trip.

The reality is with the pound falling to below 40 baht that Pattaya represents a cheapish holiday in Thailand.

As much as i love Bangkok or Pranburi, economic necessity means i spend most of my time in Pattaya.

You can still live a champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget so to speak.

55 baht to the pound three years ago, this morning 37.7 and no relief in sight.

Being smarter than the average bear has never been more important with your finances.

That is where soi bukhawo comes in.

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Today because all those posts I checked around at 12 to 13 clock mid day …. shocking :shock1:…., girls already in bars calling "weeelcooome !" sexy man …(?? :wub: ) & massage girls " massaaase sir" surprised at this 12 to 13 hours time at soi 7 and second road … so I was feared to go Soi Buakhao …god knows what could happen there  :biggrin:

6 monts ago at 6 a clock evening time they nearly lifted their heads from their phones ….now mid day !! And active.... So definitely something must be going on.... super low season maybe ? :ohmy:

Edited by david555
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Yes Pattaya is dead, so I have moved out for the summer and are now back in Europe. It is my first visit for many years, a welcome change , cooler weather, fresh western food, and I am enjoying my life , even if it's expensive. 
I will not miss Pattaya , not yet. Maybe in a few months, we'll see.

I will probably be back before the high season, if you can call it that anymore..  Pattaya is changing and the Chinese invasion probably just started. Some areas that used to be packed with farangs will probably just dissapear.   The future of Pattaya ? Impossible to predict, it depends on how much money the Chinese want to invest here. 


Edited by balo
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On 6/1/2019 at 10:08 PM, Destiny1990 said:

Hey for Indians Pattaya is still Regarded as Saint Tropez.

Thai Airways India even used a picture of soi cowboy for advertising in their local twitter feed. It is baffling though, as the rupee has fared just as badly as the pound against the baht in the past decade or so, and continues to decline. Even the Chinese yuan has dropped 20% against the baht in the past 3 or 4 years, surely at some point this has to impact the tourist statistics. 

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On 6/1/2019 at 9:53 AM, brycspain said:

I remember back in 2015 I want to Pattaya and had to go to the hospital for food poisoning.  My brother went last year and had to go to the hospital for food poisoning.  It's a problem down there for sure.

Either bad genes, or you're both eating at the same dodgy buffet. Only time I've been to the hospital in Pattaya was after a dog bite. 

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1 minute ago, lamyai3 said:

Either bad genes, or you're both eating at the same dodgy buffet. Only time I've been to the hospital in Pattaya was after a dog bite. 

Now what you mean. Have to be careful biting into a dog, often not cooked all through ????

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Don’t forget Pattat’s purpose.

It is a great place if you just got off 28 days on  Rig in the middle of the ocean

Its a great place for Arabs who tell their wives they are going to Haj in Saudi.

Its a great place for young and old with limited funds on a sexpat holiday.

Its a great place for Indians coming to visit their tailor relatives.

And there is a few other reasons I didn’t mention..


I lived in Jomtien for 9 years, left in 2014 and could not possibly care less to return........but if I said why......T V will put me on the bench for a week........so use your imag8nation.......

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Watched a documentary on Al Jazeera recently about population control, particularly in China and India. Abortion of female foetuses in these countries is a problem that has resulted in there being many more young males than females. To find a wife, young men are travelling outside their countries to find one, or letting young foreign females into the country, mostly from SE Asia.

In South Korea young women just plain and simple do not want to have children, so their young males are looking elsewhere too. Already you can see more and more Chinese men with Thai girls in Pattaya. This is going to be a growing trend.

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Don’t forget Pattat’s purpose.
It is a great place if you just got off 28 days on  Rig in the middle of the ocean
Its a great place for Arabs who tell their wives they are going to Haj in Saudi.
Its a great place for young and old with limited funds on a sexpat holiday.
Its a great place for Indians coming to visit their tailor relatives.
And there is a few other reasons I didn’t mention..
I lived in Jomtien for 9 years, left in 2014 and could not possibly care less to return........but if I said why......T V will put me on the bench for a week........so use your imag8nation.......
Sorry not missing you,but us happy family men never miss the losers

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