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If you do not wear a helmet while using a motorbike...????????

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13 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Spot on mate. 

One of the main attractions and the reason people enjoy it here is because  you have choices and freedoms you cannot have back home. 
Once they get here they want to tell everyone what the should and should not be doing because to not do so would not be “intelligent” as if they are auditioning for Mastermind not riding a bike. 


They can’t adapt to a different culture and with that a different set of rules and regs. They still want to control everyone and everything to their way of thinking. To not do so is branded as “stupid” or “not intelligent” as they believe it makes them somehow morally and intellectually superior. 


Even when it doesn’t effect them personally they cannot bare others to be different. 

Wearing a helmet affects them and only them and is their choice. Somehow this notion that their partner is going to have eternal nightmares about hurting someone when it was t their fault, who chose not to wear a helmet, is the best they can come up with as it’s the only thing that may affect someone else. But as we know it’s a ridiculous one as most Thais would not give a jot. It’s not in their nature. 

As for the argument that you are leaving others behind. Again a choice for them and their family not some random on TV to worry about. 

Those and their likes are more likely to die from stress than the non motorcycle helmet wearer from getting his head caved in. But then once a control freak it’s very difficult to change ones way of thinking and behaviour. 


Ok.. so this thread shouldn’t exist, because according to you we can’t discuss the rights & wrongs of what others do… 



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4 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

plain stupid beliefs promoted in public need to be challenged / rejected...... 

no real problem calling out clearly stupid stuff, as well, stupid.......

as real & factual, as definition too.....


I want what you are having ????

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Thai people just don't take road safety seriously.


This morning I saw one Thai guy riding his motorcycle while speaking on the phone and WITHOUT any helmet on!


No wonder Thailand has the worst traffic accidents in the world.


The funny thing is that their driving license tests is quite tough.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

One still cannot walk, or talk or function on her own, from a motorbike accident, where she hit her head on the pavement going only 20 kph. The other one has lost alot of his mental capacity after hitting his head. He insisted for years he would never wear a helmet. Now, he seems 15 years older.

And those around them are impacted severely…  they have to take care of them & the family have lost an earner… 


Those who suggest not wearing a helmet only impacts the rider are wrong. 

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1 hour ago, rumak said:


those are ALL the farangs I came here to get away from.     wouldn't you know it..... I told them it was dangerous here in Thailand ,   but they came anyway !   

Brought their dang fangled ideas on how to live with em 

Those are the Farangs I came here to get away from… 

…. unfortunately some idiots still came here and brought their dumb ideas of freedom with them & don’t wear helmets!!! 

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25 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Those and their likes are more likely to die from stress than the non motorcycle helmet wearer from getting his head caved in. But then once a control freak it’s very difficult to change ones way of thinking and behaviour. 


you nailed it.     those guys will ALWAYS be right !     I avoid them much more than thai drivers

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On 6/18/2021 at 2:29 AM, bobandyson said:

6 months ago I was forced off the road and took a spill doing only about 15 kph. My head hit the tarmac but luckily the helmet took the blow at the back. Received cuts and scrapes.


3 months ago my bike went from under me doing about the same speed, 15 kph. Helmet slammed against the concrete road breaking off the peak and the visor on one side. Received a broken collar bone. 101k+ in medical bills.


On both occasions the helmet probably saved me 15-20k each time in fees for head scans. 



gosh bobandyson, that broken collar bone really cost that much?  Sorry to see that you had an accident , did you go to a private hosp. or where?  I had one accident at about that speed and a broken collar bone as well, cost the insurance co. about 10 k baht, which was too much as nothing can be done for collar bone  break other than strap it up and let it heal.  Yes the private hosp will tell you they can operate and somehow pin it back together but as a thai dr. at my local hosp told me that results in the same finished product and a waste of money.  Is that how your bone was treated?

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There is a big difference in helmets. The ones you buy  for 3 hundred baht or the ones you spend 25,000 baht. The cheap ones are made of plastic and if you head hits the road it will just keep bouncing down the road. Now the good ones are made of a composite material that absorbs the impact if you come off. A big difference. Now is your head worth the extra money?

Edited by vandeventer
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5 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

The cheap ones are made of plastic and if you head hits the road it will just keep bouncing down the road. Now the good ones are made of a composite material that absorbs the impact if you come off.

.. any video?

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How many thai kids see adults not wearing helmets and so neither do they...how many kids end up dead or scarred for life as a result of these adult "role models"?


A school in CR has all kinds of signs about helmets required etc...but several teachers and other adults come riding in with no helmet so guess what message that sends to the kids?

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1 hour ago, RocketDog said:

Everybody can make their own choices.

However, once I trained myself to belt up as soon as I got into a vehicle I realized something about such habitual behavior.


To stop from doing something that is actually a habit takes a conscious effort. That being so, why would I make such an effort to intentionally put myself at risk? What is the gain/reward? Why would I spend the time to weigh risks every time I get into a car?


Even minor events like hitting a deep pothole at low speed can cause your head to hit the roof. Wearing a seat belt would prevent that. Life has a way of offering up unpleasant surprises.

Everybody can make their own choices OK you have it my TVF Health and Safety award on potholes in the road obviation award. ????

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5 hours ago, nickmondo said:

I actually hope the farang DOES have an accident if not wearing a helmet

Then when he does the GoFundMe page, I can tell him where to go!!!!!!!!

Seriously, so many idiots have come to live here..........



I'm sure there are folks here with the perverted desire you have an accident while wearing a helmet....


Thank God I'm not one of them.

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30 minutes ago, rumak said:

 i do not preach to others how to live.  ........

And don't forget,  your bad habits will affect not only you ,  but your loved ones as well ????

Thanks for not preaching.

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1 hour ago, vandeventer said:

There is a big difference in helmets. The ones you buy  for 3 hundred baht or the ones you spend 25,000 baht. The cheap ones are made of plastic and if you head hits the road it will just keep bouncing down the road. Now the good ones are made of a composite material that absorbs the impact if you come off. A big difference. Now is your head worth the extra money?

What about the DOT B2000 ones?

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so “adapting to a new culture” involves suspending “stressful” rational safety practices....right, got it......

riding illegal sidecar contraption.......or crappy unsafe moped..... no helmet..... flip flops......drink driving..... uninsured.... unlicensed... all “ local culture” ......all against actual local laws & our common sense ......

...plus the usual heavy drinking & smoking....with <deleted> diet / no exercise / no medical checks.....

know the farang type well.......thats adopting not adapting... going all native & fatalistic & no rules.


i get it; you’ve left your miserable western life behind and are now an Immortal Prince......Limitless.

 fill your boots, have at it ......... your choice as you say......pay no mind to your family or anyone else ...

because “thats who you are” ( now), right........






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2 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Wearing a helmet affects them and only them and is their choice.

100% agree it is a choice. But no dude, it is not the peeps left behind or other stuff. It is the drain your choice makes on health care. U go helmetless and splatter - your responsibility for your tubes, Drs, nurses, speech therapists and ALL that shizzel - not national health care or private ins. You take the risk  - you pay the piper if you fizzel-up.

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