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Anyone else tired of the nonsense, and contemplating leaving Thailand?

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

find younger women to be far more vital, more vigorous,

I get the picture of a young man with an old woman....... 

You like that picture? 

And you think really, it's all about love with your wife..... from her side? 


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6 minutes ago, blix99 said:

why Malaysia?

Lived there prior to coming to Thailand.  Enjoy it very much and it's a great change of pace from Thailand. My twice yearly visits kept me sane. Need to start that again 

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3 minutes ago, tonray said:

Lived there prior to coming to Thailand.  Enjoy it very much and it's a great change of pace from Thailand. My twice yearly visits kept me sane. Need to start that again 

Thanks. Glad it works for you...

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5 hours ago, BigStar said:

.... Farangs who weren't in the least envied in their home countries do love to think they're being envied here. And resented for stealing the best women, when actually they've ended up with the least desirable by Thai male standards. Thais may think the woman fortunate if she'd being well-supported and would approve if one of their own family members could enjoy such support. 


....... Thais can be great characters with some amazing stories. And I find them always fun to joke around with.




Thai men may have different standards but I don't think they would make efforts to get to the plain (if not ugly) Thai women I see so many farangs with. I really wonder why a farang guy would come to the LOS to pick up below average looking women (and I'm not even talking of how vulgar they often are). Those guys must be totally desperate back home, wherever they come from.


As for Thai people being fun to be with, yes I agree .... when they don't get a bit heavy about it!

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22 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Of course nothing stays the same, and if you have been away from your home country, things move on, thats life.


I would concur after living through several coups in Thailand, nothing changes, the faces maybe but fundamentally everything is the same. The electricity still goes off at the first crack of thunder, streets are clogged with the spaghetti of wires, education is abysmal , garbage everywhere the list goes on,


The tipping point comes I think for many of us around the 10 year mark, where you can't work, you're sat at home and the craziness of the place just sets in. After that its a downhill spiral until you cave and move.

Not saying that's for everyone, but for a section of the expats it's a pretty familiar pattern

You are right that things move in in ones home country.  That is to be expected.  My point, to the original poster, is that what he do fondly remembers about his home country may no longer exist.

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4 hours ago, gejohesch said:

Thai men may have different standards but I don't think they would make efforts to get to the plain (if not ugly) Thai women I see so many farangs with. I really wonder why a farang guy would come to the LOS to pick up below average looking women (and I'm not even talking of how vulgar they often are). Those guys must be totally desperate back home, wherever they come from.



You can't judge taste . Ugly for 1 makes pretty ok for another . There is no such thing as universal beauty . Some want small , others want big , some want raunchy , some want rich ... all personal taste .

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Try Portugal  but don't forget altough many people from further up North are escaping the winter there it is not warm on the Iberian peninsula. I was in the south of Spain last November near the Gibraltar Rock and the weather was  miserable. On the other hand it can be over 40 C in summer. The Porugese are easy going people and the food is nice, spicy chicken ( Piri Piri ) and lots of fish and shellfish. The seawater coming from the Atlantic is freezing even in high summer.

Canary Islands might be a better option or Caribbean, been several times to Curacao and the climate is quite nice, 28 - 32 C, nice windy and very little rain.

The perfect climate doesn't excist.

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7 hours ago, gejohesch said:

Thai men may have different standards but I don't think they would make efforts to get to the plain (if not ugly) Thai women I see so many farangs with. I really wonder why a farang guy would come to the LOS to pick up below average looking women (and I'm not even talking of how vulgar they often are). Those guys must be totally desperate back home, wherever they come from.


As for Thai people being fun to be with, yes I agree .... when they don't get a bit heavy about it!

I guess there are many things in Thailand that are an improvement on a single cabin SAGA cruise, or an old folks home common room. The younger guys however 6000 mile round trip for the company of a woman? Preference or necessity ????

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17 hours ago, gejohesch said:

I think I was "off target" when I said "disgust". It would rather be like "despising" - I hate to say it, I know it sounds awful, but I'm being honest with myself here.

I may have despised some things in LOS like the casual cruelty to animals and the way lo so people were exploited, but mostly I loved it. In the UK I found a lot to dislike and little to love. I was there for the money, so I stayed.

I never considered the UK as a place to retire to.

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22 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

You're kidding, yes?   You think life in 1920s and 30s was better than it is now?   Jesus....   


You are right, though, when you say that some may not have noticed the differences.  You're one who seems so (willfully) blind that you refuse to acknowledge that life in general is much better now, for everyone, than it was 100 years ago.     

Well, that is a matter of perspective. Certainly having under 2 billion on the planet was a big plus. Alot of wide open space, cheap land and houses etc. A friend of mine was telling me his family was very much middle income in the 1950's and 1960's. The mother did not work, and his dad had a mid level management position. Did not earn alot. Yet, they lived in a 5,000 sf mansion, and his father regularly bought duplex apartments, which later become great income earners for the family. Things were very different back then, and there is no doubt on any level, that the quality of life was substantially higher than it is now, for the average person.


Only those who are wealthy, or those who believe tech is everything, believe that the quality of life is better now. Few of us agree. And I am not a sentimentalist, on any level. 

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'm not sure women really like men at all.

But that one liked me enough to have a son with me, then leave her daughter with me. And still turns up to have sex with me, when my gf isn't around. I gave up worrying about what women thought of me a long time back, as long as they're prepared to have sex with me, that's good enough.


If they didn't want our money they'd probably choose to live alone or in a house filled with cats. I think they might be right, I'm coming round to their way of thinking but filling my house with rabbits.


And that's what's great about Thailand, and why I'm not thinking of leaving. The Thai women really want our money, unlike the UK women whom the UK government pays to live alone.

