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Need your opinion as experts on Thai girls, telling my experience


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1 hour ago, Sparktrader said:

Were you born without a penis? Men cant resist in Thailand.


I couldnt last 3 days without doing something. At least a happy ending.

No…I’m just a guy who doesn’t feel fulfilled with sex without some sort of commitment. I place no value judgement on guys who feel differently.  

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Even if you support them they will still jump to someone else once you left or even when you are there. You say you never support them so why should they keep on waiting for you? You are smart that you never support them so don't be sad you are a winner.

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It's not necessarily a Thai thing.  Take a look at the big picture.   In this region and other neighboring regions It's hard to have a serious relationship because half people aren't faithful as there are tons to choose from if someone gets bored.  That being said, they are used to relationships not lasting long and not believing someone promising them this n that.  Especially if you don't live there they sometimes assume you have a family back home.  You just have to keep trying till you find what you're looking for.  As I said, there are tons to choose from.

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9 hours ago, Andre0720 said:

The word 'love' is used often here. So in Thai culture, it certainly has a definition of some kind, but not 'romantic love'.

In Thailand, 3 driving forces at play all the time:

-Generate money

-Taking care and being taken care of.

-Saving face.


Perhaps taking care of someone while getting money for it, is how love is felt here.

If you did not provide a salary, as they call it, the 'taking care' was not fulfilled, so their kind of love can fade away quickly.

Totally agree ! even though I have a great wife here the bottom line seems to be money !


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8 hours ago, The Farang said:

It's not necessarily a Thai thing.  Take a look at the big picture.   In this region and other neighboring regions It's hard to have a serious relationship because half people aren't faithful as there are tons to choose from if someone gets bored. 

We should always remember that it was us, men, who invented pair-bonding and the notion of faithfulness. We changed the world of rampant promiscuity, that is the natural ambience of the primate, forever by introducing pair-bonding and requiring faithfulness in return for provisioning.


If  you then consider that a woman has but one shot, since she gets pregnant, not hundreds it is understandable why they seek to maximise the status and resources available.


Even more if you consider how hard they had it to make a living for so long. Impossible for most of humanity's history and pre-history.


So women pursuing hypergamy is really absolutely understandable and logical. We would be doing it too, if we were women.


Only men came up with faithfulness. Women didn't. Women are promiscuous by nature. Especially Thai women.



Edited by Tanomazu
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You seem a bit naive or maybe just young. That's a potentially dangerous thing if you are looking for love in BKK or the larger tourist areas. If I where you I'd find a nice country girl. Get out of the metro areas. There is only one rule... never loose control of your finances (don't pay sin sod, don't buy vehicles or houses). And always remember... Nothing is as it seems in Thailand. You will rarely come out on top as a foreigner, you just need to manage your exceptions. 

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I've had a couple fall in love with me the "old-fashion way". Date better quality girls. Your definition of quality is helpful but not assured to say the least. Some bar girls are excellent people caught in a bad situation. IMHO


Really be aware of the quality of the actual person. Don't rely on generalities. 

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My experience/observations - younger girls usually marry their boyfriend from school or college for love - but find love doesn't pay the bills, especially once your pregnant/a mother. That's why so many Thai girls looking for a man to support them - usually on a dating site. But they do not have an easy time - those foreigners come on holiday, want fun and leave - very few want a long term relationship. As i told a Thai female friend who complained about the men she met, i told her "A girl has to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince". 

Of course, some girls just date for fun, but most do it for money/security. The girls looking for long term relationship/marriage are mainly in their 30's - they need to catch a big fish before their looks go. But some are quite genuine. On my second trip to Thailand, i lined up 4 girls to meet - one wanted to pick me up at the airport straight off and take me back to her parents (scary). Another suggested i book a room in the most expensive hotel in town. The 3rd suggested a modest guest house (which i had already identified as cheap but good), she was a great girl although face not wonderful,  We hit it off quite well - BUT when i said i couldn't come back for one year (financial meltdown in 2008/9) she moved on, she thought i was just another holiday romancer. We did hook up again when i came back, but i didn't marry her. Nearly did, but in the end got hooked by a girl running a restaurant with no internet presence. I did find in my first few days in Thailand that i was being closely observed, assessed, and dished up as partner material to friends and family!


