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Legal Obligations - Living Together 7 Years - Not Married


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What are the legal obligations in Thailand if a foreign man and a Thai women live together for 7 years? They are not married legally, no papers or ceremonies. There are no children, none during or prior to the relationship. They live in the foreigner's condo, in his sole name. Foreigner is retired, Thai works earns a salary.


If foreigner asks the Thai to leave the condo and terminate their relationship, are there any financial consequences?




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if the foreginer was not smart enough to sign a financial aggreement with the thai lady, than

she can sue him for eerything HE earned since the relationship started.

on the other hand, since the foreigner is retired . he propably did not earn anything so

there will be no financial gain for the thai lady, as the thai law is that only gains

AFTER the couple has started the relationships are common (so all property BEFORE

the relationships started is not shared).

on the third hand, according to the thai law the foreigner can also claim

his 50% SHARE In all the gains/ money the thai woman earned since the relationship

started, as long, of course, that she is a real lady (no ladyboy).


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9 minutes ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

you fool. it is a woman who is asking this question.

enrich shmenrich, once the thai lady is getting bored with the farang she starts

calculate how to depart from him with as much of his $$$ as possible.

Never met a Thai (male or female) that can write as well as the OP. 

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In my former corner of Thailand (Ratchabury/Kanchanabury), a couple living under the same roof for 2 years without interruption, were legally considered as "married". Even without "papers" or "ceremony". (seriously). May be handled differenty in other juristictions in Thailand.
But nothing is sure in Thailand. Depends on location, local customs, the mood of the local judges, the phases of the moon.
- In Thailand, there is no "Legal-Certainty". Nothing is ever legally 100% sure in Thailand.

Not even for Thai's. That's exactly why Thai's are hesitant to "go to court".
Farang in question will likely and unburocratically pass a brown envelope to the Lady. Farang happy. Lady happy. Everybody happy. In Thailand, there is no problem that can't be solved with brown envelopes. Prior negotiations must be conducted as to what the brown envelope should contain. The Thai-Economy works in miraculus ways. Love it or leave it!

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10 hours ago, Gweiloman said:
11 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

you fool. it is a woman who is asking this question.

enrich shmenrich, once the thai lady is getting bored with the farang she starts

calculate how to depart from him with as much of his $$$ as possible.

Never met a Thai (male or female) that can write as well as the OP. 


I many have missed SCOTTY FITZ's attempted display of misogynistic humor...  

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I always run away and hide until they have found a new income stream.

Hid in Thailand for 6 years to avoid the 'acrimony' (and false accusations to the police) from my Brit wife.

Former Brit wife would still pay a hit man (even though she got 65% of my net worth).

Hid in the UK for two years to avoid the 'acrimony' (and insane violence) from my Thai wife.

Former Thai wife is really nice to me now (even though she got nothing).


I take it you don't live a few floors up in a condo or keep ducks, or maybe shes a good cook.

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2 hours ago, scorecard said:

There are many Thais who speak, read and write perfect English. I had 16 Thai employees some years back, about 10 perfect English, the rest scaled from very very advanced to advanced English.


My Thai son and his 16 year old daughter both speak, read and write perfect Thai and perfect English.

I would say that these 18 are more the exception than the rule, won’t you say?


And what are the chances that such a Thai woman, with the level of proficiency shown in the opening post, would be living in a  condo with a retired farang?

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14 hours ago, Banana7 said:

What are the legal obligations in Thailand if a foreign man and a Thai women live together for 7 years?

Not sure about the legal side of things, as someone said, best talk to a lawyer, that said, if the relationship is ending, do the math, she lived in your condo for 7 years rent free I would imagine, a pretty good run.


The above said, if she has not contributed to a mortgage or paid any rent, then I feel, just my opinion that she is entitled to nothing, and if she doesn't leave quietly, then I would suggest you change the locks as I am sure that 9/10th's of the law is a worldwide statute, that said, watch your back, because from what I have heard about Thai woman being ditched, doesn't go down to well, but if she is mature and half decent she will take it on the nose as I will when and if my Thai wife tells me to leave the house that I built for her ????


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14 hours ago, Banana7 said:

If foreigner asks the Thai to leave the condo and terminate their relationship, are there any financial consequences?

To my knowledge there are no legal financial consequences, just like when a couple split after a village marriage only (not registered at the Amphor).

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Try to get a marriage extension from Immigration if you are not officially married to your Thai village wife IE registered marriage at the district.


Living together or village ceremony is not legally recognised.


If you die with no will she could not even get  the car or the bank account registered only  in your name. 


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23 hours ago, Lacessit said:

AFAIK there are no legal obligations in Thailand. Thai law does not recognize de facto relationships. The moral and ethical issues are a different matter.

IMO there is not a woman on the planet who would react well to being kicked to the kerb. All the breakups I have seen here have been acrimonious.

That's what I understand, but unfortunately NZ decided that after 2 or 3 years ( can't remember how many years ) it's the same as being married.

However, in LOS what is legal is sometimes irrelevant, as if a farang kicks a Thai out after some years, payback may occur.

I suggest that any considering such action also consider moving far, far away after.

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On 12/28/2019 at 2:45 AM, Gweiloman said:

Forget legal obligations. Think about moral ones instead. Did you pay her a salary all these years? Have you enriched her life? Has she enriched yours? Or have you strung her along and exploited her?


You mean like they do to us every day of the week?

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