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Thailand to ease some restrictions next Monday, COVID-19 zones adjusted

Jonathan Fairfield

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31 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

no, lets compare the number of Uk covid deaths compared to UK road deaths

Then lets do the same to Thailand 

You quote 20.000 Thai road deaths, which is a quoted government figure ? Does this include the deaths in the ambulances and in hospitals? deaths rate in 17 months, not 12, for covid in Thailand around 1,580?

But if you want to use other countries instead of Thailand to show how dangerous this virus is, , then i want to use Tonga !! 

I would say that this rant is verging on the incoherent, but it seems to me that it's crossed over the line. If no anti covid measures were taken to restrict Thais why would any rational person expect the death toll not to be exceed that for road accidents given the experience of other nations? And you're seriously contending that people who die in hospital from road accidents aren't counted in the fatalities? It's incumbent upon you to provide evidence for such an unlikely supposition.

As for choosing which countries to compare to, as has been extensively noted by international public health agencies, poor nations throughout the world often don't even collect mortality information because they don't have substantial public health systems. So their reports, if they exist at all, are worthless.

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3 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

And your point is...? 

Are you so far away from your home country not to read or watch news? 

Can't you remember how the pandemic started? 

The only way to handle was indeed to start with restrictions.

And there was and still is a lack of vaccines. Thailand did it wrong just to wait but not ordering effective vaccines when EU or US did it. And to rely on China not only in vaccines is a special mess. The indian variant will come and Thailand will have no means to protect their people. 

Well, AZ and Sinovac do a good job of protecting against hospitalization and death. Sinovac's vaccine particularly not so good at preventing transmission.

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Just now, placeholder said:

Well, AZ and Sinovac do a good job of protecting against hospitalization and death. Sinovac's vaccine particularly not so good at preventing transmission.

Is that also for the now rampant Delta ( Indian) variant ?

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2 minutes ago, Excel said:

Is that also for the now rampant Delta ( Indian) variant ?

Astra Zeneca looks to be very effective against the Delta variant.



Sinovac less so but still far better than not being vaccinated at all. Keep in mind that health professionals are constantly exposed to the covid vaccine unlike most people. So while some doctors developed symptoms, most didn't.



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4 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Lots of villages up in sticky rice land have not even had their first dose, I was reading before in some village only 2 people have had a jab and one of them was a nurse, 

The nurse and the pooh yai ban.

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10 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

I said this from the very beginning.  OK you shut the entire country down.  What is the next step?  Wait until the entire world is Covid Free?   The government has determined that the country can not wait indefinitely to re-open.  Gee what a shock.  So they are now re-opening.  So what was gained by all the pain and suffering of the bankrupted tourist industry, failed restaurants, shuttered tourist attractions, impoverished Thai workers out of jobs etc.  If and I repeat if the measures did anything they only changed the timetable on Covid spreading.  However the measures very successfully crippled the economy likely for decades.  Even if all the controls are removed many of the businesses lack the resources to re-open.  The covid restrictions treated everyone whether 16 or 86 the same when it was really only the over 60 population and those with significant other health problems that were truly at risk.  They should have if anything restricted those age groups "most likely" to contract Covid and those with existing health problems and let the rest of the population go to work and maintain the economy.  Now they are trying to give CPR to an economy they have battered into a coma. 

While the impact on the economy has been severe, Thailand's economy is hardly in a coma. In 2019 the Thai economy had a GDP of 544.19 billion dollars. In 2020 501. 89 billion.



Edited by placeholder
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What happened to the white zones? Seems they have fallen prey to the Delta variant.

IMO this whole debacle took root when Songkhran travel was allowed, thus spreading COVID from Bangkok. Until then, the country was doing quite well. The error was then compounded by the powers that be not busting a gut to get everyone vaccinated while they had a low case count, now the horse has well and truly bolted.

Easing restrictions now is just a sop, the damage is lasting and is the result of complacency.

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6 minutes ago, The Cipher said:


Except...it is though.


