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Will you take the Covid vaccine if you are offered it in Thailand?


Will you take the Covid vaccine in Thailand?  

106 members have voted

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1 minute ago, WineOh said:

we shall have to agree to disagree on that one.

The poll is more aimed at getting general consensus about the vaccine rather than peoples reservations about various vaccines produced by which nation.


So far it seems most people would take any vaccine they are offered.

you cannot draw that conclusion from this poll.   I would not, many others may not, you cannot tell from this vote . 

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Pretty funny how crowded the playground was the last few days.  Evidently the loudspeakers have been urging everyone to get out and exercise ,  to get healthy .

I imagine the numbers will slowly come down to "normal" after the initial response.


Better than in the States though.   Get healthy ?   C'mon !   I believe they are thinking of offering a free bucket of Kentucky Fried  to anyone who signs up for the "JAB"

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2 hours ago, WineOh said:

choice may mean a long wait. possibly years, who knows.


Would you take it if you didn't know which brand was offered to you?

If i suspected shinovax i would not take it. Just because i think its not really good against the other variants. I don't think it will be a long wait. But who knows. I think in 2 to 3 months it will be available. 

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27 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

You are comparing two very different things.


The Chinese didn't have to do much research to produce a traditional vaccine, that is, to inject a deactivated version of the virus.


This type of vaccine presents little danger, but has been known to be poorly efficient against coronaviruses, because of the very specific location these viruses use to colonize.


The Western therapies/vaccines on the other hand are brand new and have never been used with humans until now.


On top of that, they have not been fully tested before being injected in unsuspecting volunteers/human guinea pigs.


So much so that the US CDC has yet to approve these therapies/vaccines, something that won't happen before the usual trials have been completed, probably years from now.


Since no one knows the future, no one knows the long term effects of these new therapies/vaccines.


There could be little or none, or there could be a lot, and that is a risk I am not willing to take...in my situation.


Now, if I was in the high risk population (obese, hypertension, diabetes...), my position could be different because the risk/reward balance would be different...

-'Now, if I was in the high risk population (obese, hypertension, diabetes...), my position could be different because the risk/reward balance would be different...'-


Why ?


obese for at least ? years, [ always getting told I am obese, yet I weight the same as 58 years ago] hypertension for 30+ years, diabetes for 32 years, CKD for 12 years

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2 minutes ago, rumak said:

Pretty funny how crowded the playground was the last few days.  Evidently the loudspeakers have been urging everyone to get out and exercise ,  to get healthy .

I imagine the numbers will slowly come down to "normal" after the initial response.


Better than in the States though.   Get healthy ?   C'mon !   I believe they are thinking of offering a free bucket of Kentucky Fried  to anyone who signs up for the "JAB"

Being healthy always helps it at least increases your odds of not getting anything severe from covid. However plenty of healthy people get it too. You might not die but for some it takes months to get back to their original health. I am far more worried about a long recovery then about death. That is a relative small percentage. But what i have read and heard from people who caught it it can be pretty severe and seems common too.


But of course good health will help anything that gets your chances up is good. I also think your right that once this is done people will not exercise as much. But on the other hand plenty of people want to go to gyms or parks and are not allowed (gyms i get) parks not so much. 

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8 minutes ago, robblok said:

I am far more worried about a long recovery then about death. That is a relative small percentage. But what i have read


If you are not a pharmaceutical enthusiast then this comment is not for you.  But either way you should read all the very dangerous "side effects"  that many many drugs can bring on.

"relatively small percentage" .... of course  ???? 

oh,  and i think i read that also goes for these vaccines .


i know , i know   mr rob.      for you and many others the "small risk" is worth it.   

heart disease,   cancer,  diabetes,  depression,  arthritis,  obesity ......... Just take the drug the all knowing doctors give you.

Being relatively unhealthy , imo,  is a very big risk to a long and healthy life.  A stationary life behind a keyboard is definitely going to have long term negative effects.  I call them  keyboardidiots.   look at the kids !


giving some "examples" of healthy people that get very ill from a virus  is no more scientific than quoting that some healthy people have died from the vaccine.

lets keep it reaaaaaaaal .



