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U.S. counterterrorism prosecutors probing Trump supporters' storming of Capitol


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1 hour ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

But this time he will


House voting tonight for 25th and tomorrow morning for impeachment. 


It's going to be interesting to see what Pence and the Republicans will do. 


To be honest I don't think Trump will see the inside of a prison. 


That honor will go to those protesters breaking the law the other day. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

He may or may not end up in prison but what we do know is that Mr. trump knows that he will be fighting legal assaults for the rest of his life starting January 20. Clearly the chance that he could go to prison is a big part of his motivation for his seditious behavior since he lost the election.


I'm curious how this would be handled by the Secret Service.  Could it come down to his protective detail becoming his captors?  They may be his protectors but he is not their boss, they have a command structure like any military or police unit.  He cannot say "you guys go home tonight, I don't want you here."  I also wonder if these guys could possibly be called to testify against him in a criminal trial, regarding things they may have witnessed.  My guess is, hypothetically (of course), if the District of Columbia issued an arrest warrant to be issued, say, after 12:01 PM on January 20th, DC would contact Secret Service (cannot use SS, bad inference there!) and they would have to stand back as the boys in blue put the cuffs on him.

They probably never has to face this situation before.



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8 hours ago, impulse said:


Here's how I know it wasn't a genuine coup or attempt at insurrection...  They left their guns behind. 


These are the same guys who carried their guns into protests all over the country- wherever it was legal.  DC police reminded everyone before hand that open carry is illegal in the city.  If they were really out for an insurrection, I doubt that firearm laws would have stood in their way.


Sure, some of them broke laws and need to be thrown in jail.  Then the authorities need to look at who made it so easy for them, and why...




Rrrright, so it was just a locker room coup?  Some did bring guns,  bombs, and zip cuffs.  Look like a significant percentage of them were wearing body armor including bullet proof vests.  They also built a gallows and beat a cop to death.  Just harmless fun according to you.  ????

Edited by shdmn
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6 hours ago, Virt said:


To be honest I don't think Trump will see the inside of a prison. 


He will not for federal crimes. But for STATE crimes? SDNY is salivating, waiting for 12:01 p.m. 20 January where he becomes citizen 45. And remember what put Al Capone in an orange jumpsuit? Same thing applies here.

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1 hour ago, J Town said:

He will not for federal crimes. But for STATE crimes? SDNY is salivating, waiting for 12:01 p.m. 20 January where he becomes citizen 45. And remember what put Al Capone in an orange jumpsuit? Same thing applies here.


I don't know what the difference means.

Are federal crimes things he did as president and state crimes things he did as private business man? 


If so yeah its likely that hunting season opens Jan 20 for state crimes, but putting an x president into jail is not going to be easy. 

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1 minute ago, Somchai Jackson said:

Hopefully there are videos for the police to review of the thousands of right wing traitors and haters of Americas freedoms and liberties like the right to claim what gender you are and the right to report offensive writing to Facebook and twitter to rid these bad fascists from the internet and society.  The police should review and identify all people who took part in these capitol riots and seditious and begin the process of taking them off of the street and put in jails or camps until they can be dealt with severely.  They are all a danger to Americas democracy.

Rest assured, thousands of hours of videos are being carefully reviewed and the bad guys will be charged.

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54 minutes ago, Somchai Jackson said:

Hopefully there are vidoes for the police to review of the thousands of right wing traitors and haters of Americas freedoms and liberties like the right to claim what gender you are and the right to report offensive writing to facebook and twitter to rid these bad fascists from the internet and society.  The police should review and identify all people who took part in these capitol riots and seditious and begin the process of taking them off of the street and put in jails or camps until they can be dealt with severly.  They are all a danger to Americas democracy.

The FBI is doing what you suggest.  A lot already arrested and hundreds more being investigated.  Charges for sedition are serious.  They should be worried.  Especially for taking selfies inside the building and posting them online!  Not very smart people...

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Exactly. Doesn't matter at all if many of them are totally divorced from reality and because the reality is they participated in a terrorist attack on U.S. democracy. But for justice to really be served, the grand poobah ringleader needs to be pay the price too.



Captiol riots: Justice Dept., FBI have created a sedition and conspiracy task force to pursue charges - The Washington Post


Fingers crossed Trump and his inner circle of enablers will pay for this.  Sure would be good to extend it to members of congress who helped spread the voter fraud conspiracy theories.  And should would be good for them to stand up now and say all is well, congrats to Biden.  I know, wishful dreaming.

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As for the role of the Capital Police on the day of infamy:


2 Capitol Police officers suspended and at least 10 more under investigation for alleged roles in riot


(CNN) Two US Capitol Police officers were suspended and at least 10 more are under investigation for their behavior during last week's assault on the Capitol, and federal agents will look at whether current and former law enforcement officers played a role in the riot.


One of the Capitol police officers took a selfie with someone who was part of the mob that overtook the Capitol and the other wore a "Make America Great Again" hat and started directing people around the building, according to Rep. Tim Ryan, an Ohio Democrat.


He didn't disclose how many other officers were under investigation but confirmed it was between 10 and 15, and didn't say what they were being scrutinized for except that it was their behavior during the riot.





Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Wow just saw a huge crowd in Alabama USA most not wearing masks, 2 weeks from now

we will hear of many new cases of Covid virus and after that many more deaths in USA.


More COVID related fallout from the insurrection:


3rd Member Of Congress Tests Positive For Coronavirus, Blames Capitol Attack Lockdown


"At least three Democratic members of Congress have tested positive for the coronavirus this week, blaming their results on their Republican colleagues' refusal to wear face masks during the hours-long lockdown last Wednesday as pro-Trump extremists attacked the U.S. Capitol.


"Only hours after Trump incited a deadly assault on our Capitol, many Republicans still refused to take the bare minimum COVID-19 precaution and simply wear a damn mask in a crowded room during a pandemic — creating a superspreader event ON TOP of a domestic terrorist attack," Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said on Twitter.


"Any Member who refuses to wear a mask should be fully held accountable for endangering our lives because of their selfish idiocy," [Jayapal] said via Twitter. "I'm calling for every single Member who refuses to wear a mask in the Capitol to be fined and removed from the floor by the Sergeant at Arms."



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As for the few remaining "it was just a protest" comments here, note the assessment of now-former Capitol Police Chief Sund:


“As soon as they hit the fence line, the fight was on,” Sund said. “Violent confrontations from the start. They came with riot helmets, gas masks, shields, pepper spray, fireworks, climbing gear — climbing gear! — explosives, metal pipes, baseball bats. I have never seen anything like it in 30 years of events in Washington.”




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2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Screen Shot 2564-01-13 at 06.39.34.jpg


Unless you are white of course....that's different.


I haven't heard one peep out of any of the Trump Admin. Justice Department HQ prosecutor folks handling the various cases filed thus far that they're charging people under that particular provision.


Thus far, AFAICT, it mostly seems to be ticky tacky stuff about illegal entry, theft, damage to property, etc etc.


I don't think there's been any charge filed thus far that specifies insurrection or sedition, etc.



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1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


I haven't heard one peep out of any of the Trump Admin. Justice Department HQ prosecutor folks handling the various cases filed thus far that they're charging people under that particular provision.


Thus far, AFAICT, it mostly seems to be ticky tacky stuff about illegal entry, theft, damage to property, etc etc.


I don't think there's been any charge filed thus far that specifies insurrection or sedition, etc.



It must have already been said, but......imagine if this had been a black mob???????

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