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Fever, dizziness, nausea common side effects of “Mix & Match” of Sinovac then AZ vaccine shots


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There ya have it, "Thailand's main vaccination practice Sino/AZ which helps shorten the gap between 2 x AZ jabs" ( 2 - 3 months ), roll up your sleeve for the Thai Mix due to a non existent vaccine procurement policy, not because of "similar levels of efficacy according to the ministry"...... no thanks !  

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I my 1st shot AZ yesterday at medpark in bkk ,literally have been in bed for the past 18 hours , feel absolutely terrible . Aches pains , no appetite and a general feeling of "sickness" if that makes sense . Hopefully this passes in the next 24hours . 


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4 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

Oddly enough I get the same bad side effects when I drink and mix several different types of alcohol. Wine, then beer, followed by whiskey, gin and vodka. 

And…it’s our choice to do so or not, isn’t it?

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28 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

Are you being a negative nelly or do you not realize when someone is speaking facetiously? If you don't know what that means, try using Google...

What's a negative nelly? I know what facetiousness is even without using Google. I know what Google is, I started using it before 95% of the world knew about it.


There was nothing negative about what I said at all - I was merely stating a fact in response to your implication that everyone should get vaccinated (please forgive me if that is not what you were trying to imply). I happen to disagree, but I do feel it is a matter of choice - not your choice - whether I or anyone should get vaccinated or not. I'm fully capable of making that decision and of living with the consequences of it.


I don't consider myself an anti-vaxxer per se, I believe it should be a person's choice to vaccinate or not vaccinate - I do not intend to in the foreseeable future, but that doesn't mean I won't change my mind at some point. 


It's your choice to drink too much, just as it is mine (I do sometimes). Perhaps I'll even do so this afternoon, that's my choice also. If I do, I promise I'll do my best to not go on TVF and say something inflammatory to someone I might deem to be an idiot - BTW, I'm not implying that you are one.


Whether you think I'm being facetious or not, I'll leave that up to you.

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I had my first jab of vaccine a couple of days ago (Pfizer). Nurse told me that I should drink a lot of water after. I said to her, I will drink a lot, but not water, beer. God luck she said. Day after the jab a smaller pain in the arm and so far nothing else.

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5 hours ago, mommysboy said:

Yes of course, but what I'm really saying I suppose is for people to consider that when they receive AZ they should be aware that they are getting the best.

It's hard to view AZ as best while it suffers the most from adenovirus (AV) anti-vector response.


This occurs when early shots trigger immune responses against the vaccine in addition to COVID. Experts say this can cause lower efficacy for re-vaccinations for all AV vaccines. AstraZenica is the only one with an initial problem, the reason for the long 12 to 45 week wait for 2nd shots.  Sputnik got around this by using 2 different AV vectors. J&J uses only one shot.  (AZ marketing tries to sell this as a plus)


ClinicalTrialsArena: Adenovirus-vectored Covid-19 vaccines’ efficacy during a potential revaccination campaign likely to be stifled by antivector response

Reuters : AstraZeneca, Sputnik vaccines face hurdles if COVID shots become annual affair


People need to know this when planning future vaccinations. Otherwise, AZ is a good vaccine. I had my second yesterday. I will later top up with Moderna. 


Edited by rabas
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20 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

3 adults in my household, Sinovac then Astra, no side effects whatsoever, it was a breeze.

This article gives a brief overview of the most common side effects of four vaccines (AZ, Pfizer, Moderna and JJ) https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/08/17/covid-vaccines-what-are-the-potential-side-effects-from-having-them-and-how-do-they-compar. It is not very particular on how many percent of recipients suffer side-effects ('more than 10%'). Whether someone will experience side effects is virtually impossible to predict. 

For myself, the first AZ shot had little impact, but after the 2nd (11 weeks later on Sept 7th) I had an uncomfortable night with chills and generally not feeling well but no fever. Next morning it was gone.


42 minutes ago, rabas said:

It's hard to view AZ as best while it suffers the most from adenovirus (AV) anti-vector response.

Yes, but for the moment it looks that protection for AZ is waning slower than Pfizer and though the latter starts at a higher value, the lines may actually cross in some point in the future (see this comment in Nature: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02261-8#ref-CR1 and a pre-print of the actual article referred to: https://www.ndm.ox.ac.uk/files/coronavirus/covid-19-infection-survey/finalfinalcombinedve20210816.pdf . We'll have to see. Oh, and I am aware that some of the authors come from Oxford Univ. 

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1 hour ago, Parsve said:

I had my first jab of vaccine a couple of days ago (Pfizer). Nurse told me that I should drink a lot of water after. I said to her, I will drink a lot, but not water, beer. God luck she said. Day after the jab a smaller pain in the arm and so far nothing else.

Was the pain from pulling pop tops or the jab itself ?

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56 minutes ago, rabas said:

It's hard to view AZ as best while it suffers the most from adenovirus (AV) anti-vector response.


This occurs when early shots trigger immune responses against the vaccine in addition to COVID. Experts say this can cause lower efficacy for re-vaccinations for all AV vaccines. AstraZenica is the only one with an initial problem, the reason for the long 12 to 45 week wait for 2nd shots.  Sputnik got around this by using 2 different AV vectors. J&J uses only one shot.  (AZ marketing tries to sell this as a plus)


ClinicalTrialsArena: Adenovirus-vectored Covid-19 vaccines’ efficacy during a potential revaccination campaign likely to be stifled by antivector response

Reuters : AstraZeneca, Sputnik vaccines face hurdles if COVID shots become annual affair


People need to know this when planning future vaccinations. Otherwise, AZ is a good vaccine. I had my second yesterday. I will later top up with Moderna. 


Its all about money. All of them a good jabs(otherwise thered be a deathfields around) but AZ cost 2 bucks and Moderna cost 25.

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