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PM Prayut puts decision on lockdown off by a week


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Barbers, telephone, electrical and clothing shops allowed to open. Curfew 10_4 still in place, masks and social distancing with no crowds on beaches or public places, restaurants still only take away, bars and booze ban extended till 1st June...

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It would make more sense to lift restrictions gradually, e.g. permit massage shops to re-open, or lift the ban on alcohol. One thing at a time. If easing gives rise to more infections, reinstate the bans.

For the life of me, I can't see any sense in closing golf courses.

But then, I'm being logical.

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Ok Ok, lets just unlock the lock down all over the world if that's what the well intentioned people really want.

Try selling food to the dead, clocking on to your job to work with your dead workmates.


It is only because of the world wide lockdowns that have given many people the mindset that everything's OK and that the lockdowns should be lifted, without these drastic measures more countries would have suffered great loss of life and ongoing economic hardship.

The part that troubles me the most is bailing out corporations and not providing enough to the people, after all it's the masses that pay for goods and services from theses corporate greed heads.



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So far Thailand handles the virus very well if we take the low numbers into consideration. Therefore it cannot be contrasted with the countries that are hardly hit and there is no need mimmicking them.


Thailand needs slowly to lift the restrictions, especially in provinces that are virus free, or provinces that had no new cases for a while. Keeping it in strict lock down where many people can't work or where there is no money flow is ignorant.


Thailand could make the economy run inside the country while waiting for the outside world to tackle the virus.


They could let tourists in as well, but with strict control for COVID-19 at the airport where the passangers are tested for the virus.

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18 hours ago, garygooner said:

Waiting one more week and giving establishments time to prepare makes sense, but I'm really hoping for the lifting of restrictions come May 1st I'm talking about every province too including Bangkok, Chon Buri, Phuket and Chiang Mai. 

Last thing we want is a resurgence. In the 1818 Spanish flu, more people died in the second wave than in the first.

I would rather be in the hands of a cautious government than one being led by an imbecile.

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18 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

It is prudent to maintain the restrictions for another week and perhaps longer .. It was the 2nd infection wave of the 1918 flu pandemic that caused more deaths than the first .. There are infected people as yet undetected within the communities of Thailand who could kickatart a 2nd wave of infections if it is eased too soon ..

Wow - 


18 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

It is prudent to maintain the restrictions for another week and perhaps longer .. It was the 2nd infection wave of the 1918 flu pandemic that caused more deaths than the first .. There are infected people as yet undetected within the communities of Thailand who could kickatart a 2nd wave of infections if it is eased too soon ..

Wow! The fear eats some people up. The 1918 Spanish Flu was a killer virus. On a scale of 1 to 10 the 1918 Flu was a 9.99 killer while Covid-19 would barely rate a 4.0. Get a grip

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The idea of a lockdown is to flatten the curve to make sure hospitals were not overrun .  In Thailand for a myriad of reasons that doesnt seem to be the case .  In fact in all of SE Asia the effects of the virus have been muted .  We have had only 50 deaths and our neighbors have had similarly low cases .  A continued lockdown is unwarranted .   Open the country slowly ,  wear masks, practice social distancing ,  no large gatherings etc .   The damage to the people who have no money and can not eat far outweighs the damage of the virus in Thailand at this time .  We can not eradicate a virus with lockdowns ,  there will be more cases in the future .  Only a vaccine can do that and it is 12-18 months away .  WE must learn to live with it for now . 

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2 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

So far Thailand handles the virus very well if we take the low numbers into consideration. Therefore it cannot be contrasted with the countries that are hardly hit and there is no need mimmicking them.


They could let tourists in as well, but with strict control for COVID-19 at the airport where the passangers are tested for the virus.

I've been taking the latest low numbers into consideration, but have a different conclusion to yours.

Also how do you test for the virus at the airport, a temperature check that means nothing?


And just to give you something else to consider.... Santa's fake !

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The SPAMdemic will continue for as long as people believe in it !

The number of cases are a joke and the counter measures are criminal.


People don't want to see it so they get what Governments give them ... which is usually suffering and pain



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I think we all agree that this is a very difficult decision.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Open things up too early & end up with a Covid carnage like the UK 6-700 deaths a day.

Leave it like it is & yes, in a non nanny state people are really hurting.

At least he is listening to the specialists in the medical profession which is more than I can say for Trump.

The BIG decision is going to be when to open borders & the International airports which could open the floodgates to money coming in & also destroy any hope of normality for years

by planeloads infecting millions


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18 hours ago, madmen said:

What worries! me is he will force extensions of booze bans since that is now part of the solution, getting sick of diet coke

He didn't enforce booze bans, that was all started by some pillock in Nakon Sawon, and then they all followed suit

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6 hours ago, DPKANKAN said:

Don't forget, in some ways him and his Junta cronies are loving this!! It took the pressure off them over the s..t economy caused by the them and their persecution of the FFP!!!????????????????????????????????

It'll get fixed soon enough; I think the wheels are already turning and there's only the face-saving to be organised. It'll all turn out as decreed, and the people won't notice any difference except the names will have changed and the moneylenders will have out up the interest rates.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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We all can think what coming to be decition in curfew , International flights etc. Now give so easily visa amnesty to farangs and for 3 months! Why give so long if they think farangs can leave out of here more early!

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21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

One wonders how bad things have to get before Prayut wakes up and smells the coffee. There are millions starving with no work and no  money. The authorities seem to be spending more time closing down food handouts than doing anything constructive.

Right now the people need some hope and light at the end of the tunnel, which they will get when they know the end is in sight. Pushing the date back and holding people in suspense is really not helpful, especially given the current new case  numbers.

Hair dyers are still in business for "some" I see...............................????

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6 hours ago, ronaldo0 said:

So should I bring the country to it’s knees and possibly incite riots or try start get the country going again in areas that are virus free to start with ????

Heads or tails ! 

Or option C start feeding the people providing funds for all,and start a program of extensive free testing nationwide to deal with the real facts however harsh.


This would involve some huge scoops from the ministerial troughs and a dip in the massive gold and currency reserves held by the nation. 


He needs a chat with the real boss and forget the begging letters!




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20 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Sorry Yinn. Unfortunately with no vaccine that is not true and the virus is always going to be there. People are also getting it twice i.e. re-infected. Their biggest concern and quest is to open for tourism again, and guess who is in 1rst pole position to come in and save the day? Chinese. And it is no-where finished in China. And unfortunately they are Big P's picked clones to flap their traps and order directives as an egocentrically unfit person usually will do spinning their wheels until Big P removes them to another post as they flapped their trap and exceeded their power too far. well for the most part. Anutin and the heroin dealer are still going strong... so anyway, where is the Phuket big mouth now? 

Hrrm. The only thing you can say for sure is that Prayuth doesn't know which way is up. Never has done and never will do. He didn't get selected as coup-maker because he's a genius, Ye Gods, even Yinn can see he's a muppet and Yinn is... well, Yinn is Yinn for good or ill - and you get to choose.


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The authoritarian class can't help themselves from utterly destroying their economies.  There is no problem as long as stocks are pushing the previous highs and the rich are getting richer. 

Let the peasants eat rice stubble with the ox.

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