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I'm really over old idiots in Thailand


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12 hours ago, canthai55 said:


Mind your own business, and let others mind theirs.

I could care less if you want to dress in a chicken suit and swing from a chandelier.

Just don't use my chandelier. Then it's my business.

So human rights, equality and egalitarianism has not currency in you world, nor equal rights and humanism.


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15 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

“Friends” or non- dependent Family not providing nett emotional benefit have become “ toxic” and should be cut lose……for self-preservation, all toxic people must be avoided….. life rule.

This is the correct answer.

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16 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

As I get older I'm not interested in "hate" whether those people be gay,transexual,black ,green or whatever 

I go to Thailand/Asia to have a good time not to hate someone who is different from you .


Ok I would tolerate it with a younger person having those opinions but not some old codger my age who should get over it 

I was in Pattaya with this Australian friend he is 76 last time where in McDonald's he proceeded to call a farang & his Thai BF a "F.....GG..t ... something I shouldn't of let go at the time .

I'm over farangs  who hate others ...the moment I hear a farang start saying negatively about someone sex preferences I'm out of there 

Some people just never let go of their hate no matter how old they are. People are different and this should have been learned a long time ago. At 76 he hasn't grown up just yet give him a few more years.

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15 hours ago, transam said:

I am an ol' guy myself, but I have noticed that a few ol' blokes I know have gone a bit strange, odd, a Mr.Angry, what ever you want to call it.


Perhaps just the natural progression of old age.


Now I wonder if I have got there yet...Hmmmmmm......:crazy:

There's a lot of stuff going on now that makes me angry- I can't listen to the news any more, and even the music channel I listen to has so much woke commentary between songs that even that makes me PO. I'd change channels, but the others are worse.

Problem is that there isn't much we can do about it. If I go to the Dr and he is not value for the large amount of money I have to spend to see him there's nothing I can do except maybe change Dr and no guarantee the new one will be better. So, all these things that make us PO build up till we explode at something we feel safe at exploding at.

Perhaps the OP should have asked his friend why he was so angry, instead of just lecturing him. We are supposed to help our friends in their time of need, are we not? If we are not, then we are no friend of them.

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15 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

So human rights, equality and egalitarianism has not currency in you world, nor equal rights and humanism.

You posted that people would be a collaborator - hence the Hogwash remark.

Nowhere in the post I quoted did you mention the terms above.

And where have they EVER existed on this planet ?

The idea - yes. The practical application - never.

I am a child of the 60's, MLK etc. Nothing much has changed - whitewash job and more talking heads now is all.

Oh - and the terms used. "People of color" - well, that makes it OK then.



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15 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Look don't get me wrong..I can be bias too and have many British friends in Pattaya who tell me their against immigration to their country and I agree with them..I'm also against immigration to Australia but I'm not singling out any race during this recession...but if I hear someone like he did in Pattaya shouting at a gay farang with obscenity then yes it did make me angry and I should of spoke up !

Against immigration, now why would that be, did your parents not migrate to Australia ?


Have you ever asked yourself how the original owners of the land feel looking at all of the migrants in the country that was stolen from them, feeling would be pretty much the same, if not deeper if you ask me,


Immigration is good for all, multi-culturalism, well that's another thing isn't it, especially when certain people don't wish to assimilate, or respect the laws, not learn the language or work, just depending on welfare while everyone else works and pays taxes that supports them and others, could be a reason a few of us a here ?


15 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

Surely you older guys are mature enough to accept sake sex couples 

What is there to accept, that same sex couples want to be together, up to them, your friends sounds like he hasn't grown up. I have always found gays to be different, and a little loud, watching an American TV series or movie, I have to look the other way when a male is going to kiss another male, I just can't stomach it, but hey, they have as much a right as a heterosexual couple have to kiss in a series or movie as I am sure that it a little unbearable for them to watch a heterosexual couple kiss, I think the word is equality or something like that.


