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Thailand: All visitors will need insurance


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7 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

I'm a bit confused about the need for coronavirus insurance...if the data presented to the world...almost no evidence of coronavirus in country...and those suspect farangs having to undergo quarantine as a tourist...why the need for mandatory virus healthcare protection???


Has the government entered the farang shakedown business?


Don't answer that!  ????

And whilst in ASQ you test positive and require treatment?

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3 hours ago, Edwin Cameron said:

No one from Australia will be coming any time soon,we can't leave the country and wouldn't ordinary travel insurance be suffice?

So they make your land penal colony after all! To me is strange that can't leave and entrance your own coundry how you want! In Finland citizen can move like they want, covid or not!

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I would like it was a common cold ...however in my life i had as anybody else common colds ....but never i needed to be on a respirator or hold in coma ....


Would like it to believe , as you say....but....????


Edited by david555
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7 hours ago, ukrules said:

The key here is that pretty much every country in the world defines emergency treatment as what we know it - life saving treatment when you're severely ill. Test positive, no symptoms - just go home and isolate for 7 to 14 days depending on which country you're in - no emergency treatment required.


Here in Thailand on the other hand you are removed from society (this is where the $100k is used), and they're going to use it. There's no being sent home to self isolate for 7 to 14 days here, you're getting the full on emergency isolation hospital suite with hazmat suit wearing doctors running around testing you every few hours regardless of whether you actually need it or not. But it's not going to be an emergency = no payment.


You could be in there for many weeks.


This is not speculation - you are NOT allowed to use the UK insurance and this is the reason why.


part of the reason Thailand runs their quarantine so strictly is due to the plethora of news reports concerning westerners spreading the virus after violating their stay at home orders, folks just can't be trusted to do the right thing..

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4 minutes ago, david555 said:

I would like it was a common cold ...however in my life i had as anybody else common colds ....but never i needed to be on a respirator or hold in coma ....


What are the chances if you contract CV19 you will develop serious respiratory conditions (dependent on other factors like age etc...)? I don't think the public at large could even answer simple questions like those (I sure can't) but that hasn't stopped the world from going into full panic.

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9 minutes ago, genericptr said:

What are the chances if you contract CV19 you will develop serious respiratory conditions (dependent on other factors like age etc...)? I don't think the public at large could even answer simple questions like those (I sure can't) but that hasn't stopped the world from going into full panic.

You compare it with a common cold ...so i made my comparance with that ....and so how we all who ever had a common cold atracted that ? ....so probably same way C 19 as for the common cold i guess 


Anyway difficult to avoid it ...just let's hope to our precautions and our natural resistance but overall to ....luck

Edited by david555
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Just about every country in the world who relies to any extent on tourism including NZ is quandering the best way to reopen in the safest way possible. 

Whilst we all know that 1,200  people a month is a drop in the bucket you have to start somewhere.

& I believe this is a good start. Anyone advocating just opening the doors at this stage to one & all

has absolutely no idea of the consequences of what they are saying.

To those saying no flights to Thailand, I suggest that you have a really good look 

And your better plan is ?

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"........inward and outward passengers paid a hidden tax on their ticket which was supposed to cover insurance whilst in country."


I think that was on;y a rather sensible suggestion that was made by someone on here a while ago, so I think it's fair to say that it won't have been acted on!!

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Unfortunately here one step forward & three back seems to be the norm. There will be backtracking in the next few months. $100,000 = ฿3,112,000 worth of insurance cover, the premium for that amount of cover will not be cheap, to enter the country. I'm sure to obtain a new one year visa in this country you only need ฿100,000 worth of insurance cover. Go figure that. Then as it stands now i will bet your bottom dollar that The Immigration Office will only recognise the 16 companies on their list. So "if your names not on the list you ain't getting in". 

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5 hours ago, AbeNormal said:

that is covered with a mandatory balance in a Thai bank as explained by an IO last year

I assume this health insurance requirement does not now apply to long-term visa holders, except OA visas -- at least yet. I expect soon, all visa holders will be required to have some kind of insurance like OA visa holders are now required to have.

that is covered with a mandatory balance in a Thai bank as explained by an IO last year

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5 hours ago, AbeNormal said:

that is covered with a mandatory balance in a Thai bank as explained by an IO last year

I assume this health insurance requirement does not now apply to long-term visa holders, except OA visas -- at least yet. I expect soon, all visa holders will be required to have some kind of insurance like OA visa holders are now required to have.

that is covered with a mandatory balance in a Thai bank as explained by an IO last year

I've always thought that was what the THB 400K or 800K was for too, but it "the times, they are a-changin'". OA visa holders have to have that money in the bank PLUS a THB400K + 40K health insurance policy.

