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Thailand’s Department of Health advises people wear face masks during sex


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He added that a monitoring team has been set up with the title, The VVs, The Vigilanty Voyeurs.  They have special permission from our illustrious leader, to peep through keyholes, loiter in bushes and peer over toilet cubicle partitions. Anyone caught having intercourse in the missionary position will be detained. In the canine alternative position. excuses such as 'We were only practicing close order marching.' Will not be accepted.????????

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3 hours ago, internationalism said:

what sane doctor would threaten people with prison for making love?

What sane person would classify "sex with strangers at parties" as making love?


Anyway, it's the "illegal gathering" part they take issue with.  As they should.

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26 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The departmental rep responsible for sanitation and sex Dr Pheerayuth Sanugoon spoke to Daily News at the weekend after a young prostitute in Kanchanaburi tested positive raising concerns of a cluster. Huh? And now all couples with the nation are supposed to wear masks during sex?

Perhaps he wants to say "Thai men, when you go to <deleted> your prostitute/gik/mia noi after work or at the weekend, make sure you follow these precautions", but he doesn't want to publicly acknowledged the reality of it.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

pay-for-play should be avoided.

Damn, those Shakespearean actors I booked are gonna get <deleted> when I have to cancel.


They had promised me othello as I like it too. 


It's all much ado about nothing.

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5 minutes ago, limbos said:

Will this be sufficient?

Girl with facemasks.jpg

You know, I never thought about how much viral transmission there might be in a good post coital queef until I saw this pic.  Anybody seen the study and can post it?


"Is she really going out with him"

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Been going bareback on these hoes for as long as I can remember.

If the p%!#y hasn't kill me yet I'll be damned if Covid will.

Besides, how am I supposed bust in the mouth if she's wearing a mask? 

Edited by lucky2008
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They really are a bunch of jokers. If you live together with someone as a couple, merely spending time together in your home pretty much guarantees transmission from one partner to the other one, especially with Delta which is now the dominant strain.

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32 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

They could throw us a bone so to speak and open up all the blocked internet porn.

Could save a few lives and make staying at home more enjoyable.

Start Tor Browser and enjoy yourself, don't care stupid peoples what said.

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3 hours ago, jojothai said:

Farcical. What next?

Dont use the same shower or toilet? Or better you have to use separate bathrooms , 

Ohh and i forgot,

separate beds for everybody

Not far fetched.  Officials in the USA were recommending last year that people in the same household stay separate, keep their distance from each other, etc.  good luck with those logistics

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