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"What about us!?" Thais in relationships with foreigners separated by pandemic speak out


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Every voice has a right to be heard.


I would motion that every legally married thai/foreigner to a thai national and who is stranded overseas, should be subject to speedy reuniting with their loved ones.


IF not married - then it's a situation too easy to abuse - you'd have to provide a massive burden of proof to say you've been in a relationship similar to marriage - but to be honest - thats far down the list in my book.


As a foreigner married to a thai for 18 years with a considerable number of children who are 50% thai  and 50% whatever, there needs to be some serious inspection put into the existing O visa requirements  - but that needs to be done IN THE LIGHT OF COVID19  = not just "oh you gotta have oodles in the bank" - no foreigner can claim any government support unless they are a thai citizen, so lets just get a little more realistic and humane about the whole thing, capiche?!


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3 minutes ago, Albert Zweistein said:

Wow ! I suggest a complete lockdown.

This is the problem as the UK is now going back into semi-lockdown and I've absolutely no idea why.  We've got to live with this virus and let it do its stuff and isolate the vulnerable.  C19 isn't as bad as it's made out to be and a huge amount of people have already contracted it and didn't even know.  



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15 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

A couple of d!<k comments so far... 


Real people getting separated by a government policy - its awful, unnecessary and absolutely horrible. 


Those foreigners who are married (with a marriage certificate) can apply to return, but the process is convoluted and not everyone can afford it; in many cases only business class seat are available on repatriation flights and the ASQ hotels are not cheap (>30,000 baht for 15 days).


For others, not married, there is no current route back which is outrageous. 


A horrible world situation has caught people out Thailand is not easing this burden at all by forcing them to remain apart. 




Well said,see if anyone listens?

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4 hours ago, eeworldwide said:

Every voice has a right to be heard.


I would motion that every legally married thai/foreigner to a thai national and who is stranded overseas, should be subject to speedy reuniting with their loved ones.


IF not married - then it's a situation too easy to abuse - you'd have to provide a massive burden of proof to say you've been in a relationship similar to marriage - but to be honest - thats far down the list in my book.


As a foreigner married to a thai for 18 years with a considerable number of children who are 50% thai  and 50% whatever, there needs to be some serious inspection put into the existing O visa requirements  - but that needs to be done IN THE LIGHT OF COVID19  = not just "oh you gotta have oodles in the bank" - no foreigner can claim any government support unless they are a thai citizen, so lets just get a little more realistic and humane about the whole thing, capiche?!


Not following this post at all. Made even more confusing with the use of whatever. Would it not have been easier to indicate the other 50? Also what the heck is a considerable number of children? Why not X amount of children?


Systems get abused everywhere, ask any visa agent.


Your book would be Ill advised at this point. Keep it simpler for a start.

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Just another example of Thai xenophobia.


Look, for example, at all the non ethnic Thais (Lao, Karen, Khmer, Vietnamese, etc.) born in Thailand to parents born in Thailand who have to apply for Thais cirizenship, as it is not automatically granted under Thai law.


Up to the 1960s or 1970s, I cannot recall exactly when, if a Thai woman married a foreign national, she lost certain Thai citizenship rights.  The same did not apply to Thai men who married foreign nationals.

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17 minutes ago, JimHuaHin said:

Up to the 1960s or 1970s, I cannot recall exactly when, if a Thai woman married a foreign national, she lost certain Thai citizenship rights.  

I think not even allowed to own land if married to a farang could have been into the 2000's

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I'm Asian American and growing up I like many experience racism living here close to 20 years Thailand is my home but it surprises many foreign expats when I say living here I've never experience the type of racism/prejudice that I have experience back home. When I read the Thai leaders comments their actions it shouldn't be of any surprise that they just don't seem to care about foreigners or even their own people in general!


I have my own story live with Thais and I can tell you I contribute a lot more than majority of Thais or any tourist and although I'm lucky to be here now in Thailand but I would like to leave and visit my mother before she dies but the choice I won't be allow to return to my Thai family without jumping through a number of hoops while they continue to spend billions on trying to get the tourist back.


The country is in this bad position because they are narrow and close minded a developing country with a 3rd world leadership instead of focusing on one group should develop a well rounded plan for everyone including the Thais. I want to give their leaders the benefit of the doubt the greatest frustration living here is caring wanting to help to speak up wanting to contribute but they don't except ideas or criticism from outsiders they just don't get it and asking for help isn't in their DNA!

Edited by thailand49
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4 hours ago, Jack Hna said:

Not following this post at all. Made even more confusing with the use of whatever. Would it not have been easier to indicate the other 50? Also what the heck is a considerable number of children? Why not X amount of children?


Systems get abused everywhere, ask any visa agent.


Your book would be Ill advised at this point. Keep it simpler for a start.

I'll be sure to get you to proof read all my future posts..

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17 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Very true but alas many guys on here  are in denial and can't handle the truth. The subject can't be discussed without the sensitive lot throwing their toys out the pram 

I think you are being a little tone deaf here throwing out the old "they are all whores " chestnut on a thread about couples going through some emotional turmoil due to the present reality .

