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Thailand’s ‘mix and match’ vaccine policy creates hurdles for people travelling to UK, EU


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2 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Will be interesting to see. I suspect 6 months down the track both the Sinos will be accepted for what they are: OK, not the best, but better than nothing in poor countries, and - if combined with AZ or Pf - OK for entry to home-sweet-home.

Its hard to say.  That article does note " In the EU (or Schengen region), only eight countries have approved use of Sinovac: Austria, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland."   One could say, that is a start.


Sadly, there is a very large degree of politics (and not science) involved.  The west refused to accept vaccines from the East, and the East refuses to accept vaccines from the West.  A case in point (as crazy as it sounds to me), purportedly many people in Singapore were taking Sinovac over Pfizer, because Pfizer was not accepted in China (and they wanted to go to China over going to the west).   ... Sadly, like the west, China is also playing politics with vaccine acceptance.

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Especially Sinovac.  It is not universally recognized as, well... anything so far.  

Or the russian vaccine.  

I am mixed up - sometimes literally and vaccine wise.  I am not worried and happy to be fully vaccinated.  Eventually when I am ready to travel again I will either get a booster or they will update what is recognized or not.  

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dear readers do NOT get the sino vaccs they are basically useless and dont believe what CPP or their minions here and at WHO tell you,get az or pfizer mix and match those 2.the insistence of gov here to contnue buying a horse with 3 legs is beyond belief they have to jab these people again if theyve 2 ,like theyre doing with the medical staff,and people with one need a 2nd thats pfizer or az,bizarre ,the govt hear wishes to model itself on CCP so it can rake in the cask and heavily suppress its clueless population.sounds like ccp land!perfect 2 .sets of dictators smiling happily.ohh well get the subs and the train sets soon,not just at the moment though.give us some dodgy vaccs to swell ur accs and itll shut the peasants up here.time to go all louis 16th with this bunch of scum bags,im sick of cake!

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I have been commenting on various posts here and on FB that we should NOT get the mix and match for a number of reasons

All I ever got was slated with insulting replies.



My Pfizer first jab was this week, my next on 7 September.

Its easy to get........you just got to know where to look.

But then..........hey.......what the hell do i know????

Edited by nickmondo
spell mistake
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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand’s mix and match COVID-19 vaccination policy means that people travelling to the UK or the EU need to self-quarantine on arrival, despite being ‘vaccinated’.

Correction.... Thailands idea of being vaccinated... 

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43 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

dear readers do NOT get the sino vaccs they are basically useless and dont believe what CPP or their minions here and at WHO tell you,get az or pfizer mix and match those 2.the insistence of gov here to contnue buying a horse with 3 legs is beyond belief they have to jab these people again if theyve 2 ,like theyre doing with the medical staff,and people with one need a 2nd thats pfizer or az,bizarre ,the govt hear wishes to model itself on CCP so it can rake in the cask and heavily suppress its clueless population.sounds like ccp land!perfect 2 .sets of dictators smiling happily.ohh well get the subs and the train sets soon,not just at the moment though.give us some dodgy vaccs to swell ur accs and itll shut the peasants up here.time to go all louis 16th with this bunch of scum bags,im sick of cake!

i get your point, but very difficult to read

I am assuming English is not your first language?

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13 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Mmmm, interesting. I've had 1 sinovac already, (2nd dose of AZ on he 27th) maybe a mistake? who knows. I have no plans to go to the UK soon but maybe next year. What a <deleted> world we live in now.

More like what a country you live in now... 

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14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Mix and Match vaccines will cause a tenuous situation for anyone who decides to travel.  Quarantine will be the norm as well as the allowing of only vaccinated folks into certain locations including restaurants, movie theatres, bars, and many other venues in the not so distant future I am afraid.  However, that is my view, but one I have heard echoed in reports from Governments throughout the world.

Which Governments?

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29 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

More like what a country you live in now... 

Nah, it's <deleted> everywhere. Was only reading this morning that Israel will be banning kids 3 years old up from going into amusement places, and Israel has had one of the most successful vaccine roll outs but now high cases every day. It's <deleted> everywhere.

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Those who took the decision early on limited information to take Sinovac now have to suffer the consequences. Those who were (or had to be) more patient and took the decision to hang on for AZ, Pfizer or Moderna (on slightly less limited information) are clearly now in a better position at least for the time being. The rush to be near the front of the queue to get vaccinated first did not look overly smart then and certainly doesn't now.     

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14 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Totally agree with all that. One of my bugbears about this whole disaster is how easily many have just accepted it, it really is a new normal, and talking about vaccines as if they are fashion accessories..Like yourself for me it's pretty much over, it's more the youngsters I feel sorry for the most.


I detest the world today, think I will just end up existing in a Thai village somewhere, the modern world can go whistle..

I also agree and hiding away in a village is what I have been doing since this mess began but I'm not gunna lie it's getting bit tireing now especially having the kids at home full time due to school closures but it stills feels like the better option during these ridiculous times. 

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10 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Yes, agree. Cheers

Over time the amount of vaccine available will probably increase. If having the combo shots initially then making best effort to get a 2nd AZ as the proposed "booster" would cover the problem ?

Then again it may eventually be accepted that the claims 1 sino + 1 AZ are as effective as 2 AZ prove correct.

I find it confusing and annoying to not be able to distinguish whether or not the inconsistency in  policies is based on genuine  medical science or attempts to corner market share or both !

I can accept that there is no general confidence in the Sino vaccines due to admitted lower performance overall but in they remain "better than nothing" in terms of protection and certainly availability.



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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Because the vaccine has not been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), each country has set its own criteria with regards to which vaccines can be used to prove immunity. 

