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Cabinet okays 9-month visas for foreigners

Jonathan Fairfield

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14 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

No one is getting kicked out though, many of us have gotten visas from within Thailand so that we can remain here .

  Why didnt you also get a visa ?

How many times do we have to post our "denied legit extension application" reports, before you folks understand how it "really is" outside your reality-bubble?


14 hours ago, 86Tiger said:

As others have stated, Thailand has been more than lenient in accommodating for those truly prohibited from traveling.  They have also been practically begging every one to get legal over past couple months. 

While consistently blocking legit-applications using the same "go to agent" schemes as before. 

14 hours ago, 86Tiger said:

Those that did nothing, time is up.

And, apparently, those who tried and qualified by the "official rules" and were denied.  All that remains is the embassy-letter method - if one's embassy is willing to grovel just a bit.  International-diplomacy has provided the only non-criminal path to relief.

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Amazing Thailand! The land of smiles or is it!


Another hair dye idea that goes not where!  First you want everyone that has been getting a free ride September 26th, to go home. if it is about money just tack on a fee/charge call it what you want for them to stay and continue to spend as they have been spending. Why would you come up with another program after they leave 90 days extension for 2000 baht a pop. One poster page one said " leave then apply back again " if a person in leadership or any person with any logic in their Cortex would put two and two together the restrictions are still in place, C.O.E. testing, NO SCHEDULE FLIGHTS, before you even get quarantine.


For those who want to stay been here prior charge them 3000 baht for 90 extensions and thereafter 2000 a pop or a flat rate of 7000 baht for the full 270 days.


All these so call programs all these so call projections of people that are coming in get real. All smoke and mirrors, wake up and smell the coffee, grasping for straws with no substance in any of your so call programs!  no critical thinking as to how thinks work in the real world.

Edited by thailand49
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I am not being sarcastic here, I'm actually asking a genuine question.

Who, in reality, is this aimed at (as opposed to an ordinary 2-3 week tourist)? Is it any good for those who spend 6 months in Thailand and 6 months in home country (if indeed some still do that). It is not aimed at the business person...or am I wrong?

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13 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:
13 hours ago, polpott said:

They've announced it until they're blue in the face. No more amnesty extensions. Weren't you listening?

Same BS from immigration at the last amnesty expiration.  Hardly surprising no one believes them ????

Yes - exactly.  And listening to whom?  Thai Examiner - 2020/09/06 
... Regarding an "easing of the financials" for those with Non-B / Non-O Visa entries - should be announced by Sept 15 - but not.

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Well lets see, 1200 tourists a month.  Just the tip of the iceberg.  40 a day, lets see where this goes.  Maybe they should let those here on Amnesty be the first people to have the Visa issued here in the country, as well as letting in all those whose Visa's and extensions of stay are still valid but are trapped outside.

Sure, but this would be a good opportunity for them to get one of these new tourist visas so that they can get back into the county. 

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The real joke is that for the past couple of years the Immigration mantra has been...."'Do not try and live here on tourist Visas !". This new visa is likely to be used for exactly that ! True short term tourists who only have a week or two holiday will come in under an exemption for 30 days (assuming no quarantine). The only other group to use this visa will be those who are not married, not 50 years or older or who have no cash for extension. So now...you can live here on a tourist visa apparently. What a mess....every new initiative just makes the whole mess less tolerable...O-A used to be great...now....applications for O-A visa's will virtually cease to exist. My extension requirements are exactly the same as someone with an O Visa, except due to the ambiguity in officials reading the text, I need to buy insurance. It makes no sense and just muddies the already murky waters. Let's see what they come up with next..."The Skint Elite", all you need is a promise to pay 500K and of course insurance.

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Just now, Mr Meeseeks said:

You can go home any time, but it has been made clear to you from the authorities that your home is not Thailand.


Sorry for being harsh, but that is the reality of the situation.


A lot of people will need to reassess their status and rethink their plans going forward.  

