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Government urged to try harder to procure sufficient vaccine for the Thai people


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Sanuk,  Thanks for your chart. What the heck is going on in Australia?  Are they wanting to become the next India or Brazil?

The small amount of people who have been vaccinated is  ridiculous, and how many are even fully vaccinated?

  That is one country i will not want to go to until they have all had their 2 shots, and it is likely that will not be by

the end of this year, or maybe even next year.  No wonder they do not want international travelers.  How is New Zealand doing?

  Thailand is ahead of a large country like Australia, so maybe even though the choices of vaccine are not good at this

time, but at least there are vaccines to get, and more on the way.



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Thailand is not doing too bad compared to the region:

Australia - - 23%

Malaysia - ~ 17%

Indonesia - ~10%

Thailand - ~ 10%

Philippines - ~ 8%

Vietnam - ~ 3.4%


Edited by AlQaholic
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11 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

Thailand is not doing too bad compared to the region:

Australia - - 23%

Malaysia - ~ 17%

Indonesia - ~10%

Thailand - ~ 10%

Philippines - ~ 8%

Vietnam - ~ 3.4%



Those are single shot figures, not two-shot, fully vaccinated ones.


Thailand is closer to 4% in that regard, and is below pretty much most of its ASEAN peers except for Vietnam and the Phils.


This was as of a couple days ago:





Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Those are single shot figures, not two-shot, fully vaccinated ones.


Thailand is closer to 4% in that regard, and is below pretty much most of its ASEAN peers except for Vietnam and the Phils.


At least one shot, yes you are correct. I would be overwhelmed with happiness if I received "at least" one shot:) 

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Hello ,


here we go !! Vaccines for Thai People !!!??? How about for Thai People and Foreigners living in Thailand !! 
Covid does not care about your Nationality, Race or Skin Color , If infects makes you sick and could potentially kill anyone !!

Thailands Vaccination Program currently is a miserable failure , Because they hesitated and waited we are All in THAILAND WAITING IN A LONG GLOBAL LINE FOR GOOD VACCINATIONS AND  CHOICE !! 

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1 hour ago, BestB said:

According to both of them all is going to plan. 

Maybe they have different plans ????

Nah. More like a gross over estimation of their own abilities, and the appropriateness of their appointments to their positions. Combined with hubris, arrogance, self importance, grandiosity, and being totally out of touch with the suffering of anyone other than the filthy rich here. 

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5 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

At least one shot, yes you are correct. I would be overwhelmed with happiness if I received "at least" one shot:) 


The difference becomes important especially in regards to the AZ vaccine that Thailand plans to be relying on, because studies have shown that its effectiveness rises markedly AFTER the second shot, and is much less based on one shot only.


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18 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Those are single shot figures, not two-shot, fully vaccinated ones.


Thailand is closer to 4% in that regard, and is below pretty much most of its ASEAN peers except for Vietnam and the Phils.


This was as of a couple days ago:





On top of that how many are getting the Sinovac which is more expensive than Pfeizer and Moderna but is practically useless against the Delta variant.

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12 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The difference becomes important especially in regards to the AZ vaccine that Thailand plans to be relying on, because studies have shown that its effectiveness rises markedly AFTER the second shot, and is much less based on one shot only.


Thats good but you need to use the damn vaccines.  There constant supply chain problems.  These "Generals" should be experts at supply chains .


There not.

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 Anyway , excessive vaccination does not work, nowhere, neither in Israel, nor in the UK, we must review the strategy and treat the disease with known treatments while waiting for a hypothetical vaccine worthy of the name.

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4 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

There is a massive number of people in Thailand who are anti vaccine or frighten of having it.  . I wonder if it will made compulsory 


During a taxi ride in Bangkok last night, the 60-something driver explained there's no way he'd get vaccinated. I asked why, and he said it's common knowledge that only politicians, the rich, and VIPs get the real vaccine. Everyone else is being injected with sanitary hand gel. "Injected at noon, and dead the next morning," he claimed. I could not persuade him otherwise. I said I had my first jab 20 days ago, and he said 'Oh yeah, farangs also get the real vaccine!'

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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

  Thailand is ahead of a large country like Australia

That's not correct, take another look at the graph Sanuk provided.


The figures in the graph are for people who have had 2 shots.


Australia is 4.68%


Thailand is 3.7 %


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22 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Where has anything ever been done harder and faster in Thailand when it comes to Government work and bureaucracy.  Slow and steady is how things are done just like the vaccine rollout without any expediency.  However, I know that when I get a certain urge I get on top of it and work harder and faster, but that is a different type of work I would suppose. ????


Try letting the work get on top of you. That's pretty good too .

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“Government urged to try harder to procure sufficient vaccine for the Thai people”

Oh, come on people. Let’s not distract the current administration from trying to bring us back from the dead, by way of the current Phuket sandbox scheme, okay?

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23 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Where has anything ever been done harder and faster in Thailand when it comes to Government work and bureaucracy.  Slow and steady is how things are done just like the vaccine rollout without any expediency.  However, I know that when I get a certain urge I get on top of it and work harder and faster, but that is a different type of work I would suppose. ????


So think telling this PM and his government to move faster is really going to work? You just slowed them down and what will you do if they dont move faster? Write another useless article

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8 hours ago, arick said:

Why isn't Phuket on their list they were 70% Last Friday and last Saturday 80% they would be at the top of the list. 


Because much as some people would like it to be - Phuket is not a country!

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7 hours ago, nkg said:



The Antipodean politicians are too busy bragging about what a great job they've done about covid to bother with minor details like vaccinating their populations.


Never mind, they are only about a year behind the other western nations.



The Antipodean nations are not part of the West! - did you have Geography lessons at school?

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22 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

Its funny what countries have fallen down on this...Oz ..Kiwi especially.


Vaccination overview
From Our World in Data · Last updated: 2 days ago
Doses given
1 shot- 8.98M=  9.2 %
2 shots 2.55M=3.7 %



Good heavens! That does put things into perspective doesn't it ... NZ + OZ ... who'd a thunk ...

And South Korea as well less than 10% double jabbed ...

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5 hours ago, Hayduke said:


To the Thai ‘leadership’ this is more of a money making opportunity than a public health crisis…..giving China a virtual vaccine monopoly provides for generous kickbacks and maximizes the profits going into official pockets.




I don't think they were thinking of China as a  "quality vaccine" provider. They were probably referring to Pfizer (American) Moderna (American), and J&J (American), which of course would mean stepping on some influetial Oriental toes were they to acquire substantial supplies from the West!

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5 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Years ago we used to say in the large factory where I done my Apprenticeship

" That guy is useless at his Job, he,ll do well, and get promoted to the height of his Incompetence "


Known as "The Peter Principle"

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5 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Seeing is believing; never seen anything less competent while clearing out all the government's coffers .........

Wondering simply why all Thai people stand by idly and watch how those clowns in the government are throwing the country into the absolute abyss. Recovery of all this mess and highway robbery will take much more than little sandbox ideas with conditions hardly anyone would agree to - unless they have no choice (like family or work) or from an otherwise suppressed country .........


"why all Thai people stand by idly"


Guns and tanks, and Article 44?


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5 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

I think the Junta may have priorities other than bothering to save Thai people and the economy....

From 22/6/21 "Army confirms purchase of Airbus C295 transport plane"  


Absolutely scandalous if true - they will probably tryt to justify it by  saying  that the deal was sealed long before Covid came to Thailand.

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