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Steve Bannon, key to Trump's rise, pleads not guilty to border-wall fraud charges


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2 hours ago, Sujo said:

The swamp is being drained.


for someone who says he only hires the best trump sure does have a lot of dodgy employees.

The world has no shortage of dodgy characters.

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8 minutes ago, saminoz said:

Birds of a feather, and all that...........


Yeah. Apologies for making a mistake.


That said, not sure which is worse?


Probably being arrested on the yacht of a Chinese super villain.


Hopefully we'll hear what he did spend his cash on.



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3 hours ago, bendejo said:

Time for Donnie to break out the ol' rubber stamp





Curious though as that AG Barr must approve the arrest of Bannon. And Barr will protect Trump associates if directed.

Maybe allowing another Trump confederate to escape the law wasn't a message Trump wants to send with less than 100 days to the election

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Just now, xylophone said:

Great post and thanks for reminding me and others about the guilt, lying and cheating of the trump coterie, however I fear that despite this and the fact that all of these things are out there in the public domain for all to see, trump supporters do not see it and that is evidenced by what we see on these forums.


I was speaking with a friend about this and he had an interesting theory, inasmuch as there is only one way that all of the lies, cheating, racism and misogyny can be overlooked by his supporters, and it is because they are followers of a cult, the trump cult (and cult followers will overlook everything bad about their cult leader in order to support him).


I believe there is much more to come after this episode with Bannon and hopefully it will be the downfall of this lying, crooked president and his nepotism, and of course it would be great to see him spend some time behind bars for what he has done to the US. This along with others of his party.

I think it's more likely that they do as Trump does.......doubling down when they are wrong and that they may look foolish.

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