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Army to Buy B1.35bn Aircraft to Replace An Old Plane


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Loans, what loans, we don't need no stinking loans, we will just use up the money the people will never get there hands on that has just been sitting and not doing anything except collecting dust. We can put it to good use. We need a plane so we can fly over the people, lord over the people and show the world we are a country who is not afraid to spend what we have saved.....isn't that the gist. To me its just Plane old BS and Rubbish.  However, I can not make a difference but the youth of Thailand can. My GF says her Thai friends just accept it because it will never change...

Edited by ThailandRyan
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14 hours ago, djayz said:

Have the farmers received their 15k yet? 

Have those who lost their livelihoods in the lock down received financial support? 

Is the educational system here so good that it doesn't need to be overhauled and brought up to modern day standards and requirements? 

Is the healthcare system, medical staff, hospitals, medical equipment, etc. of such superior quality that celebrities don't need to run the length of the country in an effort to drum up donations for it? 

Are the police, soldiers, etc. so well paid that they don't need to take backhanders in order to make ends meet? 

The list of issues in this country which should first be tackled before squandering that kind of money of status symbols is as long as my arm.

Again, a limited few taking care of themselves while the majority are simply ignored. Makes my blood boil! 


???????????????????? perfect reply 

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14 hours ago, tifino said:

for General???????????????? use...  


funny, a Gulfstream?

- I'd have thought a Geely,

with complimentary HardPoints eVTOL - Geely Terrafugia TF-2A subscale demonstrator flight | Facebook 

 as it might go some way towards a  'Tactical' militray justification

Oh I'm sure that it could be used for "humanitarian missions " if needed.

Just like the:

2 Boeing 737s

1 A319

1 A320

1 A340

3 ATR 72s

3 Sukhoi 100s

5 Skikorsky S92 helicopters

8 Bell 412 helicopters

which they currently have configured for VIP transport...

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The Military already took over one of the 10 A340’s which  THAI stopped using years ago ( Nine are still sitting around Thai airports) but presumably this is for the Air Force. Also I distinctly remember that the Royal Thai Police bought a new passenger jet a few months ago to cart around Little Fatty. Wonder when the first submarine will arrive !

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14 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Annual Budget

The total annual budget for flying a Gulfstream G500 private jet 200 hours per year is approximately $1,530,601 or $2,368,438 for flying 400 hours per year. The maximum speed of the Gulfstream G500 is 560 mph, but with slower climb, cruise and descending speeds it is more likely to average 448 mph which would equate to an average cost per mile of approximately $17.08 at 200 hours per year. If you fly 400 hours per year, you can spread the total fixed costs over more flight hours which reduces your cost per mile to $13.22.

These budgets do not include the cost to purchase the jet, depreciation or the cost of capital (interest payments.)


Better park it next to the Aircraft carrier,as its going to be too expensive to  use !

regards worgeordie

They will spare no expense for the army. They don’t care about the people of Thailand.

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14 hours ago, colinneil said:

Thai airways have lots of spare aircraft, why not use 1 of them? 


Yes - you see many planes both Military & Civilian doing nothing parked at DMK.

Why does the ARMY need to buy planes is that not the remit of an Air Force?

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14 hours ago, Reigntax said:

If only they would fill it up with generals, and ex generals for a one way trip to their masters in China.

That is quite possibly what it will end up being used for. After a late night dash to the airport in the armoured limos (they bought a couple of years ago) convoyed by the "Strikers" they have just acquired...

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

The top brass need to fly in style.  Why not waste some more money. Why not procure an aircraft from Thai Airways and retrofit it.....

The Air Force has one already an A 340. THai has no small aircraft that you can compare. However, may still have a Saab available.


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11 minutes ago, Searat7 said:

The Military already took over one of the 10 A340’s which  THAI stopped using years ago ( Nine are still sitting around Thai airports) but presumably this is for the Air Force. Also I distinctly remember that the Royal Thai Police bought a new passenger jet a few months ago to cart around Little Fatty. Wonder when the first submarine will arrive !

Three are still left, not 10.


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14 hours ago, djayz said:

Have the farmers received their 15k yet? 

Have those who lost their livelihoods in the lock down received financial support? 

Is the educational system here so good that it doesn't need to be overhauled and brought up to modern day standards and requirements? 

Is the healthcare system, medical staff, hospitals, medical equipment, etc. of such superior quality that celebrities don't need to run the length of the country in an effort to drum up donations for it? 

Are the police, soldiers, etc. so well paid that they don't need to take backhanders in order to make ends meet? 

The list of issues in this country which should first be tackled before squandering that kind of money of status symbols is as long as my arm.

Again, a limited few taking care of themselves while the majority are simply ignored. Makes my blood boil! 


It's the same in any banana republic.

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