You'll have lots of opportunities to slag off  Thai women on other threads. Maybe give this one a pass as you have clearly thread<deleted>ed this one .


There are some of us who are actually affected by this topic .

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18 hours ago, FlyingThai said:

In that case one has to decide carefully if it's better to move the family / partner abroad (after getting married) to a country that allows partners to join, quit the job or leave and yes - be prepared not to be able to return.


Your decision to leave TH and go back to work was voluntary and made for economic reasons so it's not like you got caught up somehow. And I get it, who would give up a well paid job in this economy just for the sake of staying in Thailand, that wouldn't make much sense. But if a relationship is making this decision hard then I'd either legally legitimize or end it.

Been married twice before mate and am not going down that road again. You are advocating ending a relationship due to a forced absence caused by a pandemic? That's a bit harsh. I'll just need to sit it out and see what happens, my next work location (Malaysia) seems to be doubtful so it looks like playing my last resort card and head home to the UK.

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21 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

If you meet the criteria you are able to return now by other means than the repatriation flights, ie Emirates or KLM.

I don't think I do, a very soon to be expired retirement visa. Thanks for the tip mate but in my circumstances even if I do meet the criteria it means ASQ with the chance of another job assignment coming my way which puts me back to square 1. I work in the O&G industry on an on call basis with no fixed rotation.

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23 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Agree 100%. You could have trashed the persons making bad comments a little bit more, though. Like I do, you know. ????

Cannot understand why the opening post drew 2 ha ha emoji . Hardly a laughing matter .  

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20 hours ago, SpanishExpat said:

It was clear to read such comments full of predjudices. Not every Thai woman need a farang bf just as sponsor. My gf for sure has a higher salary than most grumpy old retirees with their pensions here in the forum. 

Thailand and the government just Are unable to think beyond their boundaries. People who are not married, but were already together long before the pandemic started, should get a an option. After all, it’s the individuals’ money and if someone has the time/ takes the hurdles and pays for quarantine. Where’s the problem?


Europe started a similar program for separated couples.

Agree but can only imagine the long trail of proof of long standing relationship that the Thai Gov would want to allow couples to reunite

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Finally some people speak about this problem. Love and relationships are other victims of pLandemic. The truth is- THERE IS NO PANDEMIC. Big farma lies, globalist mafia lies, many medias lie. Example? Last time in US officialy new, corrected statistics showed that 94% of covid victims died not because of virus, but because of other reasons (heart problems, cancer etc.). Every year in the world die about 70 milion people, in 7 months covid killed maybe 700,000 (but statistics about it are generally fake). In Belarus and Sweden there were no restrictions, no lockdown. Results? Not many people died because of covid, economy is fine, health care works normally. Lockdown in other countries, restrictions etc. Results? People die because of lack of normal helath care, more suicides, more depression, less work, less money, economical crisis, no freedom. 


But bilions of people hurt for real, not because of covid, but because of stupid, facsists, totalitarian restrictions, lack of medical aid, lack of freedom, depression, unemployment and demaged relationships. I wanna vomit when i read these all <deleted> about covid and when I see people who sold their liberty for fake safety. What safety is this if you have no rights? 


In Europe and America mostly people know that "pandemic" is <deleted>. Time that Thai people will open eyes. 




I know some people will tell me now "if you don't like it, get back to your f>>>>> country." so i will answer to people who speak and think like this: If you don't care freedom and love and you like restrictions, go to North Korea. It is a perfect place for slaves and you will be safe there.   

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10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I can... After reading a few of these threads there are a small minority of posters who are outright nasty and completely insensitive to others - Dregs of society.

and they hide away and do not try to qualify their cowardice , pointless remarks 

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1 hour ago, OnTheRun said:

I don't think I do, a very soon to be expired retirement visa. Thanks for the tip mate but in my circumstances even if I do meet the criteria it means ASQ with the chance of another job assignment coming my way which puts me back to square 1. I work in the O&G industry on an on call basis with no fixed rotation.

Yes, unfortunately retirement visa's are not on the list of people required in yet, which IMO is wrong.


I also work in the OnG industry and have just done a 3 month trip, once i arrive back in Thailand i don't plan on going anywhere till at least next April / May or it becomes easier to travel ( whichever comes first ).

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2 hours ago, smylee52 said:

I think you are being a little tone deaf here throwing out the old "they are all whores " chestnut on a thread about couples going through some emotional turmoil due to the present reality .

You'll have lots of opportunities to slag off  Thai women on other threads. Maybe give this one a pass as you have clearly thread<deleted>ed this one .


There are some of us who are actually affected by this topic .

I didn't say that get your facts right, too many people reading into things, maybe madness setting in with the covid restrictions 

Edited by scubascuba3
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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

Theres a ‘moonlandings' thread you’d enjoy !!!!


You have failed to understanding the CDC 94% comorbidity announcement. 