The answer is NONE. The data is clear that no vaccine guarantees immunity. These vaccines are only claimed to REDUCE risks of infection, illness, spreading. That is why each has an efficacy rating (which is sliding a bit for Sinovac).


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1 hour ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:


I don't think it's just a political issue either, countries just not liking the Chinese. Its low efficacy has been documented.

I also see countries 'just not liking Chinese' also being political - and maybe saying 'nah nah - our vaccine is better than yours - and then deny the Chinese vaccine'.


I note:

Around 18-August-2021, Thailand's CCSA (Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration) approved Sputnik vaccine, allowing Russian Sandboxers, despite  Sputnik previously failed to receive approval from the Food and Drug Administration for import and use in Thailand.


Why? I think that political (with obvious help the Sandbox/Thailand motives), overriding the Thai FDA.


As of 18-August-2021, 18 out of 27 EU countries recognised the Covishield vaccine, including France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Sweden and Netherlands.  The other 9 did not? 


Why?  Given most of those countries EU and that the EMA (European Medical Association) gives guidance on acceptance , why a different story between different European countries?


I think that political.


In the EU, the EMA has not recognized Sinovac.  Yet also in the EU (or Schengen region), thus far eight countries have approved use of Sinovac: Austria, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland, ignoring the EMA.


Why? I think that political.


In the EU, the EMA has not recognized Sinopharm vaccine.  Yet also in the EU, the Sinopharm vaccine has been approved in Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Malta, Spain and Sweden.


Why ? I think that political.


Both Canada and the UK, approve AstraZeneca produced in India, Japan, Korea and Thailand. For the EU, the EMA does not for Japan, Korea and Thailand. The EMA does for India (after India threatened not to approve Western produced AstraZeneca vaccines).


Why?  I think that political.


France and Germany accept the locally Thai produced AstraZeneca vaccine but as noted, the EMA does not.


Why? I think that political.


China, for some time, did not accept Pfizer as a valid vaccine, although my recent surfing suggests now they do accept such.


Why the delay? I think that was political.


For those of use who like to travel internationally, I find it sad there is so much confusion and lack of coordination on this vaccine acceptance.


Edited by oldcpu
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This article was in the US News yesterday... 


Federal health officials said Wednesday that a third dose of the COVID-19 shots developed by Moderna Inc. and Pfizer Inc. will be available in mid-September for Americans who have been fully vaccinated for at least eight months. 

They cited waning protection as the reason for a booster shot. 

“The available data make very clear that protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection begins to decrease over time following the initial doses of vaccination, and in association with the dominance of the delta variant, we are starting to see evidence of reduced protection against mild and moderate disease,” the officials said in a statement.



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14 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

If you do go, simple, get a booster of AZ, Pfizer, J & J when it becomes available or Moderna. 


You made the right decision at the time, your covered.

Yes, my feeling is that we should take any vaccine that is widely used when we get an opportunity to do so. End of June I made a two days trip to Khon Kaen to get my J&J shot, yesterday I paid 3300 Bahts for two shots of Moderna in Q1 2022. I am also registered for the Pfizer debacle, so not much hope there, but If I am offered a geezer's AZ regimen in the next few months I might even think about it.


I don't think it is wrong to go our own way in the context of the Thai totally disjointed vaccination process. I do so knowing that any vaccine can make me sick, but I can also destroy my liver by taking a couple of Tylenols too many.

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1 hour ago, rupert the bear said:

dear readers do NOT get the sino vaccs they are basically useless and dont believe what CPP or their minions here and at WHO tell you

Dear readers. Do not believe what Rupert the Bear typed.


I do agree if you can get Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, or AstraZeneca in lieu of SinoVac, at the same time as SinoVac being available, DEFINITELY  go for those other vaccines instead of Sinovac.


BUT if Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, or AstraZeneca  are not available to you for many months, think of what will become of you and your family, your job, if you become very ill (or die) because you waited for a better vaccine, that could be many months away.  The best vaccine is the one you can get.


Sinovac while not as good as the vaccines noted, saves lives. Yes - it saves lives. This has been proven, and anyone who states Sinovac is "basically useless" is flat out wrong.


Edited by oldcpu
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2 minutes ago, Boomer6969 said:

Yes, my feeling is that we should take any vaccine that is widely used when we get an opportunity to do so. End of June I made a two days trip to Khon Kaen to get my J&J shot, yesterday I paid 3300 Bahts for two shots of Moderna in Q1 2022. I am also registered for the Pfizer debacle, so not much hope there, but If I am offered a geezer's AZ regimen in the next few months I might even think about it.

I didn't know there was any J & J here yet, I also paid 3,300 baht for Moderna 21st June, 2 weeks after I knocked back the AZ jab at the height of all the gossip, blood clotting, alleged deaths and I know a lot of Aussie's were also not taking it, call that a bad decision if you like, but any decision I make at a particular time of making that decision is always the right decision that I made at that time, do I regret not taking the AZ jab, no, although the mind does play up every now and again, but that's life, so now, we wait for the confirmation email for the Pfizer jab come 12 September, although I do not have my hopes up, because I know where I am and how the system, if you can call it that, works, but if it does eventuate I will be grateful of course.

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15 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Okay, I'm gonna ask the question. If one has had a sinovac and is due for the AZ jab soon, could one not get the AZ jab and then get 2 others later? Is that dangerous, really never seen much said about this, or maybe nobody knows?

My wife is a Dr here, so far she's had 2x Sinovac (ineffective), 1x AZ booster and most recently 1x Pfizer booster. All in the space of 1 year. 

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