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Thailand adjusts vaccine plan to tame deadliest outbreak


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Thailand is having problems the same as every other country. 

She has still done much better than m

ost counties, including the UK, where many more people died. In developing countries, Thailand is probably the best. 


Thailand is unique in that it has retired expats on Internet forums, who have too much time to complain about everything to justify their to feel colonial superiority. 

One talky wonders why they don't just jump on a plane and put us out their misery. 


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13 hours ago, Antonymous said:


That sounds great, doesn't it.


And just how was this calculated? Are we allowed to see how robust the statistical analysis was please? I mean if there is really strong evidence for stating boldly that "infection is reduced by 83.3%" surely this should be shared with the scientific community and with the Thai public.

Yes , and this is with the Sinovac vaccine that's only around 50% all over the world and suddenly because even the dogs will not take it over here it's over 80% ??? 

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It chops and changes daily about who is getting what vaccines

I will wait until my international Private hospital in Bangkok  acquires the vaccine hopefully the Astra Zeneca and notifies me when its my turn 

Local government hospital here have advised for me to go where my medical records are held 

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1 hour ago, joe jadore said:

True! Thailand you have the vaccines, put them in peoples (everybody's) arms NOW! What is so magical about June 7th!? Why wait? Your tents are up outside Tesco on Rama 4 and elsewhere giddy up guys!

The tents are up but the campers are not coming because the meat for the barbecue hasn't arrived yet.  

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Guest Harm Hendrik Reitsma
13 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Well.... in terms of their supposed priorities....


1. I'm over 60 in age (CV risk group).

2. I live in priority area BKK.

3. I live in a district of BKK with major cluster outbreaks...


And, I see absolutely no sign thus far that anyone in the Thai government is trying to prioritize my access to a CV vaccine.


Do you see infected people around this cluster outbreak, take tonic with quinine and vitamin D you should be save.

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Bad enough that incompetence continues everyday. Drones dropping alcohol on neighborhoods......really!

You cannot even get a Covid test in Bangkok without having to pay 4500 baht!!!!! In the US it's FREE! Nobody in line. Results the next morning. This is what planes with over 250 seats look like last Sunday coming from Vienna....10 passengers on the flight.........4 were Thai. 


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Guest Harm Hendrik Reitsma
45 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Thailand is having problems the same as every other country. 

She has still done much better than m

ost counties, including the UK, where many more people died. In developing countries, Thailand is probably the best. 


Thailand is unique in that it has retired expats on Internet forums, who have too much time to complain about everything to justify their to feel colonial superiority. 

One talky wonders why they don't just jump on a plane and put us out their misery. 


But look at this, only maybe as much as 0.015 % of infected and Dick die, mostly elderly with healthproblems, hoe you think many die from the vaccin? This could be more than the deathtoll of Covid itself. So think again...Trust your immunesystem and take tonic with Quinine and vit D.

You may not be in need of any vaccin at all....

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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

I understand your frustration  with the late response to the situation by the Thai government, They thought they were going to delay  having to buy vaccines  early when they were expensive and in low supply, by closing the country, And procure vaccines later when most of the major vaccine producing  countries  were vaccinated and they could get it cheap. And they almost made it, but they did not count on variants. 

To a varying degree every country changed it's response to reflect conditions as they change. No to do so would be irresponsible and against basic management techniques. This situation is unprecedented,  and different, even from city to city ,It changes in unpredictable ways.

There is no playbook. 

One of the basic tenants of system (any system) management is monitoring and adjustment.

I am not making any excuses for them, but IMO , making nessacery , or at least what is perceived to be nessacery at the time , changes, is a good thing .


They misjudged by letting people travel during Sonkran.  Variants made their way in by porous borders.  

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

a large number are self inflicted through blind stupidity


hard to apply that to a pandemic and deadly virus were the stupidity is out of your control

Then why did so many politicians, celebrities, athletes or regular people catch Covid although they followed protocols? 

And how many of these famous people died?

Macron, Prince Charles, Djokovic, BoJo, Tom Hanks, Trump, Bolsonaro, etc...

Getting Covid doesn't mean that you will die.


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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

I understand your frustration  with the late response to the situation by the Thai government, They thought they were going to delay  having to buy vaccines  early when they were expensive and in low supply, by closing the country, And procure vaccines later when most of the major vaccine producing  countries  were vaccinated and they could get it cheap. And they almost made it, but they did not count on variants. 

To a varying degree every country changed it's response to reflect conditions as they change. No to do so would be irresponsible and against basic management techniques. This situation is unprecedented,  and different, even from city to city ,It changes in unpredictable ways.

There is no playbook. 

One of the basic tenants of system (any system) management is monitoring and adjustment.

I am not making any excuses for them, but IMO , making nessacery , or at least what is perceived to be nessacery at the time , changes, is a good thing .


     No, sorry, they did not 'almost make it'.  Like there is a set finish line with covid.  Don't we wish.   "Well, we almost made it to the expiration date of covid, when it disappears.  But we didn't."  Oops.

    Delaying the arrival of vaccines makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever when you have a country so dependent on international tourists.  Had Thailand been an isolated island country with no international visitors, maybe that would make a bit of sense but even then why would you not want to secure lifesaving protection as soon as possible, regardless of whether the infections were currently low?

    In Thailand's case, they have been saying all along--maybe the ONLY consistent thing they have been saying--that the country will not fully open to international tourists until 70% of the country is vaccinated.  If that's your plan, and you are so dependent on the revenue of international tourists, why weren't you securing as many doses as you could as soon as you could?  The sooner 70% are vaccinated, the sooner the country opens.  About as simple as it gets and it has nothing to do with the third wave. 