The CDC did not announce that 94% of deaths reported as Covid-19 deaths died of other reasons and us a false number

The CDC announced that 94% of deaths reported as Covid-19 included comorbidity, i.e. 94% of people who were reported as dieing with Covid-19 also had another illness / disease - it was not stated which killed theses people, if their death was directly a result of Covid-19 or a direct result of their comorbidity or combination of them both. 



Anyone who uses the word ‘pLandemic’ implies a certain bias and lack of subjective balance. 

Its the same when people use ’sheeple’ or ’nanny state’ etc etc... 


Your facts on Sweden may be off somewhat - look at deaths per million of population, Sweden didn’t do so well, but may have avoided a worse economical impact. 



Personally, I think the Initial response to lock down was correct. But now we know more about the virus and Covid-19 CFR we know its not a serious as initially modelled and thus continued lock down is continued over reaction. 


The world could be fully opened up, with continued caution, continued testing, continued track and trace, while at the same time reporting ‘deaths Because of Covid-19’ (and not with) and also report serious Covid-19 cases (i.e. those which require hospitalisation) so we can see a true picture. 





The problem with caution and track and trace is that most of the western world people are not interested or simply dismiss it as as a political hoax and don't won't comply. 

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On 9/12/2020 at 11:57 AM, richard_smith237 said:

A couple of d!<k comments so far... 


aren't the dixx the ones who think that it's so important to fly abroad whatever are their BS reasons ? they just deserve what happens to them !

this is my opinion and I respect it !



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21 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Yes it is outrageous... so would be hundreds of tourists saying they want to come to meet their girlfriends pretending to be in relationships, what would qualify as a relationship... FB/Line/snapchat/IG conversations?

A line has to be drawn somewhere.
Certificated partnerships is that line.

Hong Kong is the same. Many years ago when working there, and my then Thai gf (now wife of 20 yrs) and I were told by a very polite immigration officer .."sorry sir, but we don't have gf visas, so if you want her to live with you here(HK) then you have to marry her!"

We did and both have Permanent HKID. No home visits, no 90day reporting, no annual "extension" process. 

Only a kind of temporary ID card for her first, then after 7yrs, Permanent ID.

Fair and civilised. 

And HK is very strict on immigration rules.

Although living in Thailand , I can return there anytime with Cov19 test on arrival and HOME quarantine for 14 days. 

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9 minutes ago, orchidfan said:

Hong Kong is the same. Many years ago when working there, and my then Thai gf (now wife of 20 yrs) and I were told by a very polite immigration officer .."sorry sir, but we don't have gf visas, so if you want her to live with you here(HK) then you have to marry her!"

We did and both have Permanent HKID. No home visits, no 90day reporting, no annual "extension" process. 

Only a kind of temporary ID card for her first, then after 7yrs, Permanent ID.

Fair and civilised. 

And HK is very strict on immigration rules.

Although living in Thailand , I can return there anytime with Cov19 test on arrival and HOME quarantine for 14 days. 

Thank you.... and that's exactly how it should be.

Unfortunately for married people here in Thailand that luxury does not exist... still an outsider.

as for "partner relationships" you got the wrong country !

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On 9/12/2020 at 7:45 AM, Madeline Thompson said:

Yesl they absolutely have a right to be together.  I am finding

there is something happening with access to entry into Thailand that

is very disturbing for us all.


Those who have been expats in this country, who travel

into nearby (SE Asia) countries for work necessities, then assume

they can come back (whether we have family and/or marital

connections in the country) without a problem, are stunned by

the deep change that has happened. As long as all of us are

willing to quarantine, what is the problem in admitting us again?

Even new people - what is the problem? Quarantine is not guarantee

Covid will never surface again but it is a democratic way of dealing

with the situation. The Junta appears to want only the very rich - they

will somehow solve the  economy problem. NOT!  Impossible.


When I came a decade ago, Thailand was a very humane country

and many of us newbie expats realized what a pain in the butt we must

have been.  Just learning a new culture and all. We understood -and

still understand - that. But this is something else and it is not humane,

it is only about money, and a skewed perspective, to my mind, about how

to bring this country back to the great respect it once had - the pandemic

is not responsible for that change, something else is. There was a laissez-

faire at work then which all of us, Thais and expats, understood.


As long as people entering the country are willing to quarantine, if that is

a medically sound thing to do, no argument.  But this choosing and excluding

manipulation that is happening now is never going to do good things for this

country.  I doubt anyone would argue with that....

Thailand has ALWAYS been about money.


Money buys power, the power brings in more money.


Do you ever wonder why there are Thai politicians that are billionaires?


Politicians are not there to do good for the country.


They are there to put as much money in their own pockets as they can.


During COVID we are seeing attempts to buy submarines, high speed rail projects, etc. that are rife with corruption.


How many programs do you see helping out the 10,000's of small businesses going under or the million unemployed?




Everyone in gov't is too buy trying to come up with billion dollar projects like submarines to line their own pockets.


They could care less about separated families or people stranded outside of Thailand or they would have done something about it already.



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