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Acquitted again by Senate, Trump still a powerful force in Republican politics


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9 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Agreed!  He shot himself in the foot big time with his lies and denials of the virus. Otherwise, he would have won.

If he had been even marginally competent on the pandemic response and shown even shallow barely believable compassion for the plight of all the American people in this time of crisis (not only the Proud Boys types) yes he would have been reelected. It's always unlikely to unseat any incumbent. 

Edited by Jingthing
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12 hours ago, PatOngo said:

A party of spineless cowards!

My take is that worse than spineless cowards ... they have actively supported he and his ilk. I would hope all could understand that with 74 million Americans having voted for the continuation such as Trump, I feel I have lost my country.

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2 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:


So in defence of Trump you have posted a graph that clearly shows that unemployment had been gradually declining under Obama for 6 years and continued to do so for another 3 years under Trump and to you Trump gets the credit for this?

Classic Trump cultish behaviour. You just couldn't make this stuff up.

Back of the net...555

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21 hours ago, placeholder said:


I think this is true also. What a convenience covid-19 was for the Chinese/Democrats.

Covid wasn't, as you bizarrely call it a "convenience" for the Democrats. It was Trump's bizarre and dishonest response to it that was. 

Say what you want about Trump, he has plenty of faults, but as a non-American, non-conservative, I think he had good policies and in my opinion was quite refreshing in current times of political correctness madness from "woke" liberal social justice warriors that seem to have a grip on all media and tech. 

Yeah, you're definitely a "non-conservative".  Your claim is laughable.

I'll probably get attacked for my statements, because that's what liberals/leftists do.

It seems like you're confusing attacks on your statements with attacks on yourself. Good thing that your characterization isn't the kind of absolute generalization that extreme right wingers indulge in ...oh wait...


In the end he did not start WW3, collude with the Russians, or any other nonsense democrats or left biased media/Hollywood were spewing. Instead he got relentlessly attacked before he was even sworn in. Then when BLM protests started, and I should say it is a matter of fact that the leaders are Marxists, the democrats were inciting them and even bailing them out https://thefederalist.com/2020/08/31/meet-the-rioting-criminals-kamala-harris-helped-bail-out-of-jail/.

Yes, the Federalist. That model of dispassionate even-handed reporting.


For reference here is just some things I can think off the top of my head.


Just as he was getting elected North Korea was all over the news, testing rockets, making threats. Trump squashed it all with strong words and then even meeting Kim Jong-un, the first US president/world leader to do so?

Squashed what exactly? Kim's nuclear arsenal is bigger and more advanced than ever. And Kim actually got to meet several times with Trump thanks to his threats and rants. Trump even characterized US-South Korean maneuvers as "very provocative". He also said this about the effect his meeting with Kim had:


By Mr. Trump’s telling, it was part of a strategy to lower tensions with North Korea.

“I went there, I gave him credibility,” Mr. Trump said. “I think it’s great to give him credibility.”



Black unemployment rates were at their lowest in history prior to 2020. Whilst critics say it was a positive trend as he got into office, the fact still remains.

The fact remains what exactly? That it was a trend that began before he got into office?


He actually gave better/mode funding to predominantly black universities. https://apnews.com/article/c4834e48841d97c5a93312b1bf75302

No, he restored funding that had lapsed during his administration. And Trump put no effort into this. He just signed the bill. If any Republican deserves credit, it's Lamar Alexander. If any Republicans deserve discredit, it's most of them who let it lapse in the first place.


Signed an executive order to lower drug prices https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-executive-order-lowers-drug-prices

Signing an order isn't necessarily the same as accomplishing something.

Trump utterly failed to cut drug prices. Here’s how Biden could do better


But thank goodness he finally did deliver on that  'big, beautiful health care plan" that he claimed was nearly ready to go at the start of his administration...well...maybe not.

First US president in 40 years to not start a new conflict.

I'll give him credit for that one. But he did enthusiastically help the Saudi in their creation of the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet in the case of Yemen. And to make things worse, just before he left office, he declared the Houthis a terrorist organization.


Then the general stuff like tough stance on China and trade with China, making some companies leave China and other companies to plan to manufacture in US, like Apple who at the time build the Mac Pro in US

Chinese is doing a record export business since Trump declared economic war on them. You sure about all those manufacturing companies coming back to the USA?

‘Reshoring’ Report Finds Factory Work Not Returning to U.S.

The A.T. Kearney analysis suggests manufacturing moved from China to other Asian countries as tariffs rose last year



 As for the Mac Pro, it's been built in the USA since 2013. What's that got to do with Trump.? Since you're a "non-conservative", I'm sure you'll be happy to give credit for that to Barack Obama.

An absolutely brilliant post Mr "placeholder", however it matters not what facts and truths one puts in the way of these rubes, because they don't have the capacity or capability to understand anything outside of their very narrow, view which is centred on the intellectual capacity of trump, and we all know how big that is.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No idea what point you are making.

Just trying to help you not be so confused...


Fox has news shows that are often times pointing to truth which does not favor Trump and they have opinion shows like Hannity and Carlson and Dobbs... which will tell you T. pees gold if thats what he wants to portray... T. is widely known as not paying his contractors and workers, forcing them to sue him, which is expensive so most don't bother, bankruptcies that leave others losing $$... etc etc.. when accused of rape he does not say I am not a rapist, he says she is not my type, not pretty enough... 


So, if character is an issue of import, that is why many people don't like him... 

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