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Black man shot in back by police in Wisconsin city, governor says, curfew imposed


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13 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

He fought with police on the ground  and had ALREADY BEEN TASED at least once by a female officer. 

Oh so there were at least 3 officers there, two male and one female.  Even worse. 

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

In the past local and state officials would call for a investigation while asking for calm!  In light of the past 3 months,with the mayhem and riots that has occurred in my country,this nonsensical  state official(governor ) must imop issue strict consequences for people who commit violence. Sad !

Well if they fixed the bloody problem in the first place instead of just calling for calm... or at least until the officers are acquitted anyway.

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3 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


We dont know if he was unarmed. He was resisting arrest and going to the drivers seat of his car like he was on a mission though. 

Resisting arrest warrants the use of deadly force? Not in the country I come from (well not where there is justice anyway).

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9 minutes ago, Hamus Yaigh said:

The thread title as in most news out of the US all contain skin color in them. In most civilized nations the headline would simply be 'A man was shot in the back'.

in most civilised countries, it wouldn't have happened, so no headline. 

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2 hours ago, Susco said:


I think in most countries there are also not 120 guns per 100 inhabitants.


For all those condemning the police, why you don't get out of your lazy armchair, and go play policeman yourself in the US?


I have no opinion about who is right or wrong in this particular case, but I do understand what the police in the US has to deal with.


That country has just gone crazy, and policemen are risking their live whenever they arrest someone. Not comparable with the situation elsewhere in the world.


I know for myself, I wouldn't want to be a policeman in the US if they paid me a million $ a month.

Actually crime is way, way down from 1992, having steadily decreased since then to 1940s levels, although since the pandemic started there has been an upswing in murders in the big cities.. Not comparable to elsewhere in the world?? Apparently you haven't heard of South and Central America. The country has changed dramatically. NYC, for example, used to be horrible in the 1970s. It's fairly safe now, and much cleaner.

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8 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

OK, so ask yourself this. Two English speaking REAL Thai policemen point guns at you.


Do you :


A. Put your hands up and stand still and comply with the Police demands.


B. Walk away, ignore there demands, open a car door and reach into an area the police cannot see.



Early days yet but some reports said that they had tasered him first but the taser malfunctioned so then they drew their sidearms.


There are other reports that suggest that non-lethal shooting in the legs was included but since like white folks, he only has two legs, there's no reason as yet as to why he copped half-a-clip full of bullets anywhere. The officers life being threatened doesn't seem such a rock solid alibi at this juncture with one pulling at his victim's shirt and the other one blocked by the car door from doing or seeing anything. Unless of course you get into the police union paid lawyers semantics of an officer only having to 'feel' threatened for it all to be legal and above board.


For example, right now, I 'feel' I will go for a massage but I probably won't. Am I guilty or not?

Edited by NanLaew
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A female neighbor who also declined to give her name said she saw two women arguing Sunday evening, but not physically fighting. One of them called the police, she said.


Other neighbors told the Kenosha News that Blake appeared to be trying to break up an altercation between two women.





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18 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

Most people in the US agree that there is a need for wholesale police reform.


The irony of the news reporting is that police mistreating blacks is a fraction of the black on black crime which largely goes unreported. 


Why aren't the blacks policing their own neighborhoods?

Nothing to do with the OP, which is about TWO cops shooting ONE black guy in the back!


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4 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


We dont know if he was unarmed. He was resisting arrest and going to the drivers seat of his car like he was on a mission though. 

Blah blah no evidence just your opinion!

The only thing right about your post is "we don't know"!

There were 2 cops and one guy!

And they had no other choice, than to shoot him in the back!


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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

The guy was a criminal with outstanding warrants.  He was no angel.

I bet he'll obey a police order or direction next time ....  that's for sure. 



...which was nothing the officers could have been aware of!

So it is absolutely irrelevant- like your comments!