Online dating is a maze. Don't jump straight in (when i did this, found i was in bed with a pay for play). You need to carefully analyse the replies (hopefully the English is good), not boast about your wealth/assets (definitely attracts the wrong sort) and be honest - she may not be, but if she is a keeper, will trust you more when she realises your promises are real.

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I met my Thai wife the old fashion way, in person.  I had to, the internet hadn't been invented yet!  We met while she was a graduate student studying in the US.  A lot easier as we didn't have to deal with her or my parents as both lived thousands of miles away.  She wasn't out for money that's for sure. Her family was a lot richer than mine.  

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6 hours ago, rickudon said:


Of course, some girls just date for fun, but most do it for money/security. The girls looking for long term relationship/marriage are mainly in their 30's - they need to catch a big fish before their looks go


That is exactly correct. The girls who do date for fun, holidays, trips, restaurant experiences, are the younger ones in the range 18-25.


Above that age and they will have been lied to so much by guys that they realise if they want to hook a guy for life it is not so easy to find a quality one that will stay. So by age 31 the children time-bomb is ticking in overdrive and it is all about marriage, husband and long term. That is why so many older guys have a chance with 30 something, 40 something women. However, that is also why a lot of those girls have behavioural issues, throw vicious tantrums, sulk etc, they are not with a dream mate, and they know they settled for someone for material advantage. One may call these unions "materialist marriages".


It is much better to get a girl in the 18-23 range, as she will be less likely to have been spoiled by Aussies, Japanese, American, Scandi guys she mounted who then lied to her.  A lack of negative experiences equals a much more pleasant girl, and one that can be formed and trained much better. By 31 it's almost impossible.


Of course even some girls in the 18-23 range will have had too many partners, but thankfully that is rare.



Edited by Tanomazu
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You're just unlucky or an exceptionally bad judge of character. I see plenty of gold diggers but also plenty of kind, decent and loving women. A relationship is based on more than physicality and promises (from both sides). Time tells, and if you're in contact all the time then it's very hard for either of you to stray without causing suspicion (again, works both ways, so don't be a dog like 90pct of farang here). 

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2 hours ago, RafPinto said:

I have chosen now a 65year old.

Not a stunner but nobody is constantly checking if she is available.

Nobody will steal her from me.

Sex as often as Christmas but, hey, she makes good french fries.


Would still be better if she was a sausage expert? 

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2 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

That is exactly correct. The girls who do date for fun, holidays, trips, restaurant experiences, are the younger ones in the range 18-25.


Above that age and they will have been lied to so much by guys that they realise if they want to hook a guy for life it is not so easy to find a quality one that will stay. So by age 31 the children time-bomb is ticking in overdrive and it is all about marriage, husband and long term. That is why so many older guys have a chance with 30 something, 40 something women. However, that is also why a lot of those girls have behavioural issues, throw vicious tantrums, sulk etc, they are not with a dream mate, and they know they settled for someone for material advantage. One may call these unions "materialist marriages".


It is much better to get a girl in the 18-23 range, as she will be less likely to have been spoiled by Aussies, Japanese, American, Scandi guys she mounted who then lied to her.  A lack of negative experiences equals a much more pleasant girl, and one that can be formed and trained much better. By 31 it's almost impossible.


Of course even some girls in the 18-23 range will have had too many partners, but thankfully that is rare.



I have to say this is an astute post. They get lied to, pumped, and dumped, so some will try to do the same but quicker in future, once they get wise. Plus also probably bad advice from mama before they leave their village to work in a BKK 7-11. 

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