Even if you don't enjoy nightlife of any kind and are home and tucked into bed by 10pm every night, do you...never lift a weight; never swim; never get a massage; never want to travel without quarantine to other parts of the country, let alone other countries; enjoy sitting diagonally or at another table from your partner/friends; enjoy having to wear a mask every time you step outdoors, including in your private motor vehicle...


Some of those, for some of us, even individually are huge hinderances (closed gyms and closed borders in my case), but collectively they certainly constitute a material annoyance for most people.


That doesn't even take into account the constant mental pressure of keeping up with the changing regulations both here and abroad and the concern of watching businesses close and people struggle.

I agree. I thought you were suggesting that Thailand had imposed a proper lockdown. I too find the partial restrictions annoying and was separated from my wife and son for 5 months due to the border closures back in May  2020. For me it's no school for my son, and less work for me that annoys me now, especially as parks,  restaurants and shops are now open.

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Congratulations Doomers...The "country-that-shall-not-be-named-virus" and has a survival rate of 99.9% has eluded the common sense of the pin-headed overseers of perhaps the one of the world's most desirable country for single older men, Thailand. Keep on buying into the lockdowns, crummy, lousy, communist "vaccines", and incompetent management by Thai authorities and your own country embassy authorities' ability and willingness to enable your well-being in the LOS. I wish the best for all of you, but rather then gripe, moan and complain, accept you bought into a country's culture that doesn't reflect your's.

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We are in something of epic proportions: the B___S___ virus coupled with fake Crypto coins, crippled shipping of goods, inflation in general, racial tensions, corrupt politicians...food, clean drinking water, shelter, and security will rule the day.

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In the Dark Red Zone, in Dine-in, they will extend the opening to 11pm. What would anyone be doing at this time of night without a Drink in hand!?



"Have you noticed that people who tell you to calm down are the one who upset you in the first place".

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21 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

 I remember those times well.

I wish I had a tenner for all the lock ins that I was at during my younger days.

The Breweries also had a huge input on the Pub closures, as it was more profitable to have the land on which the pub stood, as an asset for sale to developers.



Indeed --- and same-same right across the spectrum.


The likes of McDonalds, KFC, Tesco et al often only end on the right side of the balance sheet due to property 'investments'.

As with 7/11 here, the franchisee often commits themselves to debts way beyond their means --- the franchisor rarely looses.

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23 hours ago, RR2020 said:

Delta variant spreading, against which the Sinovac vaccine has low efficacy, and now they ease restrictions ?


Its as if someone wants cases to go up to give an excuse later to cancel all the opening plans with a "valid" excuse.............



So, the spreading in Thailand is so low that there shouldn't be any restrictions.

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Looks like Thailand are the world leaders in determining how and where the Covid virus spreads as even in yellow zones the main restriction is no drinking with dinner and no going to a pub???? They should advise WHO and the UN so the world can learn from those rocket scientists in Bangkok????

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Anyone who is in Bangkok and goes out to eat at night knows that the proposed 'changes' affect next to nothing. Outside of major malls, it's almost impossible to find a restaurant where alcohol is NOT served, and equally impossible to find one where social distancing is practiced.


Similarly, it is doubtful many feet have been massaged since the allowed re-opening of massage parlors 'for foot massage only'. Virtually every massage parlor opened the day that restriction was lifted, and few have 'feet' as their specialty.


Despite the stretching of the rules, it seems the majority of the clusters announced have been in prisons, fresh markets, construction sites and factories. If infection is taking place at restaurants or massage parlors, it is not being contact traced.

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1 minute ago, Anton9 said:

Oh ok sorry I missed that, glad you were trolling lol

There's just so many people overly pessimistic out here

Yes. As long as the hospitals ICU's aren't being taxed to the limit, that's a very strong indicator that the virus is currently being held at bay. It very nearly overwhelmed Bangkok and few other places that cater to certain kinds of activity or have lots of workers in adequately protective work situations.

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