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Thailand reports daily record of 235 new coronavirus deaths


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Another flat day suggesting we have reached the peak and with the falling numbers in Bangkok, all bodes well going forwards with reason for optimism. 

The opening for peak season seems on track and will be a mighty relief for all the struggling and desperate Thais. 


Edited by Kadilo
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17 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Is the decline in numbers being vaccinated because of a lack of vaccines or what is the issue.

My guess, lack of vaccines. It was always going to be impossible to keep up the ratr of 600k for 2 days last week.

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2 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Another flat day suggesting we have reached the peak and with the falling numbers in Bangkok, all bodes well going forwards with reason for optimism. 

The opening for peak season seems on track and will be a mighty relief for all the struggling and desperate Thais. 


You sound like an optimist, others sound like a pessimist, me I am more of a realist (somewhere in-between).  Let's hope the optimist is right this time.

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55 minutes ago, Macrohistory said:


All the countries that got an early start on vaccination will now face the problem of waning efficacy, especially when confronting Delta.  I believe Israel is now starting to offer vaccinated elderly people and those with preexisting health conditions booster shots.  The U.S. will probably soon do the same.  Meanwhile, the data continue to show that vaccinated people may well contract COVID but they will be much, much less likely to get seriously ill and die.  Any anti-vaxxer who wants to use this new CDC advice as a tool to bash vaccines has their head screwed on backwards.


Correct, Israel has already given 500 thousand to the over 60’s and plans on doing them all. the UK from Sept plans on giving over 32 million from next month.

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15 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

You sound like an optimist, others sound like a pessimist, me I am more of a realist (somewhere in-between).  Let's hope the optimist is right this time.

That’s probably a fair summary. 

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3 minutes ago, buick said:

israel has the same issue that many nations face, not everyone is willing to take the vaccine.  so they have a third wave and more people will die.  the vaccines should keep the death numbers well below those experienced in the previous two waves.

Israel actually is a little lower than Canada is for vaccination... and Canada had a much later start (about 4 months after US).  If I remember/understood correctly from my fb newsfeed, certain religious sects within Israel are less likely to be vaccinated.  They were referred to as 'Charedi' which I had to search and find (what I suspected) referred to as what is most commonly called in North-America as 'Ultra-Orthodox' (obviously my Judaic knowledge is limited) [also called Heredi].  Israel also has a more mono-vaccinated population than most (Pfizer), I would think variety would be better in some cases as different vaccines would have different strengths/weaknesses.

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Pretty amazing that Thailand today managed to report a new record high of 235 deaths for the day, while at the same time also reporting a new record high for critical condition COVID patients at 5,450, which was an increase of 232 over the prior day, even with all the new deaths!


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1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

I really hope this is a trend and that we've seen the peak. 


However, I think more likely is that people are doing ATK tests at home instead of going to a hospital and all the inconvenience and risk that entails, and hence many new infections from these home tests are not being included in the figures.

The number of cases in the whole of SE Asia has fallen four days on the trot so maybe it is a trend.

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36 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

If you were Thai would you go to a Hospital and get tested, with the prospect of a 2 week stay in a Covid Isolation prison.

or, would you perform an ATK test at Home for a few baht, and stay away from the Isolation Prison, and all that it entails.

No brainer really.

Expect the Hospital tests to drop and a lack of reporting of ATK tests.

Its only about 7 or 8 weeks until the Country will open, and a slow burn is needed on the smoke.

I wonder if the economy can survive another 7-8 weeks of lockdown?

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2 hours ago, anchadian said:


Chonburi Public Health Office has just announced they have 1,005 new cases 10 more deaths. Most new cases are in Chonburi City (271), Bang Lamung/Pattaya (179), and Si Racha (262). 18,650 patients are now in care #COVID19 #โควิดวันนี้ #Thailand




Further details:


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8 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I wonder if the economy can survive another 7-8 weeks of lockdown?

Can’t see it lasting that long of the trends continue. 


In addition with the Sandbox school proposal kicking off it’s looking more promising all round. 


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10 minutes ago, buick said:

i helped support a group of 6 that rode out their infections at home (bangkok).  they made it.  no hospitalizations.  got pills from the hospital to take at home.  4 adults and 2 kids.  the kids (under 5) had a fever for about 36 hrs and then were fine.  all 4 adults, single females in their 30's that had moved in together to survive the economic difficulties.

Great example. Well done to you. 

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8 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I wonder if the economy can survive another 7-8 weeks of lockdown?

With this number of Daily cases, the Economy really has little option other than to survive,

Whether that means the Government have to dig into funds that have been allotted for other uses, or they need to borrow more Money, who knows.

The Country is due to open in October, but there will be very few Tourists to fill the Government Coffers with Money.

Many Countries around the Globe are still experiencing major outbreaks, and Thailands biggest Market for Tourists ( China ) has a new and ferocious wave of Delta they are struggling to control.

Pattaya has already shelved its plans to reopen in September.

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7 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

I would suggest that people that are riding it out at home, if they can get there hands on one of those 'finicky' finger blood / oxygen meters (probably very hard to get right now) it would be wise as you can easily go from stubbornly fighting the virus to 'in distress'.  (typically if the meter drops below 95% - it is time to seek treatment at a hospital). 

that is good advice.  one thing these ladies had going for them is two of them are active with rescue foundations.  and one them owns an ambulance.  i've ridden in it (not for medical care thank god !!).  so i covered the financial portion (and that part hasn't ended yet !!) and they did have others checking them.  hopefully with the oximeter.  if things turned south, they did have a ride and hospital connections.

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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

My guess, lack of vaccines. It was always going to be impossible to keep up the ratr of 600k for 2 days last week.

Wait, but did not Anutin say 1 million a day, oh wait his lips were moving so that says it all...

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Meanwhile in Phuket they have found a novel way of discouraging people taking a test. 


You could literally be sent to prison. A third field hospital is now being set up in an old prison for green patients. B.P.


Psychology at work there....555

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