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Restaurants told by Anutin: Once reopened there's no going back


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These restaurant owners have a lot of influence.



And I'm not sure customers are going to be thrilled about dining out until the epidemic is a bit more "under control"?



Seems like the Zen chap is not keen on the employee testing requirement?





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Shame they did not order enough vaccines so as to make this feasible, then delaying the time between jabs of the AZ was just the cream on the cake. In case anyone is affected the revised time between shots of AZ is 8 weeks, not 12 or 16, your vaccination centre may have "forgotten" to update you. It is easy enough to prove vaccination of both staff and customers using the Mor Phrom smartphone App so that is doable, but Antigen tests before entry, a dead duck that will be ignored.  Before I get told that the Mor Phrom App does not work for expats, it does. Basically on you paperwork received from the vaccination centre is an Id number that starts with a 6 and is 13 characters long, enter that and it should the bring up your details., certainly worked for me.




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1 hour ago, John Drake said:

The police are enterprising. They will raid the restaurants and "fine" anyone caught without a vaccination certificate.

Hope not up here. Chap is 74 today and tonight we , Mrs and me , have been invited to a 6pm dinner at a place right opposite Police Corner / police box. Not one of us has had a C. jab.

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1 hour ago, HaoleBoy said:

I hear the vaccination rate is at 90% in Bangkok now ... but what is the double vaccination rate?  They don't state that much.


27%, but this is of course going by official figures which say there are only 7.7 million residents in Bangkok.


Edited by Seismic
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1 hour ago, HaoleBoy said:

Will the French be allowed to go into restaurants?  Didn't they get the Johnson&Johnson vaccine (only 1 jab)?  The rules will get sticky going forward

Johnson and Johnson is a one jab that was approved by the Thai government back in March.  Those that have the one job are considered fully vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, Will B Good said:

There is ample evidence to say they "work", depending on your definition of success.


Lockdowns do not eradicate the virus, or even reduce the total number of infections. 


What they will do is alleviate the pressure on the health care system by spreading out the total number of infections over a longer period of time allowing doctors and nurses to cope.

"Flatten the curve". That sounds so 2020. I believed them. Remember the promise of "herd immunity?Now with Delta, a witticism. I don't disagree what you posted above. Lockdowns can work on small islands, in a monster Authoritarian State, or even a New Zealand.   It is just was not practical in Thailand or ultimately effective. The Ministers have signaled the nightmare is over for the Kingdom, there is no turning back. The question before them was how many more years would they continue self inflicted economic disaster/ border closures with no alternative for a struggling  population and shattered industries in the  unicorn hunt for covid-zero. 


Look at all the regions that achieved high vaccine compliance.  As soon as they open cases skyrocket, even among the vaccinated. Yes, Vaccinate! Yes to masks, health passports apps, common sense hygiene and distancing. We are at the stage now where we must open economies while continuing to  protect the vulnerable as much as we can and learn to live with it. The virus is never going away. 

It should mutate to a less virulent and deadly form as we enter the coming Coronavirus Endemic 






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- Vaccinated staff* and customers are no less likely to have or get Covid or infect others. It just reduces THEIR symptoms, if they get it.

*Most restaurant staff are younger than 30 years old and many younger than 25. Do these people really need to be double jabbed ahead of people who haven't even had their first jab yet?


- I know of ZERO families where every member has been double jabbed. So how can they go out together?


- Strangely (unlike many locals) I enjoy eating alone in a restaurant, which would make me super safe... except that I'm still waiting to be vaccinated. I guess it's my own fault for being born in 1971 and having looked after myself so I don't have underlying diseases. ????


- I reckon this is just a soft opening and Sept 15th will see a change in tact... ????????????????????????????????????????

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

It would help pay staff costs at the least.


2 hours ago, webfact said:

He spoke of a shortage of staff after many left without pay. 


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22 minutes ago, djayz said:
3 hours ago, webfact said:

It would help pay staff costs at the least.


3 hours ago, webfact said:

He spoke of a shortage of staff after many left without pay. 


The plan would help restaurant owners pay staff costs, at the least, even though staff are in short supply after many left because they weren't going to be paid.    It's not that difficult to understand.

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14 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

The plan would help restaurant owners pay staff costs, at the least, even though staff are in short supply after many left because they weren't going to be paid.    It's not that difficult to understand.

That's one way to interpret the story. Another would be that the employer in this case is implying that by being allowed to reopen for business, this would help to pay staff, which we all know has not been happening because they have already left as they were not being paid. 


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1 minute ago, IamNoone88 said:

you simply order online at the NHS and a max of two packs per week is delivered - all free of charge.

But where does the money come from for the NHS to buy the tests ?  

someone still makes a lot of money.

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3 hours ago, fangless said:

In other words there will be another lockdown, they will just call it something else like restricted opening.

I think Thailand will not move to heavier restrictions in the future, the social and economic costs have been to high. They may however, only allow vaccinated customers into the premises if the infection rates increase again

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3 hours ago, jonclark said:

What we are seeing here with restaurants is the model that the government will adopt to schools reopening imo. All students (and parents??) will need to be double jabbed and take weekly antigen test with evidence provided to the school. The cost to be borne by the parents.  Just my opinion..but I do think this will happen. I hope I am wrong. Imagine weekly antigen tests for a large Thai school. There will be more testing than learning. 

 A friend told me that this has already been proposed for opening private schools on a Thai news website AND if any kid in a class tests positive then ALL the kids in the class will have compulsory 14 days quarantine, plus the teachers.


So the whole system will fall apart with only 1 positive test!

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5 minutes ago, johng said:

But where does the money come from for the NHS to buy the tests ?  

someone still makes a lot of money.

Standard NHS contributions deducted from the salary each month - you have the same type of contributions in Thailand under Social Security monthly deductions. I contribute every month. UK is free test kits, here you will pay for a test kit.

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1 hour ago, Will B Good said:

1. Ferociously denied by Tory government.


2. Same argument. Effectiveness is a measure of the extent a declared objective is achieved.


3. Covid zero has never been a stated aim for Thailand, has it?


4. The aim of the vaccine is to reduce the impact of the infection on an individual, reduce the risk of hospitalization and reduce the risk of death. It was never stated the vaccine would reduce/eradicate infections. Opening up, even with the 100% vaccination, would still lead to an 'explosion' of new cases.


5. Almost agree. But a higher level of vaccination is required. I am loathe to say it, but I think the UK have probably gauged it correctly. They have mass vaccinated (63%), gambled with opening up, have seen a huge increase in infections, but very limited deaths......and the economy is on the up (although Brexit will continue to hold it back for years to come).








Points well taken.


So if you were the Thai government at this moment in time what would you do?


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