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AstraZeneca-Pfizer vaccine mix to be employed from October

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I have had one jab of AstraZeneca, and am scheduled for the second one shortly. If I do not want it, can I ask to have a jab of Pfizer later - when supplies arrive? If not, I would be prepared to pay privately for a Pfizer jab.

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1 minute ago, sambum said:

I have had one jab of AstraZeneca, and am scheduled for the second one shortly. If I do not want it, can I ask to have a jab of Pfizer later - when supplies arrive? If not, I would be prepared to pay privately for a Pfizer jab.

You may exceed the recommended time between jabs.... Az to Az seems to be one of the longer ones. Pfizer to Pfizer is only 3 weeks. 

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7 hours ago, Henryford said:

Can anyone reference for me the scientific papers where they have tested the effect of mixing different vaccines?

Astra and Pfizer are 2 different vaccines one is mRNA and he other is a double strand adenovirus vector.

Sputnik is adeno virus vaccine and Astra now work with Russia with their vaccine development.

I do not know how that will work combined, we will have to wait for a expert study and report to find that out.

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8 hours ago, Henryford said:

Can anyone reference for me the scientific papers where they have tested the effect of mixing different vaccines?

Test AZ then pfizer was done in mass in UK in July. 

I read complete report end July. 

Go on Google. Sure you will find. 

EU will start mixing from next month too

Sinovac zero approved in UK Europe or USA. So zero testing done here for mixing 

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7 minutes ago, Thaifish said:

An interesting read if you can translate.


混合covid vacines是无用的,但不要告诉泰国的那些白痴

Mixed covid vacines are useless, but don’t tell those idiots in Thailand

  • Haha 2
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Could've seen these scenarios developing several months ago when supply and demand was at a premium worldwide, and yet the respective vaccines distribution couldn't come close to keeping up. 

Naturally, have to take what you can get or being made available at the time - matter of survival. No guarantee that there will be this and that vaccine, as the demand worldwide is so high and only so many doses in any given period to go around until the manufacturers push the next cycle. 


Thailand's programs might typical of receiving this vaccine from the start, and then later procuring these other vaccines....so the twisted justification to mix was quite satisfactory among medical/health experts - as it is still today throughout much of the world. 


All of the respective vaccine types have different designs and properties and not made to be mixed with others. 

The slight exception might be the Pfizer/Modern mRNA, which are similar - but really not. 


From what I've read and heard, the most reasoned science-types cringe at the idea of mixing vaccines left and right - including any upcoming boosters.


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9 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

What concerns me is it is AstraZeneca vaccine is a viral vector vaccine and Moderna is a mRNA vaccine so I would like to know if it is safe to mix the two differnat types.

That combination was used widely in canada with no adverse effects. Even though, according to my well researched ant vaxx friends, we will all have two heads within 6 months as our very DNA is altered...

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  • AstraZeneca is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus (known as an adenovirus) from chimpanzees. It has been modified to contain genetic material shared by the coronavirus - although it can't cause the illness. Once injected, it teaches the body's immune system how to fight the real virus.
  • Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an mRNA vaccine that teach your cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.
  • The CDC Authorized and Recommended only the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson's Janssen Vaccines. However, all of the vaccines have been in use since February this year with little side affects, and a great reduction in cases, and severity in breakthrough cases, which was to be expected. I had Sinove on 2 August, followed up by AstraZeneca on 22 August and had no side effects of adverse reactions at all, which, is probably common. 
  • My parents have had a booster of Pfizer (three shots total) but they are 86 and 91 years old and live in Florida, so I don't blame them, they also had no adverse reactions to the vaccine. In fact only one family member and two friends, out of all my family and friends got a breakthrough case. None of them had to be hospitalized.
  • There is not enough data on breakthrough cases to determine why, but my niece has type A negative blood, and there is a thought that folks with rarer blood types might be a cause. she was sick for about a week, and then got over it and was back to normal. She credits the vaccine. for keeping her out of the ICU.
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6 hours ago, JimGant said:

As regards so many fast moving items in medicine, Dr Google is often a better source than your local physician. I'm sure most physicians don't enjoy being second guessed, but in the US, my primary care doctor welcomed my well-researched study on high blood pressure meds, and re-prescribed accordingly. No way can practicing physicians keep up with all new research affecting their patients; we give too much god credence to our doctors....


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1 hour ago, brucec64 said:

That combination was used widely in canada with no adverse effects. Even though, according to my well researched ant vaxx friends, we will all have two heads within 6 months as our very DNA is altered...

Expecting the transhumanism types to become dominate. 

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11 hours ago, Henryford said:

Can anyone reference for me the scientific papers where they have tested the effect of mixing different vaccines?

Good reason to avoid it for now, and I don't think international travel will be smooth with a Heinz 57 cocktail jab certificate......... 

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4 hours ago, sambum said:

I have had one jab of AstraZeneca, and am scheduled for the second one shortly. If I do not want it, can I ask to have a jab of Pfizer later - when supplies arrive? If not, I would be prepared to pay privately for a Pfizer jab.

Here we got AZ, but they gave away every dose.We only use Phizer and moderna.

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I just wonder if the mix of different vaccines is so good, why haven't we seen more of it in the west.

For me it more looks like; we already had a lot of people vaccinated with the Sinovac that we have

a stockpile of and more coming in.

Let's not waste that and why not mix it with a proper vaccine and call it thai cutting edge research.

Huh ?

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5 hours ago, Thaifish said:

An interesting read if you can translate.


混合covid vacines是无用的,但不要告诉泰国的那些白痴
"Mixed covid vacines are useless, but don’t tell those idiots in Thailand."

Is this you or is there a link?

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