I just think it won't be long, and by that I mean in just a year or so, that ALL long-term visa holders will have to have similar insurance.

Edited by billsmart
posted by mistake
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10 hours ago, AgentSmith said:

I agree. My worldwide insurance policy covers me up to 2 million euros, 100% in and out patient, and covid-19 coverage is included. I sure do hope they won't force expensive redundant insurance upon us. I can prove I have insurance and that should really be enough.

same here.

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

A consortium of 16 insurance companies in Thailand are now offering foreigners, who are eligible to travel to Thailand, the mandatory insurance cover valued at USD100,000. 

Merriam Websters definition of consortium

a group of persons formally joined together for some common interest

This sounds like a Cartel, doesnt it ?
So no price competition on the horizon then ?

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6 hours ago, Edwin Cameron said:

No one from Australia will be coming any time soon,we can't leave the country and wouldn't ordinary travel insurance be suffice?

Have to shake my head at the Federal politicians slamming Qld for its admittedly stupid border policy stopping people seeing dying relatives etc. And yet the Feds have the same policy, seeing dying relatives I am told by an immigration lawyer carries no weight at all for getting a travel exemption. Feds are bigger fascists than the states.

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How will visitors from Asean countries be effected by this. Are there reciprocal arrangements for healthcare? Or will they be asked to pay what some say will be expensive fees?

In any case, do they also quarantine for 14 days? The cheap workers coming in from Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar too?

These arrangements can not be only for rich foreign tourists can they?

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

"Quality" tourists go to "quality" destinations. What is "quality" about Thailand?

Yes, there are many quality places to visit, such as Nong Nooch, Temple of Truth, the Erawan museum/ temple, the Death Railway cemetery and museums, and some 5 star hotels are "quality" ( but not all by a long shot ). IMO takes more than a few excellent places to make an entire destination "quality".

Eg, the Chiang Mai Night market was a 10th rate dump when I lived near it. Bag packers probably loved it, but hardly "quality". Every tour I went on in Chiang Mai was rubbish. They need to do far, far better before looking for "quality" tourists to visit.

As I said it is about definition, and your is far from accurate.

As far as Thailand is concerned a "quality" tourist would only need to come for a significant period of time, pay their way and behave themselves.

Some years ago TAT took a policy decision to move away from western tourists because of loutish behaviour.

Like many other things, quality is in the eye of the beholder.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

My money went from 45 baht to the pound to 99 to the pound. Inflation didn't happen till years later. It was brilliant being a tourist after the crisis.

99 must have been a bit short lived. I first came in 99, the year after the crisis and it was 59/pound, a couple of years later it touched 75 and has been on the decline ever since.

Yes, early 2000's were certainly happy days, I used to stay in the Apex, opened my bank account with Room 235. About £4 for a room and a £1 for a buffet breakfast, couldn't fault it. In those days you could sit for as long as you want, didn't need to eat for the rest of the day.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOS in the 80s was an exotic paradise. It's not now. The lustre of paradise left LOS long ago along with the smile.

Certainly something in that, i caught the end of the good old days and those coming now will never get the same experience.

Unfortunately time waits for no man and I also have aged and much of what has changed would no longer have the same appeal.

Thailand on an individual basis still has a lot going for it.

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4 hours ago, chilly07 said:

A consortium of Insurance companies-I wonder what the collective noun is for this? Suggestions omitting profanities might include 'swarm of (locusts)' 'gang of (pirates)' 'nest of (thieves)' and many more. Is Wuhan Flu a pre-existing condition?

A consortium of insurance companies is usually referred to as 'a leech of insurance companies'  ????

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2 hours ago, genericptr said:

Isn't it interesting how the insurance company building is often the biggest on the block and their business model is "give us money and maybe you'll get some of it back"?

When it comes to medical insurance, I treat it like fire insurance.  I hope that I'm never in a position that requires them to pay some back to me!  

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12 hours ago, AgentSmith said:

I agree. My worldwide insurance policy covers me up to 2 million euros, 100% in and out patient, and covid-19 coverage is included. I sure do hope they won't force expensive redundant insurance upon us. I can prove I have insurance and that should really be enough.

Of course they will 

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