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Thailand's stray dogs: Rabies alert as six primary school kids savaged at breaktime


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I don't know if this particular problem we are now having is happening elsewhere, but since the Government announced tax on vacant land plots a lot of areas in Hua Hin are being cleared and planted. Many of these areas were overgrown and provided the dogs with "safe havens", and territories. Now they are all wandering the roads in packs. Yet we still have the moronic people ( Foreigners, as much as Locals ), leaving large bowls of rice and other foods on the road for them, so they will obviously stay where the food is. 

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1 hour ago, Patts said:

Not a waste of time at all. If they simply assume the dogs have rabies the 6 children and 3 adults bitten by the dogs will have to go through a course very painful injections,,,,,,,possibly needlessly 

Regardless if the dog is suspected of having rabies or not, it is highly advised that anyone bitten by a soi (any) dog starts the anti-rabies course within 24 hours of being bitten. You really don't want to take the chance and end up dying from rabies, certainly not a pleasant way to go.

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6 hours ago, Hamus Yaigh said:

Noticing many more strays sleeping on the streets these days, abandoned by owners no doubt facing financial troubles during the pandemic. The dogs need taking off the streets now.

And the previous owners who dumped them need taking out of circulation too! Puppies are cute but when they grow they all too often get dumped, sometimes just by being shut out of the property in which they have been raised. Then Thais don't want dogs to be sterilised so their numbers in the streets just grow. If Thai people acted responsibly and compassionately to animals, particularly dogs and cats, these sorts of problems wouldn't arise. 

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26 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

I don't know if this particular problem we are now having is happening elsewhere, but since the Government announced tax on vacant land plots a lot of areas in Hua Hin are being cleared and planted. Many of these areas were overgrown and provided the dogs with "safe havens", and territories. Now they are all wandering the roads in packs. Yet we still have the moronic people ( Foreigners, as much as Locals ), leaving large bowls of rice and other foods on the road for them, so they will obviously stay where the food is. 

What's the alternative for the dogs! Don't feed them and watch them die of starvation? Blame them for becoming aggressive as they fight for their very existence because no one is giving them food? This is not a humane solution. 

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7 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Here we go again, soi dogs need to be exterminated like the dangerous vermin they are, not fed bags of old rice by idiots and left for the numbers to explode into the millions. Just wait until the 'pittie' genes get into the stray population, kids will be ripped apart not just bitten.

agree they a vermin here I've been bitten so have members of my family yet i was told by the locals if i hit them i go to prison  another great law here ...extermination is needed for these wild animals..

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23 minutes ago, natway09 said:

As long as the religion come first & foremost there will never be a cull... Sad

I just cannot agree with you on this.


Thais do what they are told and what they are used to. Culling essentially means the dogs are taken away. Culling is not chopping them up at x-roads in the villages, for all to see.


If they have no collar on; simply take them away, and the Thais will say nothing. 


Bring back the dog wagons.

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14 minutes ago, Spock said:

What's the alternative for the dogs! Don't feed them and watch them die of starvation? Blame them for becoming aggressive as they fight for their very existence because no one is giving them food? This is not a humane solution. 

You are correct, it is not a humane solution. Feeding them so they breed more, yet do nothing else. I am not blaming the dogs for the situation, I am blaming the moronic people that feed them without thought of the consequences. It is basically a failure of local Government to grow a set of B***s and deal with it.

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7 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Here we go again, soi dogs need to be exterminated like the dangerous vermin they are, not fed bags of old rice by idiots and left for the numbers to explode into the millions. Just wait until the 'pittie' genes get into the stray population, kids will be ripped apart not just bitten.

Here we go again! = Exterminating Soi Dogs or culls DO NOT WORK, in fact they tend to spread diseases like rabies.

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59 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

I don't know if this particular problem we are now having is happening elsewhere, but since the Government announced tax on vacant land plots a lot of areas in Hua Hin are being cleared and planted. Many of these areas were overgrown and provided the dogs with "safe havens", and territories. Now they are all wandering the roads in packs. Yet we still have the moronic people ( Foreigners, as much as Locals ), leaving large bowls of rice and other foods on the road for them, so they will obviously stay where the food is. 

