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Officials take swift action against foreigners in Koh Phangan not wearing masks


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11 hours ago, Thailand said:

They did not look shamed.

Teaching yoga?

What visa is that then?

You are allowed to teach yoga in Thailand. Four years ago a Slovak friend attended a retreat on Samui for 10 days to teach yoga and the host/resort owner arranged all the paperwork for her.

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There are many uninformed posts. It is legal to teach yoga at yoga retreats for a limited period of time in Thailand and in other countries. A very close friend of mine who is very well studied in both Europe and India has traveled around the world teaching yoga for around 10 years now - up until Covid-19 of course. The host of the retreat or resort owner arranges everything. I even asked my friend a few years back when she was teaching yoga at a 10-day retreat in Koh Samui about the legalities and she told me that her agent in Europe takes care of everything and supplied all of her credentials and passport, etc. and everything was completely legit.

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11 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Morons! Who in their right mind is travelling around as tourists in Thailand during a widespread pandemic.


Seems to me like they have greatly overestimated the benefits of yoga. Looks like it alters the brain function in a very negative and embarrassing way.


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1 hour ago, elektrified said:

You are allowed to teach yoga in Thailand. Four years ago a Slovak friend attended a retreat on Samui for 10 days to teach yoga and the host/resort owner arranged all the paperwork for her.

That's great! I always assumed the flyers one sees (until covid-19) in Chiang Mai vegetarian restaurants for visiting foreign masters,  svengali like healing and self- help seminars, plus peripatetic foreign gurus were all illegal work

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6 hours ago, Speedhump said:

And how about all the men (it's always men, and so oat always Caucasians, why?) pretending to comply, but wearing their mask with the nose not covered?

Haven't seen any Caucasians in Bangkok recently that weren't wearing masks. But have seen some Thais without, all of them men.

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10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

The reality is a lot of people are likely to be breaking mask wearing regulations

I take your point, but the reality is that the vast majority of Thai people I see ARE following the rules whereas far too many foreigners are not. I’m not feeding the trolls, it’s what my eyes tell me.

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4 hours ago, NRGF said:

when in a foreign  country obey the local rules and culture even if you find it to ridiculous, what ever happened to ''when in Rome''

So "when in Rome" we should crucify 20,000 Christians? ????


But I do agree regarding laws, rules, regulations, customs etc. And covid or not, wearing a mask doesn't bother me. Probably helps with filtering the dust and pollution in the air anyway. Plus it's cheaper than getting fined for not wearing one. 

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3 hours ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

They’re guilty of loving their country too much, after all, the PM himself forfeited a few month’s salary to show just how much he truly cares!

Would that be from his salary from being Prime Minister or Minister of Defence. Maybe he should have offered a few month's of his pension from being an RTA General.


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Am I the only one who see's the blatant bias against us white devils in YOUR HEADLINES continually!?


Sure they were in the wrong and I am glad the Police took action, but it's hardly earth shattering NEWS! 

We may have white skin and come from foreign lands, but so what!? We did NOT bring COVID into Thailand in any substantial degree, the Chinese did, you know the people you LOVE because you love their MONEY!

Try to focus on actual NEWS that affects your people, that's what matters. NOT Phuket Sandbox zillions of baht and tourists which are a complete media fantasy! 

Urge the Gov to get vaccines into Thai arms, save lives, and get the shops re opened so your people can work again. You have a wonderful country get it back on track.

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This article and those like it, are just meant to help push everyone
into the social justice system of control, and come closer to the
social score Chinese system, that uses shaming and fear like a whip.

As for Masks, if you wear one, and think you are protected,
why do you care what others do ?
It has no effect on you, other than to remind you of your chains.

Guess no one in Thailand can read the American Medical Association,
Center for Diease Control, or World Health Organization, statements
on Masks, Masks Don't Work.

Pointing your finger, Banging on your Keyboard, and Screaming insults.
Won't change the TRUTH.

As for the JABs, that is the goal, and what it is all pushing toward.
Strange how Cases started rising, about the same time the Jabs did.


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17 hours ago, Thailand said:

They did not look shamed.

Teaching yoga?

What visa is that then?

Western backpackers, tent mongers and hostel hoppers with no regard for anyone but themselves, nothing more than a bunch of spreaders who are out to "save the planet" and get high.  The real "Cheap Charlie's / Charlene's." if there ever were any. 

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40 minutes ago, WhatupThailand said:

This article and those like it, are just meant to help push everyone
into the social justice system of control, and come closer to the
social score Chinese system, that uses shaming and fear like a whip.

As for Masks, if you wear one, and think you are protected,
why do you care what others do ?
It has no effect on you, other than to remind you of your chains.

Guess no one in Thailand can read the American Medical Association,
Center for Diease Control, or World Health Organization, statements
on Masks, Masks Don't Work.

Pointing your finger, Banging on your Keyboard, and Screaming insults.
Won't change the TRUTH.

As for the JABs, that is the goal, and what it is all pushing toward.
Strange how Cases started rising, about the same time the Jabs did.


40 minutes ago, WhatupThailand said:

Masks don't work and vaccinations cause increased cases, you're one of two, a troll or an idiot, likely both. The mask is not designed to prevent you getting Covid but is to minimize you spreading Covid. This obviously is effective in cutting down the distance the virus can be spread. As for blaming rising cases on increased immunization that's ignorance.


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2 hours ago, bobandyson said:

So "when in Rome" we should crucify 20,000 Christians? ????


But I do agree regarding laws, rules, regulations, customs etc. And covid or not, wearing a mask doesn't bother me. Probably helps with filtering the dust and pollution in the air anyway. Plus it's cheaper than getting fined for not wearing one. 

People, mask were designed to minimize the spread from your mouth to others, not the other way around. They do this very well

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6 hours ago, khaowong1 said:

THANK YOU! I ride a pushbike around Pattaya/Jomtien most mornings, wearing my mask like a dutiful farang. It doesn't block the flow of oxygen even when I'm huffing and puffing up that hill to Lake Mabprachan. I seethe when I see someone not wearing a mask. There's even one joker at the lake who wears no shirt as well. And they're ALWAYS foreigners. Fer cryin' out loud, what makes them think they're special?

Pic of you seething looking at farang with no shirt or I call BS



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8 hours ago, aussienam said:

I have a solution to appease all the forum members here ..... "Hang em high".  Hideous foreigners.  And they are the dirty backpacker types too.  Along with the man buns.  We have to hang them.  No other reasonable option.  ???? The silly buggers.  

Whenever you see farang maskless charge at them seething like this



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20 hours ago, webfact said:

District chief Phoonsak Sophonpathumrak acted swiftly to call in the group and the owner of the speedboat they boarded who faced the scrutiny of local health officials, an inquiry into what they were doing on the island and prosecution

As so called "yoga teachers" they should have known better.... guess their visa's will be scrutinised a little deeper than normal.

The "working holiday" might be over soon.

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20 hours ago, tonray said:

It's called the "BegPackers MultiEntry"

I thought it was the "Affluenza Visa"...my mistake


The pic also reminds me why after one visit south in 2008 I have no desire to return to this 'scene'

Edited by Sticky Rice Balls
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9 hours ago, khaowong1 said:

You want to seethe, come to Texas, we will give you plenty to seethe over.  No, on second thoughts, stay there.  

Texas? You mean the state with the 2nd largest number of new cases of Covid? Yeah, no way I'd step into THAT death trap.

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