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Thai provinces extend ban on alcohol sales


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10 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

I've decided to become a Catholic, I might get my daily fix that way ????

Out of luck "Golden Triangle", Mass is being only celebrated online at the moment!

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I cannot understand the reason for the ban I am not bothered as I am more than happy to drink non alcohol however Thais in general drink the cheap Thai whiskey as well as this there are many who suffer with drink related issues this I can only see will make matters worse and I can sadly see an increase in family violence as people become even more frustrated , they cannot work , have little money are restricted due to curfew hours and now cannot but alcohol it’s a long time until the end of the month o doubt someone in the local villages will be making illegal alcohol or those desperate will turn to the old meths this is going to be a very worrying time not just for Thais but also foreigners who are stuck here by no choice of their own 

Edited by crazykopite
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16 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

But certainly a great time to kick those  habits, and  also a  great way reduce the number of people going into hospital with alcohol related sicknesses and injuries.  Right now, hospitals across the world need those beds for people who are infected with covid-19. So gotta say, there is some sense in what they are doing

Drink is a very big issue in Thailand I expect to see an increase in violence even murder in the coming weeks I don’t drink but have come from an alcoholic upbringing and I can tell you unless you can get prescribed medication for you drinking or drug habit you end up resorting to violence and I dont just mean a single punch you are out of control To the point you don’t know what you are doing . I worry for the woman and children during this ban to me it’s the wrong way to go about it and I include foreigners not just Thais.

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11 hours ago, allen303 said:

This ban came about because a bunch of Thais sitting outside the 7/11s drinking at all hours of the night. The Thai police have no control over the people and can’t stop it. So, lets just ban the sale of alcohol. We have discussed this before, the lack of authority or respect for the police.

Exactly. In the UK there are restrictions regarding alcohol in public places and had the same restrictions been in place here then the ban may not have come about.


Councils can use public spaces protection orders to restrict the consumption of alcohol in a public space where it is associated with anti-social behaviour. It is an offence to fail to comply with a request to stop drinking or to surrender alcohol in a controlled drinking area.

The police can disperse individuals engaged in anti-social behaviour where alcohol is a factor. It is an offence to fail to comply with a direction to leave an area.


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22 hours ago, CGW said:

So that was the justification, thanks for the clarification ????

The 1.54 million people who are under curfew in UT will be pleased to know that, the TWO people in hospital will also be pleased.

and that family got the virus through family contact, and the carrier, the husband, brought it from the Middle East. And .... they still ban alcohol sales in UT. Amazing!

However, can't say that I am not enjoying the quietness at this time of year. It's easy to get your alcohol, you just need to know where to look. ????

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33 minutes ago, thequietman said:

However, can't say that I am not enjoying the quietness at this time of year. It's easy to get your alcohol, you just need to know where to look.

I have to say - I agree with you, the peace & quiet is very enjoyable, but the cost? :shock1:

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1 hour ago, Olmate said:

Well chosen username! What country do you suggest?

I think Germany they tend to do most things properly and efficiently. Thailand was nice but now it's fast becoming the land of you can't...no cannot mister...especially for us dirty Falangs we would have more freedom in North Korea...


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2 hours ago, Whackjob said:

It's a terrible shame this country was never invaded and colonized by a proper nation...they clearly should not be allowed to have or run the country.....


Stupid Boy, Have You not noticed the Chin Immigrates own everything valuable here. and the Chinese Government group pics look like the Thai ones.

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7 hours ago, fraggleRock said:

The hospitals will be full of critically ill people suffering dangerous withdrawls that are a major risk to said individuals life - you cannot just stop if your a chronic alcoholic, though a good gesture its also putting many lives at VERY HIGH risk ... and before you comment I neither drink or smoke but am within the medical profession. 

A Thai I know is in hospital for exactly that reason and I'm sure many are to follow. 

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For those that are interested these are the figures for deaths for the last 3 years over Songkran. It would appear that it is the cars that are the problem and not the booze.
♦️2018: 487 deaths
♦️2019: 517 deaths
♦️2020: 150 deaths

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1 hour ago, 300sd said:

A Thai I know is in hospital for exactly that reason and I'm sure many are to follow. 

I get very bored with these comments, reason being is that it's very easy to obtain alcohol. Granted can't just walk into 7/11 etc but I can assure you it's as easy. 

Even more so for heavy drinkers. 

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On 4/17/2020 at 10:59 AM, poohy said:

Whist i applaud your sentiment the vast majority of Us and I suspect a reasonable proportion of  them can have beer without crashing the car and beating the wife

Does that theory still apply if it's the wife that crashed the car? ????

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On 4/17/2020 at 10:58 AM, BobbyL said:

Are there any other countries in the world (excluding fully dry countries) that are imposing these childish bans on their population? 


They really do treat the masses like complete plebs. 

Denton County, Dallas, Texas.

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On 4/17/2020 at 11:07 AM, BobbyL said:

Still yet to be given any reason as to why only Thailand needs to impose and now seemingly extend an alcohol ban whilst other nations do not.  


Edit: The alcohol ban over Songkran made sense to stop parties. That has now ended. 

An alcohol ban doesn't worry me as I drink very little anyway but if other countries aren't banning it then you have to think why. 

