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Money Grabbing Veterinary Surgeons.

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5 minutes ago, In Full Agreement said:



Possible to bury pet at Wat.    You have to dig the hole yourself.

Cats come into my garden usually get killed by my dogs,stupid cats know they are there,but..  Tried burying but ground too hard,put in plastic bag into roadside bin    gawd they smell after a bit

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29 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

So how come that rule does not concern the people working on farms and in slaughter houses?


How come all my neighbours think it's fine to go out and break the neck of one of their chickens to cook for dinner,?


How come I see all those people everyday fishing in the clong or using fish traps in the river?  Or the people buying poison and glue traps to kill nice and rats?


Any why is everyone eating meat every day?

You obviously don't live in Thailand or understand 'The Five Precepts'?

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39 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

By you.  If you are not a vet, or at a push a medical doctor, you have no idea how to put down a sick animal painlessly and effectively, unless you blast it with a shotgun. 

<deleted>. You don't need a medical degree to know how to do this. 

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Two of my rabbits were sick a couple of weeks back.

1) New baby white had ear mites ............ total 300bht for the consultation and treatment.

Nearly cured now, 10 days later, ears looking good again.

2) Medium Chinchilla got the runs, 3 days of 2x injections @ 300bht (total 950bht).

Poops nearly back to normal now, happy rabbit eating normally.


Your 1,000s baht bills would have given me extreme sticker shock.

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Those of us with animals who we love, and would hate to see suffer at the end of their life, or with serious and incurable illnesses, need to keep the contact details of local vets that will put down a sick animal, that is, vets that do their duty.  I have heard say of two in Pattaya that do so and another who will provide a syringe and drug, with instructions.  At this stage with my young dogs, I haven't followed this up, but I think reading this post that I will do so. If anyone has such information for the Pattaya area, perhaps you would be good enough to PM me. 

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34 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

vets here are shirking their clear responsibilities, that is to avoid undue and avoidable pain and distress in animals.

Their hands are tied by their religion.



 Some Buddhists just like the Thai Buddhists allow their pet suffer to their last breath no matter how severe the pain is due to teachings which include 'to cut short an animal's suffering prevents them from extinguishing their karma leading to poor rebirth'.


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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Right, I don't think anyone answered my question, apart from a troll. 


Why don't you put down a pet by yourself? It is easy to give an injection to die painlessly. 

I would if I had to. But obviously getting hold of the correct medicine would be difficult, but not impossible. 

The same as I would do for myself if I ever got into that situation.

Edited by KannikaP
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2 to mind, South Pattaya Rd   about 200 yards on left turning from Suk highway  Pattaya Animal hospital     Good vet, tells it  as it is   0931361605 another Naklua or north Pattaya animal hospital  about 3 k from Dolphin roundabout  on left side, takes them 4 or 5 days to PTS


I really like the first vet, been with him a long time  does animal charity too, but will not hesitate to PTS if no hope, does it for me for 500  guess others 1500


Copied this from thread of years ago  The first one closed down last year moved to na Jomtien,prob number as well,but can be traced using it   Dr Death I called him,any soi mutt I too ill to recover PTS instantly  500 baht...if u are interested PM me ill see if I can contact again      the second vet is superb  cheapish too


There is a vet too  up by the lake  animal charity place  think the good doctor  Dr death does work there too

Edited by fredscats
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5 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

You need to read the post that I was responding to. Yes that does need to happen, scientifically, by a trained person, not just by someone who THINKS they know how to do it painlessly and with sensitively.  

The averageJoe will never hit the vein of a dog  virt impossible,  tried dozens of times training by Dr Death   even he took years to hit the spot

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8 hours ago, possum1931 said:

It was obvious the cat was not going to recover and the vet was just prolonging the cats life.

Is it religion that stops vets from putting animals to sleep

...or perhaps the vet was just doing what he was asked to do?   Did she ask him to put it down?  

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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9 hours ago, robblok said:

Whatever you think is irrelevant right now, because most Thai vets are like this. So its more likely to be religion related then anything else. I have had the same thing with our dogs. If you look into topics of vets putting animals down there are very few that are willing to do so.


So its clearly a religion thing, i feel they should put animals down but that is my western view. My dog might have to be put down and we found a vet willing to do so through friends. But its hard. I really think its not a money thing at all. 

It may or may not be a money thing, how can one really know? This scenario plays well into the hands of scammers - if this were another country it would be obvious, but it's Thailand.


Some religions need fixing, IMO. I believe in God, but I also believe most humans are corruptible when it comes to money and I am never quick to trust ANYONE.

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