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Thailand's 'draconian' alcohol laws in the spotlight


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8 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

That restriction was also for Temples and that was the main reason , to stop bars from selling alcohol close to Temples because the Monks couldnt sleep due to the noise from the bars

Or perhaps being tempted to slip out for a quick one ?

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9 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

First time I ever heard a new term for me was an American guy and we were about to drive into town.

He asked if I wanted a "Road Coke". (Bottle of booze for the trip).

In Oz we call that a "Traveller" 

In WA.. the premier state, we call it a "roady".

Maybe you're from Queensland ?

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9 hours ago, Farangdk said:

Come on Thailand.. People must adapt to this Chinese virus. People need to learn to live with this virus. The virus will be around for a long time, maybe forever. Open Thailand. People need to start making money and get some food on the table, start to have a life, many lost their home and living on the streets. There is only one way for Thailand and that is to open Thailand. Bring in the tourists/ people who have already been vaccinated. Get more and more Thais vaccinated in a hurry and test all the time and lot more. 

Right now, it is a joke and Thailand is more or less falling apart.

All people can buy alcohol in the nearest 7/11 or in any store. But I cannot take my wife out for a nice dinner and get a glass of wine with dinner. Where is the logic? I know alcohol is to blame for many things, always has been and always will be, but blaming alcohol for being a factor in avoiding getting Covid is ridiculous.


And Thailand, please stop all your Mickey Mouse laws and regulations regarding expats and tourists.

@Farangdk didn't you know thais don't do logic.   never have done

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8 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:
8 hours ago, pattjock said:

The law restricting time for alcohol sales were actually brought in to stop children for buying alcohol. And yes it is pointless.


No it wasn't  that law was bought in to stop people from drinking all day long , to stop people from having a beer in the morning /afternoon and then keep drinking all day 

If that's the case, how come it was a regulation that never applied to the places where most drinking took place, the bars, or are you saying that bars had to stop serving alcohol between 2pm and 5pm?

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9 hours ago, dinsdale said:


Thaksin brought in the 2-5 / midnight-11 law in 2004.

Heard at the time it was to stop kids drinking after school, never understood why it was never revoked when he done a runner... 

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8 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No it wasn't  that law was bought in to stop people from drinking all day long , to stop people from having a beer in the morning /afternoon and then keep drinking all day 

And of course THESE people don't have a fridge or access to ice...

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9 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

It is all about education. The alcohol laws should be reviewed. What is the use of an alcohol sell ban from 2-5?? If you want to buy alcohol and if you are over 21 no problem by doubt show id..Make bar owners bartenders responsible for serving too much alcohol and let the RTP work too in the evning and at night and check and do an alcohol test for everyone....Make Thailand an normal country

2-5 block is intended to stop “liquid lunches” from becoming a lost ‘day of constructive work in safety’. Yes, have a beer with lunch, but back to work till happy hour.

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10 hours ago, ChipButty said:

The alcohol laws should be reviewed. What is the use of an alcohol sell ban from 2-5??

There is a rather weak use, but it is not the ban on alcohol that Thailand needs to deal with , it is the punishment for drunk driving. Jail, confiscated car, truck, tuk tuk, horse, what ever. get them off the road for good.

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Stupid laws.


They should go back to 24 hours night life in the " Red Light" districts.


  Sales of alcohol from 6:00 am until 3:00 am everywhere else.


You need to change things up!


To much competition around the world for well to do punters.


The conservative's are just out of touch with reality.

Edited by MrJ2U
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9 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Teenagers are not allowed to buy alcohol , having a law stopping them from buying alcohol at certain times would be pointless , because theres already laws stopping them from buy alcohol at any time of the day 

Thailand is lawless!

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20 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:

Well there you go. 58 years as an Aussie in Oz and never hear that term. Learns something everyday.

From Google....



Noun: Simiar to Road Rocket. An Alcoholic beverage consumed in route to an event or place where other alcoholic beverages will be consumed" 


Everyone I know in Vic at very least would know what a "traveller" is.

Some folk use "roadie". 

In your 58yrs in Oz what do you call it. 


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7 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Smoke screen?  People are still drinking and partying in Thailand.  If bars were open selling alcohol, people would be in them drinking, this would lead to increased spread of covid due to the way people behave when consuming alcohol.  It's as simple as that.


Seems to me that you have very little idea of how viruses work.


You cannot pick and choose which venue can open and which cannot based on whether someone perceives them as being "dead" or not.  So they all have to close.

Not at all. They need to open and the customers will choose the ones that they like the best, and the others will quietly shut down and disappear.

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I for one fully approve of strict laws on the sale of alcohol. When you've worked in a health care system (I did in Canada) you really begin to see the toll it takes on people, their families, and the health care system.  It is a drug just like any other.  And it a drug that does lead to violent acts.  Not many drugs out there have that claim to fame. The loss of life, ruined families, etc. is deplorable, not only hear, but all over the world.


