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Stay home measure imposed by CCSA as COVID-19 pandemic worsens in Thailand

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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Who in his right mind likes lockdowns, i sure as hell don't. I also dont like them. My life and that of many people has become boring. I am not an outgoing person at all. I like my home i like entertaining myself there however i am bored too.


I hate that its hard to see my parents or to do anything fun in Thailand right now. I am not super scared of the virus but I am scared of what will happen if the numbers get too high for the hospitals to cope with. We have seen Italy, Brazil, India all get far higher death rates because they could not help everyone.


That is what a lockdown is for to slow the spread so the virus. Lockdowns are used in all the countries in the world. So for those that doubt do you think everyone is wrong and you are right. 


Maybe more a bit of wanting something so much. I understand a lot of expats are retired and came here for fun and now there is no fun. Being locked up in a small condo nothing much to do. Not fun at all. I get that does not make the points of a lockdown less valid.

What kind of lockdown do you think would make a difference though at this stage?  Do you want the government to prevent you from having several outside guests in your home to use your home gym as one example of a lockdown measure?   Would you like them to arrest you and put you in jail if you have any visitor at all to your home?   Is that the kind of lockdown you want or would you prefer the kind of lockdown that impacts other people?  

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2 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Yes i see, however these are just 2 articles while 100's say otherwise. I can find anything i like on the internet supporting my opinion. I keep to the mainstream news not outliers. 


I can find on the internet that the earth is flat too and a lot of people supporting it. Does not make it true. However if all over the world lockdowns that bring hardship and unpopularity to goverments are used then I know its the right thing. Because no government would lockdown and make itself unpopular if they really had too.


You can always find outliers but that does not convince me. As the logic of a lockdown is sound. Less contact is less spread. Unless you can destroy that argument yours are not strong enough.

  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, James105 said:

What kind of lockdown do you think would make a difference though at this stage?  Do you want the government to prevent you from having several outside guests in your home to use your home gym as one example of a lockdown measure?   Would you like them to arrest you and put you in jail if you have any visitor at all to your home?   Is that the kind of lockdown you want or would you prefer the kind of lockdown that impacts other people?  

I think the 5 people is a good thing, you can't block people from having no guests at all. Though I am not sure my gym sessions will go on as they can't come here. Its non essential according to the government. So by the letter of the law they can't come. 


The lockdown they have now should be good enough, but the problem is the slow vaccination. This lockdown is harsh enough. I am not advocating for an even harder lockdown. 

4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes i see, however these are just 2 articles while 100's say otherwise. I can find anything i like on the internet supporting my opinion. I keep to the mainstream news not outliers. 


I can find on the internet that the earth is flat too and a lot of people supporting it. Does not make it true. However if all over the world lockdowns that bring hardship and unpopularity to goverments are used then I know its the right thing. Because no government would lockdown and make itself unpopular if they really had too.


You can always find outliers but that does not convince me. As the logic of a lockdown is sound. Less contact is less spread. Unless you can destroy that argument yours are not strong enough.

That first article actually lets you know WHY you can find any point of view.


Read it.


I also believe that if you think lockdowns work… lockdown! Stay in your house. Grab is cheap. Let the rest of us live our lives. If we can agree on that we can be friends lol


You also don’t seem to understand, I am not saying lockdowns don’t work. I am saying they are detrimental. Meaning, they kill more people. 

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

No we can't as lockdowns don't work that way. Sorry we can't be friends. Luckily your kind is a minority and not in charge. 


I read the article and it states you cannot know if it works.. but that is just stupid as i told you before less contact is less spread. For any virus. So a lockdown makes sure there is less contact so less spread. No need to say you can't really say it works or not because you cannot compare things. Of course not we can't copy countries and then in one have no lockdown and in an other have. Wish that kind of experiment was possible but it can't be done. So you can never prove it that way.


But as i said less contact is less spread. And no you have to follow the rules just like everyone else. You could also go back to your home country if the rules are better there. Nobody makes you stay here.

In short, you agree with the Thai government. Lol


“Less contact less spreading” during lockdowns people are very close to one another, indoors. Then they go out and get close to people, and come home. That statement does not apply, you see. 


