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Foreigner wanted for alleged rape of woman at Khon Kaen massage shop


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Picture: Channel 7


Channel 7 national news reported that Muang Khon Kaen police are hunting for a foreigner after a brutal attack on a 45 year old traditional Thai massage worker in the north eastern Thai city.


The owner of the Dee Na massage shop was alerted to water flooding out of the shop after a maid forgot to turn the tap off.


When that water turned red the owner who was elsewhere looked on CCTV and saw that one of their employees who was alone at the time had been attacked.


She was unconscious. The maid found help to break the door down and saw the twitching victim in shock with a bloodied face.


She was rushed to Khon Kaen hospital.


Sanook who went to the scene and took a video of the closed shop were told that the attack happened Monday. They were alerted to the crime after a Facebook post on a "so you wanna be famous" site.


They had put out a still shot of the apparent rapist who that media called a "farang".


He had been waiting at the front of the shop for service that was due from 10-11 am.


Locals at the scene said they had never seen the man. A lot of people came and went as it the nature of a massage business.


Muang district police chief Pol Col Precha Kengsarikit confirmed that the case constitutes rape with serious assault. 


He said that a full police investigation team is on the case with CCTV used on the premises and to examine the route took by the assailant.


The victim is still in a bad way in hospital and her son has arrived to help look after her, said the chief. 


The owner of the shop was reluctant to speculate on the relationship between the foreigner and the woman though he did understand that "he liked her". 


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17 minutes ago, robblok said:

Fond of her ? You mean he wanted sex with her. If fond of her he would not rape her.


Some guys don't understand NO and they wonder why #me_too has so many followers. Lot of guys still live in the past where these kinds of things were more acceptable. 

Errm, yes, what I meant was that he desired to have sexual intercourse with her and she didnt want to , so he forced it.


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4 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

I  wouldnt be sure of anything with me, even Im not sure of  me , however my response was not into his  guilt  or  innocence (thats a  courts  job not  mine or any other posters) but the comment "why is his  face  obscured" its  obscured  because he may be innocent. Imagine if that was  your  face and you hadnt done it. Imagine every suspects  face was  plastered everywhere with every crime.

If it would catch a rapist on the run then please do so. Like I said this is an easy case really high chance he was it. Almost no way it would go wrong. He is on the run the more people that see his real face the faster he gets caught. 


Most suspects get their face plastered around in Thailand. That is how it goes, I don't agree with it 100% but in cases like this with video evidence I have not many problems with it.


I mean the Thai cop that tortured the criminal and killed him. Innocent until the court sentences him or is it so obvious that it does not matter. 


In my country they also show people without pixilation IF they have enough proof and the guy is on the run. Has nothing to do with innocent or guilty but with catching someone. 

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28 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

It seems to be a traditional massage shop . 

He may have been fond of the girl and she wouldnt do any extras like sex or masturbations , so he forced it upon her 

More likely they know each other, some history. Thai ladies have poor taste in men, seem to like knuckle draggers

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3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

More likely they know each other, some history. Thai ladies have poor taste in men, seem to like knuckle draggers

Maybe, however that never excuses violence. I disagree with your statement about what Thai ladies like. But again we move in different circles.

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3 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

Let me try to be clear, is  it  likely  him YES But I wasnt replying to whether he did or didnt do it I was  replying to WHY his  face is  obscured, nothing else but you have construed it as something else, the fact that sometimes  they do or  do  not show the face is another  matter, usually inconsistency abounds  here.

You said because he has not been found guilty in court. I am stating that even in the UK and Netherlands they show the face of suspects to catch them. That is before a court case happens. In this case the guy is on the run and it makes sense to show his face to track him down. If he is innocent then he can get a retraction in the newspapers. But like you i too think its highly unlikely that he is not guilty.

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Just now, Rampant Rabbit said:

Its  not the Uk of anywhere else for that matter and Ive already answered the Thai inconsistency on that, I was  only answering the poster who asked why obscure his  face, I gave the answer because he may be innocent, whether he is  or  isnt I couldnt  care  less as  that wasnt the question.

OK you  tell me .why have they obscured his  face?

My guess, is that this is from the website where they posted it. So the massage shop posted this on a private website called you want to be famous. Because this was not from the police they pixelated the face as they worried they could get in trouble. 


The news report did not have a not pixelated face pic. I am sure that the police if they can't find him will release a non pixelated pic.


So what im saying is that this is not because of a police decision but because the reporters did not have an other pic.



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Just now, scubascuba3 said:

you can't see it but i see it out and about, they often have poor taste, due to little choice, chance of money, security trumps a decent guy, but it often ends in tears. My circles are normal guys your circles are probably hiso wannabes

To keep it civil i wont mention the kind of circles i think you move in but I certainly would not classify them as normal. Maybe normal for older white guys in Pattaya. 


And you adding OFTEN makes all the difference in the world, also your reasoning makes sense. Sounds a lot better then the general statement you made before. I would add to it that your talking about the poor woman's demographic with little education.


Then its not really poor taste but has to accept certain guys because of having little choice. I am pretty sure that if they could choose they would rather not have a violent knuckle dragger. 

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10 minutes ago, robblok said:

My guess, is that this is from the website where they posted it. So the massage shop posted this on a private website called you want to be famous. Because this was not from the police they pixelated the face as they worried they could get in trouble. 


The news report did not have a not pixelated face pic. I am sure that the police if they can't find him will release a non pixelated pic.


So what im saying is that this is not because of a police decision but because the reporters did not have an other pic.



well thats  another reason, so now   we  have two/three possible  answers to why his  face was  pixelated (selling newspapers), but I must be a farang apologist eh.hmmmmmmmmm

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