My observation of women is that they don't need to have any men in their lives, except to conceive children and to pay to raise them. IMO women are quite happy without men as they usually have good support networks with other women. On the other hand, IMO most men need women for the obvious reason and all else follows from that.

I actually envy women for the way they support each other, something that men are not very good at in my experience.


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22 hours ago, sletraveler said:

A timely post as I sit at Tokyo airport on my way to the states.    Not pulling the plug. Yet but gonna spend a couple months in US and then Mexico.   Next year I’ll either come back to pull the plug or stay on.   If it’s still the same mess I hope to have found greener pastures by then.  

You are fortunate to be getting out at this time. Thailand is a real mess at the moment. A friend in Pattaya was telling me about the exploding homeless population, and the ensuing violence and street crime, related to it. I predicted something like this happening, long before Covid. The poor just seem to be getting poorer. 

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22 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

And I have learned that while it is great to have a discerning mind, some times it is necessary to be able to put one's discerning mind in neutral gear ... and just go with the flow.

Good point. Many a Thai has suggested that to me. I need to develop the skill of burying my head in the sand, and ignoring the nonsense, there is no question about that. 

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

You are fortunate to be getting out at this time. Thailand is a real mess at the moment. A friend in Pattaya was telling me about the exploding homeless population, and the ensuing violence and street crime, related to it. I predicted something like this happening, long before Covid. The poor just seem to be getting poorer. 

There is only a finite amount of wealth in the world, IMO. As the rich get richer, there is less for the poor to share, IMO.

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12 hours ago, gejohesch said:

Thai men may have different standards but I don't think they would make efforts to get to the plain (if not ugly) Thai women I see so many farangs with. I really wonder why a farang guy would come to the LOS to pick up below average looking women (and I'm not even talking of how vulgar they often are). Those guys must be totally desperate back home, wherever they come from.


As for Thai people being fun to be with, yes I agree .... when they don't get a bit heavy about it!

"Those guys must be totally desperate back home, wherever they come from."


You got that right.

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7 hours ago, Albert Zweistein said:

Try Portugal  but don't forget altough many people from further up North are escaping the winter there it is not warm on the Iberian peninsula. I was in the south of Spain last November near the Gibraltar Rock and the weather was  miserable. On the other hand it can be over 40 C in summer. The Porugese are easy going people and the food is nice, spicy chicken ( Piri Piri ) and lots of fish and shellfish. The seawater coming from the Atlantic is freezing even in high summer.

Canary Islands might be a better option or Caribbean, been several times to Curacao and the climate is quite nice, 28 - 32 C, nice windy and very little rain.

The perfect climate doesn't excist.

I find Portuguese food very overrated. 

Beaches around Lisbon, yes, freezing water even in mid summer. I guess it would be similar anywhere along the Atlantic coast of Portugal.

Someone mentioned the paper thin steaks: true (and paper thin pork chops too).

On the other hand, pleasant enough climate all around the year but you would have to heat up your place during winter.


To me, the perfect climate is the "tropical climate of altitude" in the mountains from Mexico down to the Andes in South America. But then, no beaches by definition, and questions re. security etc.


Finding the ideal place is not easy. The solution for many is to alternate between 2 or 3 locations, if they can afford it (money, health).

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22 hours ago, FunkyDunky58 said:

Take a look at Vietnam. Cheaper on most fronts, and they are making a lot more effort to welcome retirees than here.


I do not like most of the people there. Three trips to the north and the south, over many years, with and without the miss. I just do not find the Viet people as kind and pleasant as most Thais, I do not find the light hearted spirit, nor the humor. Maybe it is just me? And I hear the visa situation is getting more difficult?

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5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I do not like most of the people there. Three trips to the north and the south, over many years, with and without the miss. I just do not find the Viet people as kind and pleasant as most Thais, I do not find the light hearted spirit, nor the humor. Maybe it is just me? And I hear the visa situation is getting more difficult?

I feel exactly the same. Been there twice with my wife (Thai), the unpleasant looks, nearly hostile!

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18 hours ago, BigStar said:

The ho's are extremely friendly. Love how they ride up on their motorbikes and accost you as well. Our snowflakes might not like that, however.


I found that ordinary respectable "nice" non-mercenary girls CAN be friendly, rather than neutral as VNs generally are, if you're friendly to them and seem a bit interesting, as for a long-term relationship that might go somewhere. Generally speaking. I have an acquaintance in BKK who regularly picks Thai office girls for a free short-time as well. It helps to be younger and good-looking. ????

True. And it helps to be outgoing, have some rap, a good sense of humor, and speak at least some Thai. And it really helps if you have just enough bling to appear successful. I have a single friend who spends alot of time in Bangkok, has a nice place, a nice new car, several high end motorcycles, and owns a business there. He cannot handle all the action he gets, and it is 100% civilian. Never working girls. Bangkok is heaven for a single man who is assertive and hungry. 

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18 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

The Supermarkets in Spain now have East European and African sections. The ubiquitous Senegalese fake Rolex vendors abound, as do African prostitutes. Ever since the influx of Romanians burglaries have increased.


You are right, if you choose a close-knit village or golf course resort you will of course avoid most of that, until you go to the sea-side or more frequented places.


The properties are still amazing, and it is not coincidence that Ronaldo and Saudi Royalty buy villas in Marbella. However, they come at a price that is considerably higher than in Thailand.


The weather is still among the best in Europe, albeit you will have to contend with 40 degrees in Andalucia and many other parts, often without aircon.


So yes, if you have to go to Europe, then Spain or Portugal are the best choices, most likely, perhaps with parts of Italy.


It's just the social issues seem a lot worse than Thailand, for all the greater poverty.

Looked at the Marbella and Malaga areas. They seem quite expensive, as they are tourist zones. Marbella is out of control expensive. Very high end playground  like Monaco.

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