That’s not what the article said btw lol u seem a bit clueless

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, robblok said:

but that is just stupid as i told you before less contact is less spread. 

I think the 5 people is a good thing, you can't block people from having no guests at all

I presume you do not see the contradiction between these 2 statements?   

6 hours ago, webfact said:

People living in “maximum controlled and restricted” or “Dark Red” areas of Thailand are being told not to leave their residences unless it is necessary to buy food or medicines, to seek medical treatment, to get vaccinations or to go to their offices because they cannot work from home.

Does that mean I don't have to go to my local immigration office to do my 90 day report next week?[online won't work] it's only an address check after-all.. not important, especially as it hasn't changed for the last 12 years... that equals 48 reports all stating the same !!!!

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

If it carries on until October, you may be coming on a quarantine free holiday to Pattaya and finding yourself in isolation for a undisclosed time anyway !!


Imagine coming to Thailand for a holiday and told you cannot leave where you are staying for your entire vacation apart from visiting the supermarket 

Not to worry. Pattaya's kratoey phalanx - now largely out of work and idle - will make sure they'll have a jolly good time and not be too lonely.

2 hours ago, Wiggy said:

The dog can use the garden, assuming there is one to use. 

Mine uses next doors flower pots... took 6 months to train him to do it.

  • Haha 1
16 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

That first article actually lets you know WHY you can find any point of view.


Read it.


I also believe that if you think lockdowns work… lockdown! Stay in your house. Grab is cheap. Let the rest of us live our lives. If we can agree on that we can be friends lol


You also don’t seem to understand, I am not saying lockdowns don’t work. I am saying they are detrimental. Meaning, they kill more people. 

Let’s talk about the most extreme lockdown, the one in Wuhan.


As you know, Wuhan opened up completely after its lockdown. Maybe 3 or 4 thousand died in the early days, but Covid deaths in China thereafter were very low.


so, how many people do you think would have died in China without a lockdown, and how many died because of the lockdown?


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Well, I think a post or two got deleted. But I love this argument “you can find a source to affirm any point of view”.


Really, you can find a peer reviewed article in a major scientific journal that is trash? 

If your statement was correct, you could find peer reviewed works that the earth was flat. But you can’t.

Again, read the article. It lays out how even an independent investigation was done on one of the early studies. 
Remember now, peer reviewed, major scientific journal, good.


  • Thanks 1
7 minutes ago, James105 said:

I presume you do not see the contradiction between these 2 statements?   

Not really, if you are always in contact with the same people then that is less risky as going out and mixing with different people.  With friends you can keep in touch and know your risk. That wont work with complete strangers. So I don't see the contradiction.


There will always be some contact and 5 people is actually 3 people if you have a partner. I mean its 5 in total. Its far more dangerous to be in contact with strangers then with friends. Because of the contact tracing.


There is a limit of course to how much you can limit people. Seeing a few friends at your own home like the rules were is ok. You can't have zero contact. It always depend how harsh you want a lockdown. The friends i see are all vaccinated and keep to themselves mainly too. That is a bit hard to know if you meet random people. 


As i said not sure if the gym thing will go on or not. Probably not but will see. Seems to be forbidden as its non essential travel.



2 hours ago, 10baht said:

They could have gone to the beaches in Spain. I hear the rain in Spain fall mainly on the plains. But in Thailand the are no PLANES – yes, correct spelling.

On the other hand, there's only pain to be gained from listening to the refrains of explaining the drain on our economy caused by the Delta strain...There!

  • Haha 1
14 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

Well, I think a post or two got deleted. But I love this argument “you can find a source to affirm any point of view”.


Really, you can find a peer reviewed article in a major scientific journal that is trash? 

If your statement was correct, you could find peer reviewed works that the earth was flat. But you can’t.

Again, read the article. It lays out how even an independent investigation was done on one of the early studies. 
Remember now, peer reviewed, major scientific journal, good.


Lets put it this way if lockdowns don't work then why did the virus spread so much after the Songkran holiday when everyone could move freely ? Explain that to me and how free movement did not cause the current spike and then we might be able to agree on things. 