And don't think I don't drink. I do.   It in a controlled manner. At home, where I stay. And worth more than waste when I used to be a tourist, you never found me in a bar. Too many other things to do than waste my time and money in a bar.

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They have budda days  and advertise bans about beer in thailand.but on those days in the village when elections are on ,the small roadside bars are open mum and pop shops don,t worry about it either.beer and local is sold.In the bigger towns police make sure no bar or restaurant sells alcohol.They is a 2 tier system for sure that exist in parts of thailand 

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10 minutes ago, billd766 said:

So what. How many governments and coups have there been since? 17 years to change the laws, including 7 years under this one and it has only got worse.

This latest and most intense version of a slight temperance mindset deriving from a small circle of authoritarian types should be considered disturbing by most everyone - 

I believe there is something afoot within the darker halls of the hidden forces that rule. And has little to do with the said temporary restrictions of alcohol and associated. There is something else at work here......classic diversion and misdirection, sort of a wag-the-dog scenario or a societally based false flag strategy. 

The convenience and cover of the Covid era play quite nicely for the handful of faux authoritarians that are using this side of the theatre to enact a different type of play. They really don't wish to crack down on all things alcohol, it's just the ruse that they're using to justify their means. 

Not any display of a conspiratorial notion, just an alternative thought to offer. 

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

but also highlights the nation’s strict alcohol control laws.

Inconsistent bullshine.


Strict alcohol control laws mean nothing around here. Last week we went to a hotpot shop, sat, ate, drunk beer. We went to a small bar in the local town, snacks, beer, pool. Can buy beer, whiskey and brandy any time the shop is open.

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10 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Teenagers are not allowed to buy alcohol , having a law stopping them from buying alcohol at certain times would be pointless , because theres already laws stopping them from buy alcohol at any time of the day 

It was to stop adults buying teenagers alcohol, or just shops ignoring the age limit law.

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11 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

First time I ever heard a new term for me was an American guy and we were about to drive into town.

He asked if I wanted a "Road Coke". (Bottle of booze for the trip).

In Oz we call that a "Traveller" 

I'm American and I've never heard of a road coke before. Sounds southern. A traveller I've heard (and had).

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11 hours ago, jacko45k said:

If you cross a county line on a Sunday! Alcohol restrictions in the USA are confusing!

Damn right. Went to visit the Jack Daniels' distillery. They couldn't give us a taster because Lynchburg is (or was at the time) a "dry county" yet about 2 miles up the road, across the county line, was a massive supermarket selling the stuff!!!

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11 hours ago, DoctorB said:

I recall a whole associated hoo-haa about alcohol not being sold at all within 100 meters of schools etc., which groaned on for several months before being quietly forgotten. Probably it was more about stopping teenagers buying alcohol for themselves.

It wasn't forgotten. My local Makro doesn't sell as it is close to a university. Actually, further than 100 meters. But a 7-11 directly opposite sells. Just utter nonsense, As for teenagers buying, every one of them carries an ID to check, but asking to see it has never occurred to the authorities. \


So there is more to it than stopping teenagers buying. As with so many things in Thailand, it's all about controlling the people to no practical purpose. It's why police will sometimes descend on Soi Cowboy and other nightlife places to close them down early. I suppose it gives the tourists something to social media about around the world. Look, armed police stopping us having a beer. What fun. That was when Thailand had tourists, of course.

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10 hours ago, The Fugitive said:

Magnificent post! 100% correct. We knew a poor Thai lady who took her own life because of financial worries caused by lack of tourists.

And the international tourists are not going to flock back until the world as a whole recovers... you might have an increase with a full reopening... but you will still be missing probably 80%+ of the normal tourists...  and it will take probably at least 5 years post for us to know the long term impact (people's behaviour would have been altered by the pandemic).  I know I am not very keen on getting into a big petri dish to fly the friendly skies.

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

You are falling into the same assumption that many city people do. That is that every shop has a till with a date and time on it. Up country the mom and pop shops don't have them. Neither do most take credit/debit cards.


Out here it is a cash business and whilst the owners probably have credit/debit cards that is for when they go to Makro to restock. Also the rural police live in the community and tend to keep in with the local shop owners who may slip them a bottle of whisky or a case of cold beer sometimes.


The government in general have no idea of how the decisions they make affect ordinary people lives.


Do you really think that THEY care about not being able to get a drink between 2 and 5 pm or not being able to have a bottle of wine or 3 with a meal? 


That is for the oiks only. They are different, richer certainly, more important than the oiks they lord over (certainly in their own minds?

I know that mom and pops don't have those things. That is why i made the remark that its not full proof. But the best idea is just fining shops 100k for selling and after that closure. I mean that is easier to do and will scare other shops into compliance too. Going after kids too much work and you need to catch too many for it to have effect.


I never thought about that before it was pointed out that way. Policing the kids is just impossible. 



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