Your 76 year old friend has a problem adjusting the world that changed while drinking his Chang from his bar stool, perhaps should look at giving him a wide birth, friends come and go, only the good ones that you can count on one hand remain. Protesting would have done nothing, ditching him and moving forward is the way to go, finding friends with similar views if far better than having friends who are racist or sexist, however everyone is entitles to an opinion, although you don't have to respect it.

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17 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

As I get older I'm not interested in "hate" whether those people be gay,transexual,black ,green or whatever 

I go to Thailand/Asia to have a good time not to hate someone who is different from you .


Ok I would tolerate it with a younger person having those opinions but not some old codger my age who should get over it 

I was in Pattaya with this Australian friend he is 76 last time where in McDonald's he proceeded to call a farang & his Thai BF a "F.....GG..t ... something I shouldn't of let go at the time .

I'm over farangs  who hate others ...the moment I hear a farang start saying negatively about someone sex preferences I'm out of there 

...you never mentioned it was public abuse in your OP....Cut your ties with him, then you wont need to keep punishing yourself.

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31 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Have you ever asked yourself how the original owners of the land feel looking at all of the migrants in the country that was stolen from them, feeling would be pretty much the same, if not deeper if you ask me,

So ... throughout history people who have invaded land, killed or imprisoned the resident population, are thieves ?

Way of the World and not just the human world, plants, animals, insects.

What I am against is the never ending welfare handouts to these same indigenous people.

How long has it been ? When are they going to learn ? If never, then in steps Darwin and poof - problem solved.

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Yes I think it is a bit of old age in all of us the problem we see it in everyone but ourselves the hardest thing getting old is being open to accepting others no matter how long you have known them. I know soon to be 70, I'm still working on it but as I try to humble myself I know letting some of it us makes me more happy and the time I spend with those old friends while I work on my new attitude makes our relationship more enjoyable. Unless they are putting themselves and other in harms way I let it go in one ear and out the other.


If the friendship is worth anything then it is worth some of ones tolerance?????

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To really get over the old idiots here one needs to give up your club membership costing 500K per year renting that stool surrounded by bargirls. News Flash for all you in denial, it is bad for your mental and physical health. Just like junkies create demand for drugs the old idiots create demand for young prostitutes who then suffer severe mental and physical health issues. While you old idiots play high and mighty throwing one of your own under the bus for going off on gay and racist rants mainly based on growing up in '50-60s, consider if that makes the lives you lead so virtuous. I know for damn sure it doesn't make my life easier living in Pattaya with all the old idiots and pretty sure your average Thai would welcome exchanging all the old idiots with more family oriented tourist.


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51 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

What I am against is the never ending welfare handouts to these same indigenous people.

How long has it been ? When are they going to learn ?

Wow, did you just listen to what you said, that is deep, actually shallower than shallow.

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9 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Wow, did you just listen to what you said, that is deep, actually shallower than shallow.

Is your home country one that spends billions on no result, other than the same old same old ?

Mine is.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Albert Einstein

Known to be very shallow 555

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7 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

Is your home country one that spends billions on no result, other than the same old same old ?

Mine is.

Would that be out of guilt, perhaps culling would assist ?


8 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

"As above"


8 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

Albert Einstein

Known to be very shallow 555

Perhaps you are of the same wood ?

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Age is just a number sounds like your mate doesn’t agree with today’s world that’s not down to how old he is it’s down to his inner feelings and maybe you hit that spot where he decided to let off steam and let’s not forget Covid has effected many peoples minds the suicide rate here in Thailand is the worst it’s ever been and no doubt other countries have also seen and increase in depression ?

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20 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Would that be out of guilt, perhaps culling would assist ?

I did not do anything - hence no guilt - but support them with my taxes.

How many generations should be made to pay for this mythical "Guilt"

Do we go back 100 - 200 - 500 - 1,000 years ?

Do the people killed by Genghis Khan seek reparations from the Gov't of Mongolia ?

It was a long time ago.

Get Over It

Wanna live in country X ? Then contribute to it - not just Take Take Take - More More More - while crying the same old song.

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27 minutes ago, transam said:

Certainly not, a country that eventually got its act in order to protect anyone, even you...

And what country might that be? Please don't say the USA, that would be a joke.

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