Because the cause of the current spread is songkran for a large part combined with delta. So because we let people move around so much it got worse. So how can you argue that lockdowns don't make sense.

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I fear the CSSA is just a puppet extension of the junta installed government that is getting scared of things such as protests.  A coup has not happened in a long time, statistically speaking based on past Thailand history

7 minutes ago, robblok said:

Lets put it this way if lockdowns don't work then why did the virus spread so much after the Songkran holiday when everyone could move freely ? Explain that to me and how free movement did not cause the current spike and then we might be able to agree on things. 


Because the cause of the current spread is songkran for a large part combined with delta. So because we let people move around so much it got worse. So how can you argue that lockdowns don't make sense.

The lockdowns may slow some things down, but they only delay the inevitable. 

55 minutes ago, csmith said:

I'm confused …. The central Government makes decisions but then allows 

the district mayors make their own amendments …. Is there one point of contact where the local restrictions can be confirmed?

I live in Chiangmai …. where can we find the “rules-of-the-day”




so they can take the credit if things improve or blame the local authorities if not?

3 minutes ago, gk10012001 said:

The lockdowns may slow some things down, but they only delay the inevitable. 

Yes of course they slow things down, that is what I have been saying and without vaccination there would be no point.


Its all about keeping the health system from collapsing. Then numbers of deaths will skyrocket. 

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9 minutes ago, clivebaxter said:

so they can take the credit if things improve or blame the local authorities if not?

certainly a possibility.  It is open season with that government that is not answerable to anybody but the PM


I can not believe how most people think a vaccine jab will cure the problem it is in effect adding another problem also the people dying from the jab are probably being added to virus deaths

  • Confused 1
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4 hours ago, Oxx said:

Does this apply to delivery riders? Taxi drivers?


What about walking the dog? Surely that poses no risk.

Maybe start to house the soi dogs at home and rent them out to people that want to go out after cerfew .

  • Haha 1

The topic heading is "Stay home measure imposed...."

Why is my Homepro Ratchada showing its currently open, same as it was yesterday?

Think I might go shopping for sandwich press. 

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3 hours ago, Wiggy said:

I can’t see it applying to delivery drivers, and some may need to take a taxi to buy necessary items, or travel to a vaccination site. 

Walking a dog isn’t necessary, so I guess that’s forbidden, unless you take your dog to the supermarket. 

It shouldn't be too difficult to take your mutt with you for its walk while you are also doing a necessary task e.g. go to convenience store, pharmacy, ATM....

5 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

So we ARE on lockdown then even if the government will not admit it ......

Actually it seems technically it's not a law but rather a suggestion...

I have a flight at 9 PM this week and was wondering what's gonna happen... I emailed Thai Elite about it and they said there is no curfew but it's rather a suggested (This was last week, not sure about these new updates).


But yes, all shops close and wouldn't doubt if a cop may give you problems even if it's not "law".


1 hour ago, robblok said:

Lets put it this way if lockdowns don't work then why did the virus spread so much after the Songkran holiday when everyone could move freely ? Explain that to me and how free movement did not cause the current spike and then we might be able to agree on things. 


Because the cause of the current spread is songkran for a large part combined with delta. So because we let people move around so much it got worse. So how can you argue that lockdowns don't make sense.

Everyone can move freely here all the time. Night time is the only real restriction I see. It just makes no sense is all. Neither does allowing people to grab food at street sushi stands all crowded up on one another, but restaurants have no dining in allowed (I actually saw this the other day). You agree with these regulations. I don’t. 

It’s easily explained because countries like Sweden, who have very relaxed rules, the virus spikes. If movement created the patterns, the case numbers would be constant! I have no idea why it’s so hard to understand. The virus moves in natural waves. Nothing can stop it. 

So, answer… how can you argue movement of people causes infections when in Sweden, there are infection waves, but the population had the same constant, freedom to move? 

5 hours ago, Oxx said:

Does this apply to delivery riders? Taxi drivers?


What about walking the dog? Surely that poses no risk.

Only to the dog.

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