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Do you object to being asked if you’ve been vaccinated?

Chomper Higgot

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I’ve been asked,I answer yes of course I want to put this scourge behind us then they ask then why do you still wear mask?I tell them I don’t want to take the chance of passing it on to anyone who is (insert your favorite word here)unvaccinated it’s not political with me it’s practical and compassionate 

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no problem, I just lie and pretend that I am vaccinated, as it changes nothing anyway, only idiots do not wear a mask when vaccinated, I wish them a very long and painful covid for being such idiots.


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True storey.

for my wife to attend and early hospital appointment we stayed in a hotel  and called a taxi to go to hospital far easier than parking the car, when the taxi arrived the driver all officious asked if Falang had been vaccined, well about 2 days prior i had been stabbed by a mosquito and still had the mark to show, so after growling at him it was game on time, i pulled up my sleeve and showed him the red  mark in exactly the spot a jab would be, he smiled, but now its my turn, have you the wife asks as he nervously shakes his head, so i tell him to P!ss off and we called another cab making sure this time we wouldnt have to put up with a jobs worth.

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2 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

At present I'm on the road with my Hymer motorhome in Scandinavia. 

At the border from Sweden to Norway we had to show our EU wide barcode showing that we are fully vaccinated (Biontec).

In case entering a restaurant same procedure. You show your phone with your personal code, they scan it and you are being seated. 

Very easy, very safe, very convenient. ????

Does it make a difference that you are in a Hymer?

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I was having a haircut the other day and I asked the hairdresser who I have know for 5 plus years if she has had the vaccination (small talk) she speaks limited English and she showed me her hand with 1 finger, fortunately not the middle one and said Sinovac, I said me no have, but waiting for Pfizer or Moderna.


Also the local hardware store where they speak good English, I said how's business been with Covid and the wife showed me her hand to suggest business was in the middle, I then asked if they had been vaccinated, again (small talk) and they said they paid for Moderna and are waiting, what about you they asked, I said, same, also waiting if I can get Pfizer as I heard the US donated x amount but no see, and they looked at each other with a smile as if to say good luck with that one.


So to answer your question, if someone asked me if I had been vaccinated, I wouldn't kill the cat because of it's curiosity, so to speak.

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I myself have no objection… that said, I also recognize that the whole C19 issue has (unfortunately) taken on a much larger political/social narrative beyond its classic medical reference, and as such the mere act of asking and/or answering can quickly morph into something that I feel shouldn’t be..

But, I recognize that theses are extraordinary times and as such, i can see a legitimate reason why this question, and it’s truthful answer is important… i don’t mind.

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On 8/16/2021 at 11:43 AM, internationalism said:

I would politely reply whatever my interlocutor wants to hear.

So far, until it's obligatory to have jab, it's not anybodies interest.


Hogwash, people want to know if it is safe to approach you or not ????

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3 hours ago, ifmu said:

i am serious about my health  i do not want to be around any un vaccinated person .. i am half vac  soon full

During flu season do you ask anyone about if they have been jabbed for the flu?  Amazing how suddenly you are afraid anyone will make you sick. It also seems like the vaccines are a lot less effective than we were promised so what will you now that vaccinated people are catching and spreading Covid?  

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3 hours ago, Tug said:

I’ve been asked,I answer yes of course I want to put this scourge behind us then they ask then why do you still wear mask?I tell them I don’t want to take the chance of passing it on to anyone who is (insert your favorite word here)unvaccinated it’s not political with me it’s practical and compassionate 

Your virtue and compassion is a model for all of us. The paper mask will definitely keep everyone safe. Good work. Just would like to know how long a mask should be worn before it is considered ineffective. Is it 10 minutes? 1 hour? 1 day? How small of particles does it filter?  Asking for a friend. 

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I have no problem answering and until such time as it’s required by law or a tracking chip has been inserted, or even until such time as I’ve opted to get vaccinated, my answer will be the same: NOYFB!!!

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18 hours ago, billsmart said:

I not only do not object to that question, I welcome it. 

However, I don't think just a "yes" or "no" answer is sufficient. I think you should be required to show proof of a vaccination. 

If anyone, I mean in small talk with people I know, ask me any questions about vacccines or anything else, I will answer them truthfully.

Anyone else, to any question, vaccines or not, I will give them the answer that suits me.

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18 hours ago, mikebike said:

Don't really care who asks or why. I would answer honestly as I do to all questions. Don't really understand why answering any question honestly is an issue.

Would you answer all questions honestly if you were a self employed person working only for yourself, in the UK? ????

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