What "A lot of people will need", is between them and the Thai government. I am hardly qualified to determine the "needs" of others, particularly when I have never met or interviewed any of them. What I need, is to take care of myself.

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16 hours ago, Ludo55 said:

Why, you've already had a free 6 months. That new Visa has to be applied for outside of Thailand. Go home and apply the same as everyone else!!

What exactly is YOUR problem? Exaggerated sense of self importance? Above and beyond reproach while we mere mortals struggle to make sense out of chaos and suffering? Like you're the one who should be in charge? Well then, let's all vote you into office so you can solve all the world's problems with your impeccable wisdom. 

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11 hours ago, MRToMRT said:
11 hours ago, genericptr said:

I'm pretty cynical recently and it would not surprise me in the slightest if this was all about face. Another possibility is they simply don't want us around for too long because we offend or upset them in some other way.

 I am not sure its because they don't like us per se. I think they don't like the stereotype of us. They have no reason to dislike us on an individual basis because they have few dealings with us in country.

You guys are mixing up rhetoric with reality.  They (Immigration) like you just fine, if you pay them through an agent - give the "Bad Guys" the VIP treatment.  That is why all the rule-changes always kept the agent-path VIP-Clear - only affected honest-applicants.


11 hours ago, brucec64 said:

You could actually go to school and then nothing dodgy about it.

Actually "going" doesn't change anything.  Immigration don't care if you "really go to school," or not - sadly - just that envelopes of cash accompany each application/extension.


10 hours ago, redwood1 said:

There are still a fair number of under 50 looking guys hanging in Pattaya...I have no idea how they able to stay here so long......Sure some maybe independently wealthy but I really doubt all of them are....

Evidently, they have money/income - unless they are sleeping rough.  


But having a steady income stream which benefits the citizens of the country isn't a factor in immigration's calculus - only how much "extra" you are willing to pass to them via an agent/lawyer.

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15 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

Thailand does have ways for people to stay here long time.


If you're over 50, you can put 800k in bank account and apply for retirement extensions, provided you keep that in the bank all the time, or at least most of the time.

If you're married, you can put 400k in the bank account and apply for a marriage extension. If you are working with work permit on top of that, you can also apply for Thai citizenship.

If you are partner of PR holder, you can apply for extension based on PR holder.

If you are a parent of a Thai child, you can apply for extension based on that.

If you have a decent job in Thailand, you can apply for extension based on work permit, and if you hold same job for 2+ years, apply for PR. And if you keep PR for 5 years, you can apply for Thai citizenship.

And there are more of these, but all of them have something in common: they are for people who bring value to the country and are not a burden to it. Like every other country, Thailand doesn't want people that will be a burden on society.


I don't understand why people who are willing to spend nothing and do nothing, and are only sitting and waiting, hoping for a miracle, expect Thai government to do something for them, while at the same time they can't find one good word for this government and keep on spitting on forces in power and repeat how stupid they are?


Scrap together whatever is required for extension of stay, or stop complaining and accept you just don't belong here. There are flights out of Thailand every day.

Ok. Iam 40 years old. My wife is 40 years old. Kid 7 years old. We had ED visa expiring this month. Our daughter was supposed to go to international school school this year.

So we cant continue our ED visas. We cant make ED visa for our daughter to obtain parental visas. We cant leave and reenter.

I have my own internet business, that allows me spending many many THB each month here. But i dont and i dont need a work permit for that.

I dont wanna take a chances with shady volonter visas and i dont trust in the Thai future enought to spend 800К for the family elite visas.


So,mister, whats are my options?



Edited by YuryBalyasnikov
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53 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

Why would they be "out of money"?  Are you familiar with the digital-economy?  One does not need to sit in an office in a specific building, between certain hours, to earn money, any more. 


If married, you are useful to someone - likely supporting a Thai family.  Even those retired are spending foreign-sourced capital here. 

But those not meeting those criteria ALSO spend foreign-capital here (or would be homeless), and should be given an simple and legal way to obtain extensions of stay, at a cost not excessive relative to the cost-of-living in Thailand.

