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Thailand procuring COVID-19 vaccines from more manufacturers


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13 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:


It worked for Canada. They now will have surplus of options and will be donating their excess Janssen and Astra Zeneca vaccines to those who need it.  Canada is No. 1 in in world first doses and catching up quickly for 2nd doses. Canada made purchase orders in early 2020 so it has had 1.5 year advance. Thailand start late so, maybe in 6 months it can get additional vaccines, except for china vaccine which no one really wants.

Israel, Canada etc. paid a premium to get to the front of the line.  Thailand is coming in late but they will not be paying as much as 1st world countries did.  That matters in a relatively poor country like Thailand.


The price doesn't really matter for private hospitals selling at a profit so they probably could have negotiated something with Moderna sooner.  However, that creates moral issues where the have's are able to jump the queue in front of the have nots.  So it's kind of a sensitive thing that needs to be handled delicately.

Edited by shdmn
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1 hour ago, sqwakvfr said:

How about contacting this company now and possibly get in front of the line?  


Novavax announced Monday morning that its vaccine against Covid-19 proved 90% effective in preventing the disease in a large study group.

While Novavax’s (ticker: NVAX) effectiveness level is slightly below those shown for the authorized vaccines from Moderna (MRNA) or the team of Pfizer (PFE) and BioNTech (BNTX), it far exceeds America’s third authorized shot from Johnson &Johnson.

The USA is probably not going to give it emergency authorization because it's not needed given that there's already a surplus.  So if it's not going to be used anytime soon there, that does open up the possibility of other nations buying it sooner rather than later.

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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The government has secured 61 million AstraZeneca doses





12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Pfizer vaccine.  It is now in the consideration process.




12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Johnson & Johnson. The government has approved an order of 5 million




12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The Moderna vaccine registration has received FDA approval, and it is now going through a cost assessment.




12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

the Sputnik V vaccine


Amazed this one hasn't been delivered yet. beep-beep-beep.





Waves hand


"These aren't the vaccines you're looking for."



Meanwhile, private hospitals? Crickets.




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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Two batches, totalling 1,917,600 doses, have already been delivered, and another batch is to arrive today (June 16).

And just Yesterday ,a statement was made that there were to be no deliveries of any Vaccines this Week.

This kind of makes me wonder who has been cut from the Delivery Schedule this week in order for Anutin to try and save face.

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Sourcing from a number of different manufacturers in case one of them lets you down?


Not putting all your eggs in one basket?


This is genius. How did they come up with such a cunning plan so quickly? Next level stuff right there. My mind is blown. 



Edited by metisdead
Trolling image removed.
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Just now, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

The article talks a lot about vaccines being ordered or considered but absolutely no mention of delivery dates!!!!

Well of course not because that would mean it would require a confirmed contract , 

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2 minutes ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

The article talks a lot about vaccines being ordered or considered but absolutely no mention of delivery dates!!!!


New here?


Most of these haven't even been ordered yet.


Hard to get an ESD without placing an order.


And even if they gave date, it would be useless.



I guess the regime thinks the populace is really stoopid and falls for this sort of gibberish?





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17 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Pfizer not mentioned.. so not ordered yet???

Other vaxccines will come when?? Now only Sinovac and Astra and maybe Sinopharm in a few weeks.. the rest....?? who knows

It states above that 20 million doses of Pfizer to be ordered????

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16 hours ago, shdmn said:

Israel, Canada etc. paid a premium to get to the front of the line.  Thailand is coming in late but they will not be paying as much as 1st world countries did.  That matters in a relatively poor country like Thailand.


The price doesn't really matter for private hospitals selling at a profit so they probably could have negotiated something with Moderna sooner.  However, that creates moral issues where the have's are able to jump the queue in front of the have nots.  So it's kind of a sensitive thing that needs to be handled delicately.

The haves have already jumped the queue. Private hospitals exist to enable queue jumping so let them get on with their job. I have to use a Private Hospital as Government Hospitals are for Thais. If Private Hospitals were allowed to procure vaccines independently that would increase the overall supply and take the pressure off Government Vaccine procurement which is desperately in need of help.

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7 minutes ago, Uroller said:

It states above that 20 million doses of Pfizer to be ordered????


Last reports were...


government ordered 20 MM doses


another govrenment source said that pricing was still being discussed


Pfizer says they're still negotiating






Still not approved here. Obviously this just requires am ink pad and garuda stamp.




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10 minutes ago, chilly07 said:

The haves have already jumped the queue. Private hospitals exist to enable queue jumping so let them get on with their job. I




Private hospitals, and to a lesser degree local embassies, are still held back by the government becasue...


people (Thais and ferners) paying for a "good" vaccine reflects poorly on the government and country


the efficient distribution and administering of a paid vaccine makes the government's efforts to date look bad





It's all about the appearance. Everything else comes last.

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