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10 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

...which was nothing the officers could have been aware of!

So it is absolutely irrelevant- like your comments!


seems like many recent posts don't share your feelings so I'll say no more ... lol

And the officers were aware of his history. 

Resisting arrest and ignoring a police officers direction will always end badly.   

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1 hour ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

if a person does not respond to police and police fear he might take a gun out of his car...

...they could try other ways to confine him, like a tazer or just try to wrestle him down in a 2 on 1 - situatiuon, way before he reached the door!

Here...fixed that for you!

You are welcome!

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1 minute ago, The Barmbeker said:

...they could try other ways to confine him, like a tazer or just try to wrestle him down in a 2 on 1 - situatiuon, way before he reached the door!

Here...fixed that for you!

You are welcome!

You should read the whole thread bud. Literally all of that happened prior to him going for his car. 

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2 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

You should read the whole thread bud. Literally all of that happened prior to him going for his car. 

That is what YOU say, based on an eyewitness report!

Again: 2 on 1 (maybe even 3 on 1) but the option, was to shooyt him in the back, 7 times!

You got it all figured out, haven't you?

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Firstly – hope me makes a full recovery. 


This seems to be one of those situations where the worse case scenario of a multitude of possible scenarios played out. The scenario could also have played out with injured or hurt police officers.


The scenario would have been different had Jacob Blake simply followed instructions of the Police. 


The scenario would also have been different had the police not responded to a domestic complaint or perhaps approach the situation with calming measures (better training?) or would it?. 


Jacob Blake’s record includes Domestic abuse, strangulation, trespassing, sexual assault.


Jacob Blake was allegedly at the scene breaking up a fight when the police arrived. 


Video footage (there are two videos circulating) shows Jacob Blake resisting arrest. 


3 Police officers are unable to subdue Jacob Blake who was resisting arrest. 


A police offer fires a taser which does not subdue Jacob Blake, either through failure of the taser, or another reason (alcohol, drugs or something similar mean he doesn’t feel the taser)


Police officers are heard yelling ‘drop the knife’ (where is the knife – is the presence of a knife proven?)


Continuing to resist arrest Jacob Blake walks to his car, opens the door and reaches in (did the police find anyway weapon in the car?)


Police officers fire 7 times. 




Police offers were unable to subdue Jacob Blake

Jacob Blake was resisting arrest

Jacob Blake reached in a car either to get in the car or to get something

The car had children inside (who’s children were they?)




An outrageous scene. 

Would a White Male had been shot if he had been resisting arrest in exactly the same manner? – I think that quite likely. 


Does this highlight poor police training? I think so, it seems that poor police training in the US seems to be the route of many of these issues where escalation occurs instead of calming.

Would the Police officers had address the ‘situation’ from the offset differently had Jacob Blake been white?


Ultimately, what triggered the initial reason to subdue Jacob Blake?


Was Jacob Blake already agitated and uncontrollable by the time the police arrived?


Was this issue a result of ‘racist policing’ – I think any conclusion at this stage is a leap.


The police fired their weapons because the situation was becoming more dangerous for them (potentially when Jacob Blake reached in the car). 


Had the police been better trained, would Jacob Blake have been calmer and more subdued and more responsive?





Finally: Why is it that whenever people protest the do so by destroying local businesses and property? A protest is a protest, hooliganism, looting and rioting is criminal behaviour. 




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5 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:

A few things to note. Jacob Blake had an outstanding warrant, was resisting arrest and going to his car and reaching in like he was on a mission. Hes also a violent criminal with a history of brandishing guns and resisting arrest. 


You can watch all the video you want here, and #3 and #4 are very noteworthy. 



Just like a mafia hit.

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4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

This seems to be one of those situations where the worse case scenario of a multitude of possible scenarios played out. The scenario could also have played out with injured or hurt police officers.


A very good, objective post from someone who's done some due diligence and grasps most of the facts as are known at this time. 

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