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Thai and foreign customers arrested for allegedly drinking alcohol and playing pool at Koh Samui restaurant


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4 hours ago, smedly said:

this is the face of foreign tourism in Thailand


we are open 1st Oct but everything is shut with curfews and other nonsense red tape and a spell in jail if you sniff a beer


Reminds me of Monopoly - don't pass go we collect 200 and you go to jail


Yippie Thailand Open but only for Chinese lemmings on a tour bus

Didn't know there was any such thing as Chinese Lemmings. Are they related to pandas? 

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4 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

The RTP is doing his utmost best to ruin the tourism industry.. Now playing pool is not allowed after  darts, bridge and what will follow?? And than the stupid xenophobia about alcohol. Make normal laws or ban all alcohol in whole country.. 

But almost everyone is begging for tourists to come. First start to make normal lives with normal laws instead of these so called prevention laws for the youth or people

Time to reform and restructure the economy, make it much less dependent on tourism, focus on real education, value added industries. 

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Seems we are reading about people regularly breaking the rules on drinking alcohol 

Most of us are aware of the rules but some  people still don't obey them 

Why I don't know must have plenty of money to pay the fines 

No doubt will be reading about others in the future doing the same 

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Uh oh...I guess I should not be playing marbles, jacks and tik tak toe while drinking Kool Aid too...question are these alleged "felons" going to be subjected to the "3 plastic bagger interrogation" ???


This is just a glimpse of things to come as the LOS cozies up to the PRC...authoritarian and brutal control over the masses.

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Why anyone would want to break the law in this country is beyond me. 
While I might not agree with every law, I think it's important to remember that we are guests in this country and should abide by the regulations and laws that have been put into place.  By all means, have a drink at home and enjoy yourself with some music and a glass of wine, but don't go to bars that are illegally selling alcohol and then cry about being arrested. 

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Wondering, what the TAT boys are doing now.

The sandbox in Phuket still produces "positive" tests while the other box in Samui features arrests of pool players. 

All the while there is a meatball festival going on in Buriram - with thousands of Thais roaming the place for whatever might be in these meatballs ......... 

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All across Thailand, restaurants and bars are openly selling alcohol in cardboad coffee cups. My local area in Bangkok is packed with drinkers every night. How could the Samui bar owner be so clueless as not to pay plod like everyone else? But in deserted Samui, maybe plod make bigger profits out of the fines.


The environmental cost of all these cardboard cups must be horrendous????



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