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Mahouts appeal for help as "unemployed elephants" on their last legs


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Picture: INN


INN reported that an online Twitter Space conference call was made between desperate mahouts nationwide and Pheu Thai party representatives yesterday.


Deputy spokesman Chanin Rungthanakiat and Surin MP Khunnakorn Preechachanachai heard their grievances via a page called "unemployed elephants".


Elephant camps nationwide have suffered greatly from the government's closure orders on tourism during the pandemic.


Only skeleton staff remained at some camps to take care of the pachyderms over most of the last two years.


But they and their charges are on their last legs and need help from the government with benefit payments to each elephant in order to survive.


The elephants and their masters have tried all sorts to raise funds including online appearances on platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


But donations are drying up as members of the public have little money left for their cause. 


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2 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Yes, but what do you do want them to do? send the elephant free just because the government don't care? and how do you that elephants who were born in captivity can fend and forage for themselves now? surly doesn't take much to feed them and their mahouts?...

You do what is done for many animals by other, more caring countries, you  re educate them to live in the wild and then protect that environment long term. Its hardly rocket science. Many organisations have been doing the same for big cats and primates for many many years. The Mahouts are largely low lifes who exploit the animals for no good reason and then bleat when that exploitation can't go on. 

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

Yes, but what do you do want them to do? send the elephant free just because the government don't care? and how do you that elephants who were born in captivity can fend and forage for themselves now? surly doesn't take much to feed them and their mahouts?...

I think the elephants eat an enormous amount of food each day

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Mahouts appeal for help as "unemployed elephants" on their last legs 


No problem .

Tell the Mahouts to take the Elephants back to the forest and Get a Job. 

There's plenty of work around the country. Many People just don't want to work . 

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2 hours ago, johng said:

Yes but it wouldn't take much  in the scheme of things for a government  to feed them.

Say 3,000 elephants eat perhaps 200kg each per day, that equals 600,000 kg or 600 tons of food per day.   


That is a huge logistical problem assuming that they all stay where they are. If they are turned loose into the jungle the problems that local villagers are having nowadays with elephants invading their land and eating their crops will be multiplied at least 3 times. Tame elephants will most probably want to stay near humans as that is what they are used to.


Posters who suggest just turn them out into the jungle have not really thought it through.

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

Yes, but what do you do want them to do? send the elephant free just because the government don't care? and how do you that elephants who were born in captivity can fend and forage for themselves now? surly doesn't take much to feed them and their mahouts?...

Of course the elephants can forage for themselves.


They eat plants and grass....like a big cow. 


They don't have to learn to hunt.


No excuse for keeping these animals as captives 


Plenty of jungle left...the west of the country has one of the largest remaining Asian forest left. 


Take them into the jungle, take of their chains and let the poor abused things free. 


Sorry, but that will not happen as the elephant camp owners and elephant owners won't make any money. 


No one is keeping these animals to help them. They are kept as a tool to make someone money.  


At the very least make some big safari style park and let the creatures roam free in massive natural looking enclosures and do as they please without being poked and stabbed with hooks. Then people will pay to drive in and see them enjoying life and behaving naturally...as well as get an education about wild elephants. 



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7 hours ago, mokwit said:

Have you not seen the video of an Elephant "foraging for itself" by running out in front of a pickup carrying pineapples to stop it and then feasting on the pineapples.


Elephants foraging for themselves will forage in planted fruit orchards (or by knocking down the wall of someone's house as per photo on TV) - there is footage of villagers trying to protect their crops in India by letting of firecrackers and firing guns but the elephants learn to ignore it and eat the villagers crops - killing of villagers also happens.

Yes.  However, I said to take the animals I to the large jungle on the west side of the country and release the elephants out there.


There are no roads (at least no major busy ones) there...and certainly none at all further in. It's untouched deep jungle.


If there were any problems of some of them finding their way back just use safe electric fencing around the problem area.


OR better still do my Safari park idea.  I bet they could get all the money they need from international rescue / conservation organisations for that.  They won't get money for keeping the elephants in the camps or using them for entertainment though. 

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6 hours ago, itsari said:


Never realized the park existed and not so far from where I live .

Donations can be made to the organization .

That is a great place. I have been there a few times. The elephants are very happy there and are free to roam a large valley and go up I to the jungle as they please. No chains, no rides, no shows or tricks.  And they get really good medical care. They have a channel on you tube with many of their rescue stories.

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On 10/6/2021 at 12:04 PM, Cake Monster said:

And right there is the problem.

The Elephants are in Camps, if they were to be free in the Jungles there would be no issue.

Any donations are welcome of course, but I personally am not so sure its spent on Fruit for the beasts.

Any donations are welcome of course, but I personally am not so sure its spent on Fruit for the beasts.

Sorry but you are wrong, that's exactly were the money will go to.

However, the fruit will be fermented with yeast & sugar and the beasts are the the prison warders of these magnificent pachyderms.




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2 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Yes.  However, I said to take the animals I to the large jungle on the west side of the country and release the elephants out there.

If there are no elephants living there you have to ask why not, and if there are you have to ask what population density it can support and whether the existing elephants would be accepting of strangers in their territory.


On the positive side I assume Elephants don't have to worry that this area is a large uninhabited area because it harbours drug resistant malaria strains.

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4 hours ago, mokwit said:

If there are no elephants living there you have to ask why not, and if there are you have to ask what population density it can support and whether the existing elephants would be accepting of strangers in their territory.


On the positive side I assume Elephants don't have to worry that this area is a large uninhabited area because it harbours drug resistant malaria strains.

You are right there.  There are elephants but the population is low...used to be a lot higher....until people killed a lot for ivory and also captures lots over many years to 'domesticate' and use to use in the logging trade. 

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