Edited by rumak
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1 minute ago, rumak said:


If you are not a pharmaceutical enthusiast then this comment is not for you.  But either way you should read all the very dangerous "side effects"  that many many drugs can bring on.

"relatively small percentage" .... of course  ???? 

oh,  and i think i read that also goes for these vaccines .


i know , i know   mr rob.      for you and many others the "small risk" is worth it.   

heart disease,   cancer,  diabetes,  depression,  arthritis,  obesity ......... Just take the drug the all knowing doctors give you.

Being relatively unhealthy , imo,  is a very big risk to a long and healthy life.


giving some "examples" of healthy people that get very ill from a virus  is no more scientific than quoting that some healthy people have died from the vaccine.

lets keep it reaaaaaaaal .



Statistics don't lie and you see more and more young healthy people contracting it. So don't act like its not a thing. Also the severe problems after Covid are well documented all far more dangerous then the vaccination. Also far more common then the deniers want to admit. They only seem to be counting deahts 


If you think that just being healthy protects you be my guest I won't force a jab on you. Though limitations to what can do later on might. I really don't care too much about those that won't take the jab your choice, just live with the restrictions. 


Im relatively healthy work out enough not fat even eat healthy (most of the time). Still that does not make me bullet proof like you seem to think.


Could you tell me how to combat cancer without medicine ? Diabetes can be put under control with low to zero carbs. Not sure heart disease can be cured with being healthy (lowers your risk of getting it but once you do get it you don't have many options) Also cancer.. i doubt that being healthy helps that much given all the stuff we can breathe in and so on.


https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210407174321.htm  (1 in 10 has after effects)


Anyway I wish you a long healthy life whatever way you choose.



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Yes ,i would take any vaccine.

More then one reason for doing so,looking at what is happening in my own country,

things are getting better very fast.Some empty beds in ICU,many businesses

are able to open again.

Good for the economy, good for the people.

I look at a vaccine as a bulletproof vest,it gives you protection but you are still

not 100 % safe.

People in Thailand without a vaccine are walking around in a war zone without

protective gear.

I know i may have to wait long before i get it from the Thai government but  hope

i a little while we can buy the vaccine we want at private hospitals.



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50 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Already had COVID so don't need a vaccine.

Happy to take a COVID antibody blood test, anywhere, anytime for any reason, as long as it's free.


Where and when did you get Covid?

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41 minutes ago, Pravda said:


My wife is Chinese and I know for a fact Chinese citizens politely refused sinovac (arranged by Chinese embassy in Thailand for Chinese citizens), so I would like to have a choice.



It is alright if your wife doesn't want to take it but read this below.




Sinopharm and Sinovac’s vaccines account for the bulk of shots given in China, which has so far inoculated 243 million people. More than 45 countries have already approved their use, but the WHO is among the first stringent regulatory authorities to review the data.




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I could have gotten the sinovac/neurotoxin jab yesterday at my job.

I passed on it.

One of the office staff had paralysis in the jabbed arm 1 hr later, and violent diarrhea that resulted in her being sent to the hospital.

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Maybe after 2023/24, when human trials will be completed.


The data show that there is no rush, indeed the paranoid rush is probably leading to a worsening of the disease that after a few months was finally stabilising at a normal, mild seasonal virus.


Haste makes waste.


I am, on the other hand, strongly opposed to compulsory vaccination. Vaccination should always be available and affordable to all who want to get it, but when you use less than noble strategies to impose the obligation, you are clearly crossing the red line,  especially if you shy away from criminal responsibility.

Edited by zhounan
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32 minutes ago, EricTh said:



It is alright if your wife doesn't want to take it but read this below.




Sinopharm and Sinovac’s vaccines account for the bulk of shots given in China, which has so far inoculated 243 million people. More than 45 countries have already approved their use, but the WHO is among the first stringent regulatory authorities to review the data.





