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Thai study shows antibody levels after 2 doses of Sinovac drop 50% every 40 days


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Isn't it normal for antibody levels to fall post vaccination, and how do these results compare to other vaccines?  I thought the immune system was able to respond faster post vaccine, but antibody levels would fall, same as if you had a real infection?

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32 minutes ago, Hayduke said:

My….what a complete surprise. You would think the nice, hardworking people who engineered this plague in the first place might have put some more thought into how to 'un-engineer' it.



Correct but they had a breach before the anti stuff was ready, In order to cover and probably those who know what to do disappeared. 

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5 hours ago, animalmagic said:

With some quick maths on the back of a beer mat that means that after 1 year the Sinovac vaccine is 0.2% effective.

Except that antibody levels on their own are not a measure of effective immunity. Antibodies are just the part of the immune system that's designed to fight off what the body identifies as a foreign biological entity. Once they've done their job and eliminated the "foreign Invader" - be it the pathogen itself or the pathogen-mimicking parts of the vaccine, they will always start to wane.


As mentioned in an earlier post, B & T cells are what is important in maintaining longer term immunity against a disease. The B & T cells will quickly create new antibodies as and when needed.

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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

Vaccines without side effects? That's going to be a world first. I googled it. Couldn't find anything supporting it. Can you share a link?

Google next two years.

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4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

I gotta say if the mRNA vaccines do turn out to cause any long-term harm, the Chinese will have a coup. 


Anyway, for now, let's hope the non-China world is right. 

That seems unlikely though, given that no vaccine has been shown to have long term adverse side effects. In fact, to do so would be fundamentally at odds with the basic biology of how vaccines work.


As William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease expert at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville put it:



"Of all the vaccines we use, in infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, none of them have any long-term effects," Schaffner said.


"No vaccine has shown side effects 2 to 5 years later. That doesn't exist because there's no biological reason for it."



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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

On top of that, they believe that by adding a shot of AZ will improve the efficacy and antibodies.  No duh, AstraZenica on its own, even one jab is better than the Sinovac.....However, the WHO has other ideas of whether is would be appropriate.......

Not too sure about AZ 

Double jabbed UK Carrier Force has outbreak despite everyone vaccinated. 3700 personnel. Proves you can still spread Wuflu after being vaccinated. The vaccine just improves your recovery chances we hope!

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8 hours ago, Blumpie said:

50 percent of what?  I didn't think this shot did anything for you anyways.  

Obviously 50% of what it was 40 days earlier. Mathematically, this means:

  • 100%  two weeks after the second jab
  • 50 %  40days later
  • 25%  another 40 days later 
  • 12.5 %  another 40 days later
  • 6.25%  another 40 days later
  • 3.1225  another 40 days later
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25 minutes ago, chilly07 said:

Not too sure about AZ 

Double jabbed UK Carrier Force has outbreak despite everyone vaccinated. 3700 personnel. Proves you can still spread Wuflu after being vaccinated. The vaccine just improves your recovery chances we hope!



100 out of 3700...looks way worse than the Thai breakthrough cases for the health workers - 880 from 670K vaccinated

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1 minute ago, mr_lob said:

Now will anyone believe the BS low numbers blurted out by the CCP within China after they have been using this garbage to vaccinate their population.


Well, Chinese has the advantage of being able ot deploy the resources of an Orwellian police state when it has to to control its citizens' movements. Still, China is not North Korea. There are millions of foreigners living throughout China. If hospitals were overflowing with patients, we would know about it. 

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The failure, here, is not with Sinovac.  Sinovac was always supposed to be a stop gap measure. Its shortcomings were well known. The focus on Sinovac now removes the spotlight from the fact that AZ has had severe problems.  I'm not even speaking of Thailand. It botched its phase 3 studies, made premature announcements, signed contracts to deliver vaccines in amounts it could not deliver, and then tried to underplay complications with taking the shot. That is why it is sitting on the shelf in most Western countries. What happened in Thailand is another matter, and one which I'll not go into. But Sinovac did what it said it would do: provide mass quantities of a vaccine that provides basic protection but is not equal to Moderna or Pfizer.

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2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

So the fact that there's no evidence of such being the case actually supports your assertion? In other words, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence? Where have I heard that one before?

Obviously you have never run a company, it is not your fault for not understanding how competition works.


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8 hours ago, BE88 said:


I wait for a new vaccine in two or three years 100% guaranteed .






So you're quite happy for this current cycle of lockdowns, quarantines, self-isolations etc. to continue for another two or three years?

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1 hour ago, John Drake said:

The failure, here, is not with Sinovac.  Sinovac was always supposed to be a stop gap measure. Its shortcomings were well known. The focus on Sinovac now removes the spotlight from the fact that AZ has had severe problems.  I'm not even speaking of Thailand. It botched its phase 3 studies, made premature announcements, signed contracts to deliver vaccines in amounts it could not deliver, and then tried to underplay complications with taking the shot. That is why it is sitting on the shelf in most Western countries. What happened in Thailand is another matter, and one which I'll not go into. But Sinovac did what it said it would do: provide mass quantities of a vaccine that provides basic protection but is not equal to Moderna or Pfizer.

Yep...AZ is at the center of the failure of the Australian vaccination plan, but over there the reason is very high risk aversion. We are waiting now for Pfizer vaccines to arrive after October.

The Thais chose to put all eggs in one basket dealing with unreliable company, which was already at odds with EU in regards to contracts and vaccine delivery. Now it is too late to purchase vaccines in time from any country. Lockdowns will be around here for a few months at least.

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"There is no comparative information about the efficacy of the Sinovac vaccine after two doses in protection against the Alpha or Delta variants."




Evidently, in Chile 37% of Covid patients in ICU's have been fully immunized with Sinovac.


Concerns rise in Chile over efficacy of Chinese-developed vaccine - YouTube

Refer comments @1min16secs!

Edited by LosLobo
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13 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

China won't be happy with this kind of information. 


Expect 2 or 3 "studies" in the next couple days that suggest the antibodies last for a hundred years. 


Neither will CP.

So does that mean after 80 days it's ****ING useless

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5 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

are just the part of the immune system that's designed to fight off what the body identifies as a foreign biological entity. Once they've done their job and eliminated the "foreign Invader" -

TAT's guidelines?:D

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4 hours ago, BE88 said:

Obviously you have never run a company, it is not your fault for not understanding how competition works.


So we go from "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" to "Absence of evidence is evidence". Or "No A =A" Tell me, given your criteria, how is it possible to disprove your assertion?

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

In his Facebook post on Monday, Dr. Anan said the clinical research was jointly conducted by BIOTEC and the clinical research centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Thammasat University to study the antibody level toward the RBD protein of the COVID-19 virus in 500 samples of people fully inoculated with Sinovac vaccine.

How about we don't use Facebook to promote science and instead go back to publishing peer reviewed studies. 

Silly me.  The bar is set too freaking high.  How can you promote a narrative unsupported my actual studies if you are required to submit studies?

On Facebook "experts" are experts.  Scientific scrutiny is no longer required.

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