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Huge lynching mob attack murderer of woman during reenactment


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19 minutes ago, itsari said:

300 ,000 detained now in cramped inhumane conditions , how many more do you want ??

Well, people who murder other people, as a starting point. Unless you think they should be executed? Or, you have another solution? Most of civilized society would like to hear one from you as at the moment incarceration in prison is the most heavily used option, with a sprinkling of executions.

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35 minutes ago, prakhonchai nick said:

Why shouldn't a murderer suffer the same fate as his/her victim? They never get to see the light of day again through royal pardons, admission of guilt, good behaviour or whatever!

I think his fate should be determined by the family. Prison for life, death penalty, or half life and huge  financial restitution. Courts should decide his guilt, family the sentence 

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7 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

I think his fate should be determined by the family. Prison for life, death penalty, or half life and huge  financial restitution. Courts should decide his guilt, family the sentence 

Whilst many Thais may prefer a death penalty, money speaks louder. Where is a murderer going to find  money to recompense the families?


An eye for an eye. The only certain way to be sure they won't murder again and totally justified.!

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2 hours ago, action said:

Also,  did all those people in the photo have proof of double vaccines?

Fully obeying face mask and social distance rules...

Or did I overlook something?

Creating such a mass gathering would alone be enough to punish the responsible cops.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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3 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

Yeah while for a bit of drugs they remain jailed decades. I notice a lot of murderers get out early in TH to only do it again.

It does seem that taking a life doesn't appear to be treated as seriously here as in other parts of the world, if you want to do away with somebody get drunk and drive into them, then it seems to be treated as unfortunate circumstances. ????????????

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3 hours ago, Will B Good said:

Wife's uncle shot and killed his next door neighbor...........served 5 years and is now back living next door to the guy's widow and daughter!!!

I thought you was going to say he's back living with the widow and daughter

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3 hours ago, Iwik Detsiwt said:

So why did this macabre parade occur if the process is no longer meant to happen?


Why was the decision made to showcase the alleged crime if not for media sensation, self promotion; glorification?


Failing to protect and encouraging a suspect to self incriminate only leads to allegations of coercion, inducement, appeals, early release etc. 


It does nothing to increase the skill set of the murder investigation team.


Men's Rea and Actus Reus are proven in court not by some television side show for the gratification of the the victim's family and the masses.


I understand that they have a extra layer of evidence to confirm their investigation.


I'm not sure how useful this is if the suspect denies involvement, but if they do admit 

guilt then showing how the crime was committed may well mean that the right person

is prosecuted.


Having said that, it does seem an odd procedure, certainly compared to how these crimes 

are investigated in other countries.


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I don’t get it.


If they’ve already pleaded guilty then what purpose does the re-enactment serve? Unless the police believed he was lying about being guilty?


And if he wasn’t pleading guilty, then why would he agree to help re-enact something he didn’t do?

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I gree with the lynch mobs,there's 2 rapists that did 2 relatives of man,the girl was 8 & the boy 12,i would of lynched them also,they both happenned a long time ago & time served but that's not good enough for me & i am watching out for them & give them swift justice which involves a knife & a few turbo lighters

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2 hours ago, prakhonchai nick said:

The Police should have retreated and let the family and neighbours sort out the murderer.  Just like all the rest he will be out on the streets again in a few years.

I assume there hasn't been a trial yet so he's not been found guilty. Also if the police and judiciary allow what is basically a lynching they're admitting they aren't doing their job properly so they aren't needed and should be sacked. I think the word for that is anarchy. The sentencing may well be wrong but I don't think this is the way to deal with it.

Imagine you're driving along a road and for example you hit a pedestrian and kill them, what happens then? You may not be at any fault at all or maybe you were distracted and you may have stopped sooner or maybe it was your fault. That's the role of the police and courts to decide. If the police turn and just let the family friends and neighbours sort it out then you may end up seriously injured or dead which may or may not fit with your level or lack of responsibility.


I'm not sure pressing for the death penalty is all that Buddhist but then given grief and the Thai version of Buddhism maybe not that surprising.

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4 hours ago, Will B Good said:

Sentenced in 2013 for attempted murder and released already.


I will never understand why the authorities allow people like this back onto the streets.


Poor girl. Tragic.

Same as some judges in the US do 

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3 hours ago, action said:

A guy who lives up the road from me put six bullets in his wife's head while she was sleeping.  I was visiting their neighbors at the time and lots of cops and an ambulance showed up and took the body out.  Two brand new Mercedes with high ranking cops (based on their uniforms) and draped in gold showed up and talked to the guy outside.  The next day he was "on the run" and about 6 weeks later he was back home living in his building as if nothing happened.  Prior to the incident he was very friendly and a great neighbor.  The story never made it in the news.

Also,  did all those people in the photo have proof of double vaccines?  I can't have a beer in a restaurant and have to be home by 9pm but angry Thai's are free to gather like this??  (Rhetorical question)

can't have a beer? oh you poor guy. The world is so unfair.

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