Does the Thai government think that its citizens are less able to function after drinking or less able to control their drinking?

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1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

I get very bored with these comments, reason being is that it's very easy to obtain alcohol. Granted can't just walk into 7/11 etc but I can assure you it's as easy. 

Even more so for heavy drinkers. 

 I've not looked during this virus but on the normal non alcohol days (Buddhist festivals and possibly the King's birthday) you can't get alcohol in Tesco 7/11 but you can in the small Thai run shops. I've not witnessed it but I've heard many reports that in places like Bangkok you can sell alcohol on those days of you pay the police.  Their respect for their own religion doesn't go very far at all from what I can tell. 

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Just now, kimamey said:

 I've not looked during this virus but on the normal non alcohol days (Buddhist festivals and possibly the King's birthday) you can't get alcohol in Tesco 7/11 but you can in the small Thai run shops. I've not witnessed it but I've heard many reports that in places like Bangkok you can sell alcohol on those days of you pay the police.  Their respect for their own religion doesn't go very far at all from what I can tell. 

True but those non alcohol days are single days. If someone does drink daily they would simply by few the previous day.

Where I am right now the gf can walk 50m and get whatever I want. Slightly up from 7/11 price. Small chang 50baht. 70ml SangSom 380baht. 

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1 hour ago, DrJack54 said:

I get very bored with these comments, reason being is that it's very easy to obtain alcohol. Granted can't just walk into 7/11 etc but I can assure you it's as easy. 

Even more so for heavy drinkers. 

Empathy and pathetic comes to mind

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12 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

True but those non alcohol days are single days. If someone does drink daily they would simply by few the previous day.

Where I am right now the gf can walk 50m and get whatever I want. Slightly up from 7/11 price. Small chang 50baht. 70ml SangSom 380baht. 

 As I've said I've not checked although I may do now just out of interest. The fact you can still get alcohol easily doesn't surprise me at all. 

As for the single non alcohol days that just makes it worse. Basically you've got people who claim to be Buddhist are unable to stop selling alcohol for even one day despite the fact that it could be bought the day before. Also the person buying the alcohol can't plan one day ahead and is unable to stop drinking for one day despite their religion. Maybe that's the answer to the question 'why does Thailand have to ban alcohol when other countries don't?'  Maybe there are an awful lot of alcoholics in Thailand. 

I remember my wife telling me the local temple tried to set up groups to help those addicted to alcohol and gambling.  They gave up because hardly anyone came along. 

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On 4/17/2020 at 11:03 AM, fourpack said:

If this so called By you Childish ban saves one person from getting Covid-19 . Then it's achieved its aim

How can you be so sure that that person wouldn't have got the virus anyway.

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On 4/17/2020 at 11:03 AM, fourpack said:

If this so called By you Childish ban saves one person from getting Covid-19 . Then it's achieved its aim

That's not an acceptable trade off. Sorry you are so quick to relinquish your freedoms and liberties over influenza.

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On ‎4‎/‎17‎/‎2020 at 10:59 AM, poohy said:

Whist i applaud your sentiment the vast majority of Us and I suspect a reasonable proportion of  them can have beer without crashing the car and beating the wife

When I have a or a few beers I don't drive my car .    If I ever have to "Blow" in the meter it better read 0

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Just found this one, to add more fuel on fire for you guys ????


  • Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of catching Covid-19 and governments around the world should limit access during coronavirus lockdowns, the World Health Organization said late Tuesday.
  • The WHO said alcohol consumption is associated with a number of communicable and noncommunicable diseases that can make a person more vulnerable to catching Covid-19.
  • "Therefore, people should minimize their alcohol consumption at any time, and particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic," the office said. 




STOP DRINKING! ????????????


Alcohol compromises the body's immune system and increases the risk of adverse health outcomes

Edited by lkv
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2 hours ago, lkv said:

Therefore, people should minimize their alcohol consumption at any time


Note that the WHO said "people should minimize" - minimize not stop all together.  Let us not forget, too, that the Bible tells us never to drink water, but to drink wine instead.  The wisdom and authority of almighty God surely exceeds that of mere men.



Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

- 1 Timothy 5:23


2 hours ago, lkv said:


Blasphemy! He who doubts the word of God will undoubtedly burn in the fiery pits of hell for all eternity.

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Would the experts on Buddhism who've posted here suggesting that alcohol is forbidden in Buddhism please provide references in the Tipitaka which state that's the case.


As far as I can see, alcohol is only mentioned in the Vinaya Pitaka (rules for bikkhu and bikhhuni) as something that must be confessed.  There is nothing stating that it is banned for laics.


Furthermore, the Lord Buddha promoted the "middle way" - moderation in all things.  This would suggest that moderate alcohol consumption is permissible for those outside the sangha.


And finally, certain Buddhist sects actively promote alcohol consumption as a way to achieve greater insight.


When the current nonsense is all over, raise a glass to the Shakyamuni Buddha.

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On 4/17/2020 at 4:04 PM, HaoleBoy said:

They have talked about opening Golf Courses in Chonburi and BKK so it is really just a matter of priorities.  They also want Salon's open ... presumably a push from the wives.

But, keep the rest of the people with no alcohol.

Any mention of possible dates for the Golf courses opening? Haven't read anything on that yet....

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