Yes, doing work in Thailand without a company and a work permit. As I said, illegal.


The requirements have been for many years. I would say most that have young children and family in Thailand was aware, or should have read, about the requirements before messing up their lives. That´s just the cold hard fact. There are many other countries, where the requirements is like you post, and in that case it´s better for people that can not live up to the ones in Thailand to start their family there.

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Time  to give up  Thailand  

1200???...   last  year was millions  your are  just trying  to justify your  huge  pay checks with such  dribble 

You will be lucky to get  1200  anyway

Too much   money to visit Thailand now  

Not  worth the effect  inconvenience   and hassel anymore 

Good  Luck  Thailand 


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16 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

This measure will start from next month, and up to 1,200 tourists per month will be granted this extended visa.

1,200 tourists from various countries?

So I wonder which airlines are going to fly them in almost empty?

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3 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

1,200 tourists from various countries?

So I wonder which airlines are going to fly them in almost empty?

There is no hard limit for this visa (there is of course a soft limit, due to limited number of flights and quarantine hotels), the translation is wrong. In the Thai news it says something like "the government expects that 1200 visitors per month will use this visa".

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15 minutes ago, YuryBalyasnikov said:

Ok. Iam 40 years old. My wife is 40 years old. Kid 7 years old. We had ED visa expiring this month. Our daughter was supposed to go to international school school this year.

So we cant continue our ED visas. We cant make ED visa for our daughter to obtain parental visas. We cant leave and reenter.

I have my own internet business, that allows me spending many many THB each month here. But i dont and i dont need a work permit for that.

I dont wanna take a chances with shady volonter visas and i dont trust in the Thai future enought to spend 800К for the family elite visas.


So,mister, whats are my options?



Any work in Thailand requires a work permit. Reason? They want your tax money.


You don't want to pay tax in the country you live in on an education visa that was given and is maintained on false pretenses.


You can't have your cake and eat it too. 


Get legal and pay taxes or think about relocating elsewhere would be my advice.

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1 hour ago, TKDfella said:

Who, in reality, is this aimed at (as opposed to an ordinary 2-3 week tourist)? Is it any good for those who spend 6 months in Thailand and 6 months in home country (if indeed some still do that). It is not aimed at the business person...or am I wrong?

It is aimed at people spending between 3 and 9 months of the year in Thailand. Usually, most of them (including me) arrive on a 90 days visa and have to do 1 or 2 visa runs; however, Thailand realize that visa runs are not possible/practical at the moment, thus this new visa.

Edited by farang51
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7 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Any work in Thailand requires a work permit. Reason? They want your tax money.


You don't want to pay tax in the country you live in on an education visa that was given and is maintained on false pretenses.


You can't have your cake and eat it too. 


Get legal and pay taxes or think about relocating elsewhere would be my advice.

Again. My business is in Russia. All taxes are paid in Russia. I just transfer money here and spend 3 times more than I spend in Russia (thanks to strong THB)

Why would i need work permit? And what work permit can i obtain? and how without leaving the country?


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It does appear that this visa just opens up an opportunity for all the "living in thailand on back to back tourist visa's" crowd.


It appears to be a visa for the very people they have been trying to shut down. multiple tourist visa's with no means of support, most likely working illegally.


Who are these people that can just pop off to another country for 9 months ???

Anyone who is that well off has already purchased an elite visa or set up a company to support a work visa etc.

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I gave up on all the headaches & <deleted> requirements that change daily for western farangs to live on Thailand. 90 days, then travel to God knows where and hope to get another 90 day visa. Go from bank to bank to bank to find one that will open an account to deposit my 400,000 or 800,000 baht in a country where you can't breathe the air & put your life at risk every time you drive to 7-11.  I'll bring her to Canada. Her Canadian visa is good for 6 months and expires in 5 years. If Thailand doesn't want us, there are better places to live. 

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