Be careful, these things are also written in Nature:


"“The United Nations and the highest levels of governments must take direct, even confrontational, approaches with Russia, and move to dismantle anti-vaccine groups in the United States. Efforts must expand into the realm of cyber security, law enforcement, public education and international relations. A high-level inter-agency task force reporting to the UN secretary-general could assess the full impact of anti-vaccine aggression, and propose tough, balanced measures. The task force should include experts who have tackled complex global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament, because anti-science is now approaching similar levels of peril. It is becoming increasingly clear that advancing immunization requires a counter-offensive.”





However, the situation in China has stabilised since April 2020, exactly one year, although the news media have practically abandoned the narrative about China very soon.

This makes us wonder what the 200 million doses, after one year of Covid-free, are for? 
In China, it was not to Sinovac's credit that the SARS-2 virus had its entry visa cancelled. 

But apparently no one is humble enough to revise their dogmas and call China on the phone to find out what and how they did it.

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A coronavirus outbreak among vaccinated players and staff has “rocked” the New York Yankees and attracted the attention of the CDC this week. So far, eight people, including shortstop Gleyber Torres, have tested positive more than 14 days after being fully vaccinated.


OOOPS !    statistics don't lie   ????

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1 hour ago, rumak said:

A coronavirus outbreak among vaccinated players and staff has “rocked” the New York Yankees and attracted the attention of the CDC this week. So far, eight people, including shortstop Torres, have tested positive more than 14 days after being fully vaccinated.


OOOPS !    statistics don't lie   ????

The very point is that this isn't statistics..it's one high profile case.

I think it's fine to be cautious but it's good for one minute to step back and compare today to say two hundred years ago. 

People would have marveled at what had been achieved in one year to combat a disease that would have just run amok two hundred years ago. If they heard that government worked with private enterprise to create a vaccine that is to save countless lives and give people their lives back they would have been mightily impressed.

Caution is fine, pharmaceutical companies can be greedy, but a cup half full approach shows this as an amazing achievement and statistics show most of the vaccines are much much more likely to help rather than hinder you.  

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6 hours ago, Pilotman said:

It is meaningless because it tells you nothing about the number who would want a vaccine, so vote yes,  but would refuse the Chinese or Russian ones, hence you have learned nothing with this vote 

I disagree. 

We have learned that you are <deleted> argumentative. 

......oh and I am a yes, first jab done. 

Edited by Kadilo
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5 hours ago, poskat said:

I could have gotten the sinovac/neurotoxin jab yesterday at my job.

I passed on it.

One of the office staff had paralysis in the jabbed arm 1 hr later, and violent diarrhea that resulted in her being sent to the hospital.


I thought a foreigner can't get the jab this month?


If you don't want it, there are many other people who want it. 


Where is this place that provide jab for foreigners?

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Being over 50, and an ex smoker/heavy drinker, I don't know weather or not I would be strong enough to pull through if I cought the virus.

I would sooner take my chances with the vaccine if one was available to me.

Im not fussy which one, but obviously, if I had a choice, it would be AZ or Pfizer.

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44 minutes ago, EricTh said:


I thought a foreigner can't get the jab this month?


If you don't want it, there are many other people who want it. 


Where is this place that provide jab for foreigners?

I am a Dr at a hospital

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7 hours ago, Ventenio said:

Never.  0%.  My body is fine, I'm not putting some strange chemicals in it.....chemicals that might kill me.  paralyze me.  destroy my body, which is perfectly fine right now.  


if i don't take it, i have 100% chance of having no side effects.  


decades from now you will see I'm the genius.  now, i understand why you believe it must be taken......sorry, i'm not a sheep.


14 May 2021    Let the record show, I'm a genius.  lol

Aah you don't drink Leo ! 

My wife and I are back in the UK. I have had the AZ twice, no side effects. My wife had Pfizer twice, no side effects. Some of the stories she's been told by her friends in Buriram Provice, hello Khun Anutin, are just plain stupid. Btw the Bhumjaithai Party is based in Buriram and founded by the Chidchob family.

Anyhow, apparently she will die in 2 to 3 years time because she's had the Pfizer. Well I suppose it makes a change from the AZ killing everyone. 


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