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Joe Ferrari case: Death of suspect was by asphyxiation, not drug overdose


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26 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

Call me stupid but why two and not one Question   

with one plastic bag you can  wet your lips  and make a seal on it and then either suck hard enough to exceed the plastics  max extension or you can grab with your teeth and gnaw a hole.. two is impossible 


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15 minutes ago, monty1412 said:

because if he did have swollen throat and died the swelling would not go down.... and that would have been noted in the autopsy....quite simple really Sherlock...

Sorry if you didn't notice my sarcasm ????

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8 hours ago, Credo said:

So the first autopsy said he died of a drug overdose.

The second that it was asphyxiation.

I wonder if there will be a third autopsy showing it was suicide?


1st OD

2 nd asphyxiation 

Of course the second could be at the request of others to suit an agenda - as this is Thailand and anything is possible. 

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21 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Based on the fact that he knew he would die if he didn't cough up the two million baht that was demanded. His fault. If he had paid up he'd be alive now.

(for the hard of understanding, I'm just applying Thai, not Western, logic)

I get your joke? but there is also another factor here that many dont realise.  It happened to someone I knew years ago.  The guy gets busted and all his drugs and money were seized.  However he still owes for those drugs and those he owes it to are a bigger threat than the police.  They can still get you inside....you cant hide in there.  The guy I knew was back in business the morning he was bailed and out of sheer necessity to protect himself and his family.

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>It is reasonable and sensible to >assume to place six bags and tape >them with a mans hands tied behind >his back will lead to asphyxiation and >death.


you over estimate the knowledge of those police men. They thought it is only lethal with 7 bags. So it can not be murder.

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Pile up the charges I don't think his intent was to murder the guy but this time they went a bit too far to up the ante to 2 million!  In the end, it is all a show I just don't think he will do much time since I don't believe in Thailand there are jury trials he will be judge by his peers?

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The credibility of the revised autopsy report may be challenged but it will be hard for the defence to do the usual thing and pay another pathologist to do another autopsy with a completely dfferent result without a corpse.  The pathologist could be persuaded to resort to his original opinion but that is difficult without changing the results of drug tests. 

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

Dr Natthapong confirmed this saying that a full autopsy revealed six bags were knotted tightly round the head of the victim who could not breathe. He was like this for a full six minutes. 

(note to RTP trainer: 2 minutes gets the point across)

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Four pages in, I'm betting Joe Ferarri will be back at work shaking down prisoners before April.   Given the way proceeds are distributed, he's too profitable.


Or he'll be Epsteined.  He knows where too many skeletons are hidden.


I don't know how they'll spin it.  But I'd give odds that they do. 


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18 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

That's a shocker for the Aseannow detectives on here who were adamant that it was manslaughter !

Undeniable murder.

I will apply for Doctor Watsons job with the RTP, and prove this was just a case of oxygen deprivation therapy, with equipment failure 

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3 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Placing 6 bags over anyone's head, is a deliberate act of murder, not just some accident, or for keeping them from

looking at you.  Joe Ferrari and the others are murderers and I hope the Thai public, and the elite also get involved

and make these police men face the justice that they all deserve. Just because some of them may have rich relatives

should not change the fact that they all were involved in the killing of this man. 

 My opinion anyway.


These rich relatives, may well be the elite you want to involve %

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11 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

I hope more people come out.


This guy is a monster.


He finally got caught but has been a rogue cop for ages with hundreds of co-conspirators.


You don't get filthy rich in a short time and not without help.


There should be a lot of people scared.  But Thailand who knows.


This crooked cop wouldn't hesitate to turn states evidence to save his own psychotic skin.

That would not work in Smileland, and has unhappy endings for many in other countries. 

The point is the media picked up on Prayits rolexs, which turned out to be borrowed, but no one picked up on FJs motors or houses. Which were using Klingon cloaking technologies, they will put a man on the moon. 

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Wife said he was also involved in some sort of online gambling business.  The guy hasn't earned an honest baht in his life.  


Surely there wil be an investigation and he would have to show proof of earnings to explain his massive wealth.  Lol, or maybe not. 


I am sure he will cut a deal with the victim's family and the court.  Might even have to sell one of his sports cars.


I am going to bet he stays employed by the police force although he might be moved from his current post.

Edited by smi11ie
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22 hours ago, webfact said:

This was a clear case of mistakes in procedure that went seriously wrong and was clearly illegal. It had nothing to do with obtaining extra information. Just two bags around the head could kill, he noted - this was five or six.

It has nothing to do with mistakes in procedure... what procedure states: 

Cover head with plastic bags and suffocate to death, then cover up with a false doctors report?

Let the girlfriend go free on the condition she stays quiet and no harm will come to her.

M subordinates will stay quiet as they are accessories to murder and will cover my back.


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17 hours ago, Scouse123 said:


I find any idea or justification of a manslaughter charge not credible.


It is clear to the prosecutor, backed by the doctor who did the autopsy,  they have already  announced, that it was a case of asphyxiation where the defendant willingly murdered, or should have known that his actions would lead to death, and  the prosecutor intends to proceed with a murder charge


It is reasonable and sensible to assume to place six bags and tape them with a mans hands tied behind his back will lead to asphyxiation and death.


There could be no other outcome in such a case and depriving a person of oxygen for six minutes. If that doesn't constitute malicious intent, then I don't know what does.


Six police officers were involved and nobody stopped it or intervened, therefore they were all accomplices to the crime.


Anyway, I will leave it at that,. it just really depresses me that this piece of human trash just might get away with it due to money, power, bribery and corruption.



Fully understand your point of view.  However, it is necessary to prove beyond reasonable doubt that there was an intent to kill in the mind of the person who committed the killing.  The suspect has already stated that he did not intend to kill but to elicit information; it all depends on how the judge and the system assess that.

I'm not defending the actions of any of the people involved, simply stating that the intent must be proven to be successful with a charge of murder.

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32 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

It has nothing to do with mistakes in procedure... what procedure states: 

Cover head with plastic bags and suffocate to death, then cover up with a false doctors report?

Let the girlfriend go free on the condition she stays quiet and no harm will come to her.

M subordinates will stay quiet as they are accessories to murder and will cover my back.


Has anyone,  news, or any support organisation ascertained the safety of the GF , or is she just disposable detritus waiting for the pickup truck to run the pedestrian lights?


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35 minutes ago, johnarth said:

god even the top doctors are crims, think of this road accident victims that die on the way to hospital or when in hospital from orders from government are not to be counted as road accident victims so what do the doctors write their cause of deaths as? and what about this it has been suggested that kids cop the jab in Thailand now, just how far is stupidity going to go?

Perhaps you should understand that some of the vaccinations have be cleared to be given to people between the age 12-16 in many countries.

However gibberish about death certificates, is just that, gibberish

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