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No one knows what Thailand is doing right, but so far, it’s working


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Masks and social distancing may have helped.

Not testing unless critically ill would have certainly helped.


There were indications of 7 asymptomatic infections for each identified infection and this number should follow a geometric progression. 

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Is there a genetic component in which the immune systems of Thais and others in the Mekong River region are more resistant to the coronavirus?

I wonder does this theory include foreigners who have lived here for 10, 15, 20 years?


The same way that it takes the average foreigner 21 days to acclimatize to life in Thailand?


Or are we a risk? 

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1 Easy to stay covid free as thais wont touch me unless I pay to play...even tho it may be hard for the Uni gals with me being so hansum!


2- Sangsom consumption....kills everything it comes in contact with..miracle cure hidden in plain sight!!


3-  I would say year round masks, wai-no handshakes--not much PDA---extreme heat--thais being tidy certainly must help


4 I usually stay for 4 months at a time and I rarely, if at all have physical contact with anyone, apart from basic small talk ordering food and joop joop teelak---where u go?. I go with you..you so hansum!!!! 555

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I do not think this nr is correct but it doesn't matter anyway . What does matter and is noticed is that people , even if infected or not , are certainly less suspect to be in hospitals then in many other countries . Lets say the nrs are completely fraud ... i can relate , but if this was the case then nrs in public hospitals should sore to a point where they cant handle the load . This means to 2 possibble answers . A the nrs are not there , or B they got a lot of infections but they do not get as sick as other people on the planet . Im guessing on option B , and that would be a genetic thing which makes them less vulnerable to it then others on this planet . The reason why is unknown , maybe the virus is from this part of the world ( not forget cambodia , laos , vietnam got very low nrs also way lower then the rest of the world , even China is surprising low vs amount of people even taken account of the nrs which might be untrue ) . Why it is ... well im very sure scientist are trying to work it out , since it is certainly noticed all around why those nrs in this side of the world are so low .

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2 hours ago, innosiem said:

the flu is not that common here either
what a coincidence????‍♂️

for the scared people who believe all the draconian measures here are justified based on the governments words being true
then the official numbers from the government here must also be true
cannot have it both ways.

that article is far from reality though (Thai news and social media and TVF rants confirm this lol)
yes pointless measures and rules are being followed by biz and schools
as people are desperate to get back to living asap without any issues with authorities


"flu not common here either"

Maybe because there's a vaccine for the three most virulent strains?

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Believe the figures or not, the evidence is there is a low rate of acute symptom cases here in Thailand, the hospitals are not overflowing and the cremation rates are not going through the roof.

Is it working?

Is it that there is little Covid here because it has been kept at bay? If so the big worry must be that there a huge pool of potential for infection, Thailand could be a delayed time bomb waiting to happen.

Or, as asymptomatic cases are not tested for, there are millions and millions of asymptomatic people out there, which I would say is great? Have the virus but it does you no harm... Wonderful

Or does the environment, lots of sunshine leading to decent vit D levels and rapid death / deactivation of the virus on droplets make transmission very difficult?



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the antibody tests are not covid-19 specific, and can be due to any of a number of prior corona type virus infections


the infection fatality  and per capita fatality rates are the most important indicator this deep into an outbreak

in thailand these are less than 2% and 1 out of 1,000,000, respectively

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1 minute ago, poskat said:

the antibody tests are not covid-19 specific, and can be due to any of a number of prior corona type virus infections


the infection fatality  and per capita fatality rates are the most important indicator this deep into an outbreak

in thailand these are less than 2% and 1 out of 1,000,000, respectively

Probably legit numbers being reported.

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2 hours ago, chrisinth said:

Yes, IMO testing is important, but the proof of the crisis is in the hospitalizations and the fatality count. Testing alone does not increase these numbers.


With that in mind, check those figures against both countries. Again, testing does not increase the death numbers.

Check numbers of "excess deaths"... not right up to date, but there are numbers during lock down around 2400 a month that does lead a person to ask "hmm what caused those?". Doubt it was traffic... scroll down to Thailand and see what you think. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53073046

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