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Easing restrictions: what do you expect for next month?


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This is just a guessing game, so let's jump...

The color coding of the provinces, from red to green, will determine those that will get the most, and the less, restrictions lifted.
The nighttime curfew will remain in place, either nationwide, or only in the red provinces.
Schools won't reopen before July, as already announced.
Bars, discos and cinemas will remain closed.
Alcohol sales will resume, except maybe in the red provinces.
Shops will be allowed to reopen, as well as restaurants, with mandatory rules concerning social distancing, hand washing and masks.
Swimming pools will reopen, as well as hotels.
Finally, all the borders will remain closed.
Your turn...
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I would think it's too early for swimming pools, gyms etc or even restaurants to open. Some shops will be allowed. Curfew still in place and the booze ban continues. Masks at all times with sanitising at shops. Be great if they just let everything open and people could be responsible but it don't work that way

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I reckon the government are under great pressure from the Central Plazas and Mall shopping malls to open.

Restaurants will stay on a takeaway only service a bit longer 


Restaurants will be allowed to open with spaced out seating?

Bars will be kept closed.

Coffee shops?..... spaced out seating - or only takeaway...

It's easy for them to keep fitness centres and pools shut a bit longer so they'll do it.

The curfew has been a good thing in my eyes. But maybe too much trouble to continue.

Hotels will reopen, but maybe keep trouble hot-spots like Pattaya under wraps another 2 weeks?

The businesses are suffering in these areas, but there are very few customers.


With the airlines being told to allow spare seats in the middle and the back row to be left spare for sick passengers I expect fares to go up, and people will not be comfortable travelling for a while.

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Unfortunately I think you are all in for a shock guys based on the meeting that went on yesterday when the health minister and Governor in Phuket.


Hope I'm wrong but it didnt look good for any of the above...


BritManToo is the closest as I see it.

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4 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

So, while countries with close to a hundred times more cases and deaths than Thailand (Spain, France, Germany...) are getting ready to reopen in May, Thailand would remain closed...go figure...


Keep in mind that Phuket is a special case, a red province with the most covid 19 cases behind Bangkok.


What is valid for Phuket and a few other provinces in a similar situation may not be necessarily valid for the whole country.


Can't argue with your comments there may well be a worse case scenario for Phuket.


Definitely a 1\2\3 stage (grouping) ease of restrictions.


Lets hope for the best anyhow.

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11 minutes ago, Sharp said:

the health minister

This whack nut? He should have nothing to say about the selling of alcohol.


The curfew isn't a bad idea at all but in a different housing estate, my Thai idiot I do not like them one bit neighbors on the back side of my fence think it is cute to have people over and eating and drinking every evening. some leave just before curfew and some stay as seem to live near. They do it in the backyard out of sight of the front yard and their neighbors as they are the end house on the street. I am soooo close to telling their security or the police to come and get them. So what I am saying is many Thai's need to be harnessed and told what to do as these *ricks in their 50's think they are so cool and cute.

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11 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Finally, all the borders will remain closed.

Which is the main reason for the drop in numbers.  Not local restrictions.  Social distancing has been a joke.  I've yet to see a local use the sanitiser when entering 7/11 or the like.  Of course the government will claim it's because of the lock down.

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27 minutes ago, ukrules said:

The alcohol sales ban made a little bit of sense around Songkran to prevent partying, apart from that Thailand is I believe the only country in the world to ban the sale of alcohol due to this COVID problem to date.


The reason it's the only country is because it's not necessary or helpful in any way, it just annoys the population.

Talking of alcohol, I wonder if Steven100 is still alive. ????

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19 minutes ago, HHTel said:

Which is the main reason for the drop in numbers.  Not local restrictions.  Social distancing has been a joke.  I've yet to see a local use the sanitiser when entering 7/11 or the like.  Of course the government will claim it's because of the lock down.

In my area they have someone posted at the entrance of the 7 Eleven, who is checking everyone's temperature, then spraying everyone's hands, before giving permission to enter...

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To be honest ,apart from the fact that the roads are clear and that the wife cant do her marathons  and training runs ,not a lot has changed for us ,we live on an estate with houses that have largish gardens ,nobody has parties in them ,so little noise ,i just get to watch some series that i would never have seen ,.

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Open public parks, dammit. Stopping people from exercise when they need to stay healthy the most? I think/hope this will happen on the 30th.


Plus, lift the nighttime curfew which is not needed if bars and clubs are closed anyway.


I believe malls will open too with socially distanced seating.

Edited by Why Me
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It all depends on how truthful the official infection figures are.  If hospitals are not being overwhelmed by covid patients, then time to ease the lockdowns.  TBH my life hasn't changed much.  Pollution in Chiang Mai is more of a concern, & keeps us indoors, as it does every year, & I do lots of cycle rides in the countryside, with a good n95 mask.

Edited by Yorkshire Tea
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2 hours ago, ukrules said:

The alcohol sales ban made a little bit of sense around Songkran to prevent partying, apart from that Thailand is I believe the only country in the world to ban the sale of alcohol due to this COVID problem to date.


The reason it's the only country is because it's not necessary or helpful in any way, it just annoys the population.

Hardly the only country, the Philippines has done the same.

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