    Third wave or no third wave, Thailand would still have to get to its 70% vaccination goal for foreign tourists to be let in.  Of course, we all know the odious answer regarding the reason for the delay, and why Thailand has not only not 'made it', but is far, far behind.  



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1 minute ago, Miami007 said:

Then why did so many politicians, celebrities, athletes or regular people catch Covid although they followed protocols? 

And how many of these famous people died?

Macron, Prince Charles, Djokovic, BoJo, Tom Hanks, Trump, Bolsonaro, etc...

Getting Covid doesn't mean that you will die.


Quite right. It means that SOME will die. I don’t think it’s ever been suggested that all those infected will die.

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And Thailand expects to attract ( lure ) Tourists with this kind of farcical behavior.

10 Years ago, the Government could do whatever it wished without the entire Planet knowing about it.

Now things are different, everybody knows everything in 10 Minutes flat and the data gleaned is stored.

All potential Tourists will be fully aware of the crazy situation in Thailand, and so will Governments around the Globe, who will, or will not, allow their Citizens to travel to Thailand due to the risks that are prevalent, and the risks that are not so obvious.


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This latest "change of strategy" is just another way of admitting that they bungled it.

SiamBioScience cannot deliver the locally made product (maybe they do not have the ingredients) or it was all hot air from the beginning, & as they shunned ordering from overseas earlier we are now at the back of the que.

Thailand tourism is destined for another 18 month holiday

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47 minutes ago, Harm Hendrik Reitsma said:

But look at this, only maybe as much as 0.015 % of infected and Dick die, mostly elderly with healthproblems, hoe you think many die from the vaccin? This could be more than the deathtoll of Covid itself. So think again...Trust your immunesystem and take tonic with Quinine and vit D.

You may not be in need of any vaccin at all....

Did I say I want the vaccine?

Who is Dick?

I take invermectin, vit C/D, and Krachai. 


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4 hours ago, Dialemco said:

From photographs of Sinovac arri als it would appear these gifted to Thailand by China if so big thank you.

Yes China, thank you very big! First you give us virus and now you sell us face mask and give us bonus vaccine. We will now implement Chinese tracking system and facial recognition program to better control the people. We love you long time!

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15 hours ago, Antonymous said:


That sounds great, doesn't it.


And just how was this calculated? Are we allowed to see how robust the statistical analysis was please? I mean if there is really strong evidence for stating boldly that "infection is reduced by 83.3%" surely this should be shared with the scientific community and with the Thai public.

If there were a trial in effect, this would be the difference between a placebo group and the vaccinated, showing who got ill, plus severe or dead. Unfortunately, with this virus from hell it is not possible to count the people who got infected but did not show symptoms. It's unlikely that a big group had testing before vaccination/placebo, then between jabs, then several weeks after the second jab. So the 83.3% number may refer to those who were not admitted to hospital or??? Even the good vaccines prevent infection at 70-80%. We can check the experience in Chile to get an idea about Sinovac results.

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5 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Not every country.... some planned well ahead and improved their response and efficiency. There have been many many varying responses. 

Taiwan did pretty well except for not getting their people vaccinated. "No man is an island."

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9 minutes ago, placnx said:

If there were a trial in effect, this would be the difference between a placebo group and the vaccinated, showing who got ill, plus severe or dead.


Indeed this is true. But in the absence of any evidence to support the statistic it is reasonable to conclude that the percentage given in meaningless. What is much worse is that it may also be misleading...and deliberately so. This is what makes me angry.


If the percentage given can be reasonably supported, then that should be fully explained. And if so, that's great. As it is, it just heaps more suspicion on the whole program.

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2 hours ago, raccos21 said:

It is really surprising that the number of deaths and cases are still increasing even more after the vaccines rolled out, compared to last year before vaccines. Many experts are saying that people are still getting infected, some of which linked to a new variant and developing new symptoms after the patient had been fully vaccinated. It sounds like the vaccines are dead ends, not yet ready for public.

The percentage of those vaccinated is so small that the vaccine is not yet having any practical effect on case numbers.

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8 minutes ago, dallen52 said:

Putting the vaccines where the virus is sounds logical.

Vaccination months ago would have been more logical.

The new strategy sounds like "ring vaccination". It cannot be effective when there is virus all over the country, besides which this is a stealth virus that require massive testing to isolate.

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

My family at home don't quite understand when I try to explain the simple reason I haven't been vaccinated yet is because there basically isn't any out there to get vaccinated with. Questions on when it is likely are equally difficult to answer, as the outlook changes with every shift of the wind. And Government comment.

Complacency clearly set in last year when we had no cases, but with a GDP based on tourism, a far more forward thinking policy on vaccine procurement for the future would have been the sign of a competent administration. So it's no surprise really that we have ended up where we are.


It's quite evident now that the last 7 years of Prayut did not improve life of the majority of Thai people but only for those who benefit all times. 

The desaster of providing vaccines for Thailand in an early stage of this pandemic shows how incompetent these Generals and cronies are. 

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1 hour ago, newnative said:

   No, sorry, they did not 'almost make it'.  Like there is a set finish line with covid.  Don't we wish.   "Well, we almost made it to the expiration date of covid, when it disappears.  But we didn't."  Oops.

I did not mean they made it to the end of covid line, I mean .making it  to where major vaccinated countries were vaccinated to the degree where some of their vaccine would become available to other countries, Increasing the supply , an decreasing price. All they needed was for their luck to hold on for a couple of more months than it did. 

 In a way it did, do you think they would had been able to negotiate the same price and numbers 6 months ago where the producing countries were desperate for every dose they had?  

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The trouble with pretty much all of these 'plans' is that they never seem to make it to the execution phase. Even when they do they rarely resemble what was called for in the original 'plan'.

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