They are pests and very dangerous and young children in between and adults do not like them at all.
Even when one has them as pets but some are still barking mad and in the very early hours but nothing is ever done until someone is killed or got rabies or other diseases.

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2 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Your post is partly true, but on the whole; nonsense.


"The Buddhist attitude won't put them down."


You were about DSD before the present regime came into power. You will recall the monthly 'dog wagon' visits. I didn't see any Thais demonstrating about them then. Where did they think the dogs were heading?


Bring back the dog wagons. And any dog without a collar is fair game. This will soon see the problem sorted.

Yes, I remember the dog wagons but you have the do gooders like Judi Dench and Ricky Gervais to thank for bringing that to an end.

You are quite right it has nothing to do with the religion but the misinformed will put out any argument that suits.

The government is between a rock and a hard place on this but there is a will and they are trying to do something about it, the real problem is that a percentage of the population are doing little to help.

They have a mobile vet unit which does free rabies jabs, been to our house a few times in the last few years. First time they got a bit of a surprise, we have about 60 cats and about 10 dogs, ran out of vaccine and had to come back the next day. Many fail to realise that when it comes to rabies cats are more of a problem, a dog gets the disease and will die, a cat can carry the virus it's whole life without anyone ever knowing. People should think about that the next time they let their child stroke a cat they don't know.

The government were also running stationary clinics were people could take their cats & dogs for a free shot but the vet told us they got poor response to that. I should think the whole program is on hold at the moment.

They tried to introduce a dog licence but that failed as they feared some wouldn't pay and the dogs would end up on the street.

It's foreign interference and the will of the people that prevails.

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Rabies is deadly for 100%, if one is not vaccinated. Zero chance to survive.


They should take that issue as serious as they take Covid, which is way less deadly, though more contagious. One reason why nothing happens must be that those in power are hardly affected by the problems with rabies infected steet dogs.

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9 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Mate there is no way you could enforce that with Thais. 

A dog could be chained to a post in their front garden and they will still claim its "Not my dog" if its going to cost them money.

Run the mutt over in the soi though and they are straight after you wanting compensation.

Why not? If the dog is registered with an office, then they can´t legally get away by saying it´s not their dog.

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7 hours ago, 2long said:

As far as I know it's not possible to 'test for rabies' without cutting the mammal's head off. But I'm happy to be proven wrong.

What an incredibly silly thing to say.

If any mammal is infected with rabies, it will dies within 5 days. So you watch the dog. Ay blood sample will tell.......but if the dog has rabies, it dies.

So the dogs that bit the human will show symptoms more o less straight away.......

The human has a similar window and death is almost certain without vaccine.

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In Bangkok the Soi Dog foundation is [proceeding with a campaign to eliminate the problem

"Catch, vaccinate, sterilise and release"




the only thing that supports the dog population is food. Take away the food and the population will dwindle to controllable levels.

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7 hours ago, 2long said:

As far as I know it's not possible to 'test for rabies' without cutting the mammal's head off. But I'm happy to be proven wrong.

This is very sad, and a difficult situation all over the country. Why should humans destroy the dogs for our own convenience of living with peace of mind? Sterilising the females to reduce reproduction and castrating the males to reduce aggression is the only solution.

You paying?

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8 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Here we go again, soi dogs need to be exterminated like the dangerous vermin they are, not fed bags of old rice by idiots and left for the numbers to explode into the millions. Just wait until the 'pittie' genes get into the stray population, kids will be ripped apart not just bitten.

Millions dogs in the street, few cases of people who have not been taught how to deal with dogs, I'm not sure who should be exterminated.



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4 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

I think you will find dead dogs do not bite or breed, sterilizing a tiny fraction of them only results in the charities coining it in and feeling good about themselves, the dogs are still a menace.

Yopu are completely unaware of the practicalities of a cull.

You can NEVER be one hundred percent. Do you realise how many dogs there are in Bangkok alone? (640,000) - What would you do with the bodies?

When you kill a dog within days, hours even another dog will move into that area - from another area - this actually facilitates the spreading of rabies from one district to another.


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